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8:12 pm
So, here I am drifting off in thought, while people come and go into the pizza parlor.
Can I really love a person from the second date ?
Like, it's Lauren we're talking about. I feel like I've known her for years.. because I actually do.
I was so captivated by her intelligence, her heart, her voice.. I knew all there was to know about her because I was so attached to her.
I knew her... Did I ?
I don't even know.. but this person has been in my heart more than a month, I can tell you that.

" Y/N !! "
I got startled from my boss' voice.
He was new, very intolerable and he made everything freakin' suck.
Fortunately, he only took night shifts but he's really starting to get on my nerves.
" Uh- wha-.. Yes ? "
I cleared my throat, sitting up straight.
" Where are you dozing off to ?!
Get your ass in the kitchen ! "
" Kay dude.. calm down " I shook it off while jumping off the counter and heading back to the kitchen.
" Hey! No one talks to the manager like that ! So shut up and do your job ! "
I turned around holding in my anger.
" Dude, I'm going ! Are you blind ? "
I turned around facing him forming a fist as I felt myself get angrier by the minute.
" You better stop talking Y/N "
He rose his hand trying to warn me.
" What if I don't ? You act like your fucking God and you don't do anything! "
I got closer to him, pointing at his chest. I was done with him.
" Look you dyke, you don't talk to me like that. Go to hell ! " He pushed me back as I hit the chair behind me.
That was it. I ran into him as he fell to the ground & punched him in the face repeatedly. He got a few punches in but I literally made him go unconscious.
Y/BN came out of the kitchen yelling and held me back.
I was too angry to continue work, plus I felt blood trail down my left cheek.
I took off my apron, threw it on the ground and stomped out of the parlor.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket while I headed to my car. I ignored it and went home.

As I got home, I took off my shirt and went directly into my bathroom.
I noticed I had a scar along my eyebrow, he was probably wearing a ring or something.
I huffed in frustration while cleaning up the injury. I hopped into the shower as I heard my phone ring again, I ignored it once more.
I knew I had anger issues but he was seriously treating me like shit. I don't know what to do right now, I needed that job.. he's probably gonna tell my main boss and fire me.
I let out a deep breath.. trying to calm down underneath the hot water.
I had to relieve myself in a way, so I got a lube bottle and started stroking my member slowly building up -- I heard my phone ring again, this time I was too annoyed to let it be.
I got out of the shower, the water still running.
Lovely Green Eyes 💚 - Calling..
I didn't know whether to reply or not.. Fuck it. I cleaned my hands and answered the phone.
" Hey " My voice turned out raspier than usual so I cleared my throat before she replied.
" Y/N where are you ? "
" I'm at home.. why ?"
" Y/BN called Camila, he said he couldn't reach you.. What the fuck happened ? "
I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw.
" My manager was being a douche. And we got into a fight "
I approached the shower, turning off the water since I was done, apparently.
" A-are you alright ? "
" Yeah I'm fine.. " I let out a breath.
" Sorry.. were you taking a shower ? " I heard hesitation in her words and chuckled at her politeness.
" Yeah.. but I'm done now "
" Oh.. right. "
She went silent for a bit.
" Did you get hurt ? "
" No, just a little scar. But I think I'm going to lose my job "
I let out with disappointment, I didn't want this.
" Babe..  you've been working at the parlor for years. I don't think they'll fire you for the new douche bag "
I smiled at her words, her voice was so soothing with every word.
" Haha yeah we'll see "
" So.. I was thinking. I'm home alone tonight, so I thought you'd like to come watch a movie. "
I bit my lip, just a minute ago I was starting to get hard and now dirty thoughts are creeping into my mind.
" Y/N ? "
I cleared my throat.
" Uh, yeah yeah. Sure, I mean why not? "
" Haha great "  I felt her smirk through the phone and shook my head in bliss.
" Get here asap. I need cuddles"
" Aye aye captain "
After our phone call, I dried off and got dressed.
I checked the time 9:28, I decided to get some snacks and 2 hot chocolates for Lauren and I.
I drove into her driveway, made my way to the door and knocked.
When the door opened I felt my heart melt. Lauren had her hair in a messy bun, oversized white t-shirt overlapping her shorts and cute fluffy socks.. it was a sight for sore eyes.
I smile creeped on my face which grew even bigger when she smiled back.
" Hey "
" Hi " She gestured for me to come in .
I took off my jacket and placed it on the kitchen chair as I followed the brunette into the living room.
Lauren's house felt so cozy, the interior was beautifully built, they had a breathtaking view in the backyard and everything seemed so comfy. Growing up here would've been a dream.
My eyes met the green ones on the couch, she patted the place next to her which I willingly took a seat on.
" The fam are out for 3 days.. I couldn't go because we have a meeting tomorrow "
" Aha, I see. Well, hopefully you'll get to go next time " I shot a smile as she responded with one of her own.
She scooted over closer, taking a hold on my torso and snuggling closer to my neck.
" Is this okay ? " I let out a light giggle after hearing the baby voice she used.
" Yes babe " I wrapped my arms around her.
I gently moved to get the hot chocolates from the table, handing one to Lauren as she took a sip in delight.. it made my heart flutter.
Lauren shifted her weight before taking a breath.
" Y/N.. Someone asked me if I'm dating anyone, like if I have a parter. I told them I have a girlfriend. I assumed we were on those terms ? "
She looked up at me, focusing on my eyes. I figured this was the way she wanted to bring up the quesiton.
" Well, yeah. I mean we're dating and you know I really like you.. I told you it isn't just a stupid decision for me.. so I want you to be my girlfriend. "
She smiled at me, got up and headed to the kitchen which left me confused.
Lauren came back with two cupcakes in her hand.
" To celebrate "
I chuckled her antiques, but happily obliged the gesture.

