Looking Up

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I woke up feeling the sun creep onto my face. I realized that I was in Lauren's bed and searched for the warm embrace I fell asleep with but she wasn't there. I started to sit up, looking out the window as I yawned. It was mid- December and it still looked like summer out there.
Winter in Miami was a joke.. I moved here when I was 12 but before, I resided in Alberta, Canada.
Growing up in Canada always meant snow, hot chocolates and the smell of Tim Horton's coffee filling my lungs; especially in Christmas time.
The vibe of Christmas was visually impaired in Miami, but this is where I am now.. it's been my life for years.
I got lost in my thoughts, thinking of how I always wanted to celebrate Christmas in New York.. The snow falling as I strolled through Central Park, ice skating in Rockefeller Center and just surrounding myself with nostalgia and euphoria. Maybe Lauren and I can go one day.
" Good morning, sleepy head "
I diverted my gaze to Lauren's soothing voice; finding her beside the bathroom door. She was wearing white ripped jeans along with a black crop top revealing her toned stomach and a towel wrapped around her head.
" Good morning babe " I let out softly, smiling at the girl which made my heart jump.
I got out of bed and approached the green eyed girl, softy intertwining our hands while I kissed her cheek.
" You smell wonderful, my dear " I let out with a British accent, hopefully pulling it off.
" Thank you, my love. " She tenderly said in the same cadence, before letting go and facing me.
She closed in to kiss me while I refused, pulling away.
" I have to brush me' teeth " Scottish accent fitting in while Lauren's laugh filled the room.
After I was done freshening up, Lauren gave me clothes from Chris' closet since we were running late, we had to meet the girls at the studio.
" Are you sure he's okay with this ? "
I asked while Lauren gave me a Hollister hoodie and ripped jeans.
" He probably won't even notice "

Lauren played with fingers while I drove, she started warming up since they knew they were recording today.
I always found voice warm up annoying as hell, but listening to Lauren was never a bother. That raspy tone put my ears in heaven.
" You sound great " Supporting her with a smile.
I knew she had million of fans screaming her name everyday but you search for support and encouragement from the ones you care about.. I know how much that means to a person. And she needs to know how beautiful her voice is.
We stopped on a red light and I got the chance to face her.
" I don't know if you realize this, but your tone is outstandingly relaxing. I remember you sang ' I Can't Feel My Face ' by The Weeknd.. you took an up-beat song and stripped it down into something so beautiful. I loved that. It truly emphasizes your talent. "
I rubbed my thump against her hand, trying to say what I felt about her voice. I admired her so much and I felt more than lucky getting to compliment her in the flesh.
Those green eyes lit up as her lips tilted into a smile, pulling me by the hoodie lace into a passionate kiss that lingered on my lips just enough for my heart to do jumping jacks.
I loved kissing Lauren's lips, they tasted so sweet and soft. I swear they revive and kill me at the same time.
I guess I kept my eyes closed for too long, lost in a daze from Lauren's kiss until I got startled from a car horn causing me to pull back and continue driving. My face flushed as Lauren giggled, " You keep forgetting to breathe "
I cleared my throat trying to calm my heart pace down.
" What can I do ?
You're breathtaking "
Lauren tipped her head downwards with a grin, knowing I left her flustered.. She gently intertwined our fingers again, I saw her smile and her cheeks flushed.. I was glad my charm was paying off.

When we got to the studio, I was convinced it was the biggest building I have ever seen. A lot of people in formal attire were running around, pacing with Bluetooth headsets and
coffee cups in their hands.
It was so busy and I felt so unfamiliar with the environment.. I mean, I knew what pressured labor felt like but I never imagined myself working like this. I had to remind myself to buy more button-ups and blazers.
Lauren took my hand, noticing I felt slightly uneasy.
" Hey, you okay ? " Her eyes flickered with worry.
I simply nodded and followed her to a wide hallway, before opening a door on the right, Lauren looked at me with care, " There's probably 15 people in there including the girls and our management. They are friendly and professional as well so just be yourself babe "
She gave me kiss on the cheek. " You ready ? " I gave her a smile and nodded. I took a breath as her and I made our way into the room.

Midnight Pizza (Lauren/You) Where stories live. Discover now