After she sat back down, I noticed she had a little bit of whipped cream on her upper lip. I started smiling which confused her.
" Umm.. Laur, you've got some whipped cream.. right there " I pointed to her lip as she raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.
I immediately blushed at her facial expression.
" Uhh, d-do you want me to.. "
She nodded and I felt like an idiot.
I got closer to her, slowly closing in until I felt her breath hit my lips.. I paused for a second and took in the beautiful sight in front of me.
Lauren's eyes were a galaxy I wanted to explore forever; but now's not the time.. after a bit, she got closer and we both closed our eyes in anticipation.
I trapped Lauren's upper lip between mine, devouring the sweetest taste I could ever have.. and it wasn't the whipped cream.
I used my tongue this time, tracing it along her lip and then deepening the kiss which caused her to exhale severly.. pulling me closer by my neck as she took control and used her tongue to explore my mouth.
She always bit my lip before going back to kiss me again, and I guess she knew I liked it so before we parted, she teasingly took a hold on my bottom lip and smirked.
I was left as a heavy mess as she got up to choose the movie.

We were watching The Age Of Adaline now, Lauren wanted to watch it since she loved the idea of the plot.
We were tangled in eachother, she sat between my legs and rested her head on my right shoulder as I did the same on her left. I kissed her cheek multiple times, just feeling her breathe was enough for me. I loved every minute with her.
Lauren seemed to sit up straight suddenly and I got startled.
" Y/N I totally forgot ! Where did you get hit ? "
I laughed in delight.. my god she was something else.
" Here " I pointed to my left eyebrow.
She furrowed her eyebrows, getting closer and stroked her thumb along my eyebrow. She didn't hurt me at all and just seeing her soothing my scar with delicacy, it just made me fall even more.
" It's not bad, Laur. I'm okay. "
Her eyes found mine again, her lips forming a small smile before surprising me and giving me a kiss on my eyebrow.
I felt my cheeks heat up, such an action made my heart swell.
I gently placed my right hand on the back of Lauren's neck, pulling her closer. I kissed her passionately, sucking slightly before I let go and went back for another peck.
" Thank you " We rested our foreheads against eachother, comfortable and we felt safe.


It was getting late and I had to head back home even though I didn't want to leave Lauren.
" Hey, Laur. I think I should head home, it's 12:30 "
Lauren shifted in her position in front of me and turned around to face me.
" Noooo " She said in her baby voice and hugged my torso.
" Haha but it's late and you've got to sleep. You have that meeting tomorrow. "
" Yeah but it's not until 2pm so we can stay up a little longer "
She pushed back to face me again.
" And you shouldn't be driving right now, I think you should stay the night " Lauren gave me a light smile.
I chuckled back.
" You don't remember your midnight pizza deliveries ? "
I raised an eyebrow trying to tease her.
" Well, yeah.. But do you seriously wanna go home Y/N ? " Lauren placed her hands on my shoulders and started stroking up and down my arms.. trying to persuade me.
I gulped in the process.. I saw her eyes flare with compulsion and I gave in.
" Okay fine.. I'll stay "
She started clapping and threw a mini dance party before taking my hand and dragging me up to her room.

Lauren gave me grey sweats from Chris' closet and I told her that I didn't need a t-shirt since I'm wearing a tank top. She gave me a new tooth brush and I went into her bathroom as she made up the bed.
Once I finished, I saw Lauren on her bed, wearing booty shorts and a loose tank top which gave me a hint of her red bra.. she was really trying to kill me tonight.
I got closer to the bed, standing at the foot.
" So do you want me to sleep with you ?"
I saw Lauren hold in a laugh and I got confused. After, I thought of what I said.. Shit.
" I mean l-like do you want me to sleep here " Pointing to the bed as she continued laughing and I buried myself in my tank top, trying to hide the blush.
I heard the bed creek which meant Lauren moved.
I felt a pair of hands snake around my neck as she gently pulled off the shirt covering my face.
" Baaabe.. don't be shy "
She caressed my cheek and gave me a peck on the lips.
" Yes.. we're going to cuddle to sleep "
She gave me her signature smile, placing her tongue between her teeth.. looking cute as ever.
I willingly hugged her back and we both got in under the covers.
" Good night Laur "
" Good night Y/NN "
I smiled at the nickname and felt her breathing right beside me as we fell asleep.

A/N: Enjoy xx

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