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A/N: Smut warning ( it'll show up eventually )

Lauren and I helped her mother with cleaning up before heading back to my place. Her parents excused us and understood that we had other plans when really, we were just gonna hang out and watch Christmas movies. Lauren had another present she wanted to give me but privately, I did as well.
I got her a Pandora charm bracelet that explains exactly what I admire and love about her. I'm gonna take my time making her swoon tonight.
I just wanted to make her happy and spending time with her family today made me feel completely content.
" Are you at least gonna give me a hint ? " I've been teasing her the whole way to my house, finally parking.
" Y/N you're stubborn as fuck "
I chuckled before we both got out of the car, I loved it when she cursed.
" Baabe, I just wanna know because one of us has to go first and you know mine is romantic.. " I ran after her before opening my door. She looked at as I pouted before air quoting " As fuck "
She gave me a peck on the lips, turning my pout into a smile.. I pulled her back, smirking against her lips. "You don't get to run away"
Kissing her deeper this time, before pushing her away lightly.. definitely leaving her breathless.
I went into the living room, lighting up a couple of candles and the Christmas tree.
" Laur, I'm gonna go upstairs and get the present okay ? "
I walked over to the staircase, noticing that Lauren wasn't in the kitchen. I furrowed my eyebrows.. wasn't she getting the wine ?
" Laur ?! "
I shouted, looking over for her befofe heading upstairs.
" Lauren where'd you go ? "
I headed to the bathroom to check if she was there.. she wasn't.
" Damn it.. LAUREN "
I searched the house except my bedroom.. I settled in quietly, I mean that's the only place she'd be in..
I looked over the room, got closer to the foot of my bed trying to see if she was under it. Damn it where is she ?
I got up before turning around and felt a sudden squeeze on my waist. "Hey" I jumped out of my bones and got startled ending up on my bed.
It was Lauren... in a bathrob ?
" Fucking hell Lauren ! You scared the shit out of me" I layed my head back on the bed, closing my eyes in relief. My heartbeat was through the roof, I tried breathing normally again but Lauren crawled up and straddled me.
I opened my eyes and sat back on my forearms. She suddenly smashed her lips onto mine, deepening the kiss immediately. She poked her tongue right into my mouth, indulging a moan out of my lips as she invaded my mouth aggressively.
I sat up, delicately grabbing her petite waist as she grinded against my crotch. Lauren licked my upper lip before pulling away slightly..I knew both of us were turned on. I furrowed my eyebrows, questioning why she stopped. But hell froze over as she got off me and slowly let the bathrob fall off her shoulders.. exposing her smooth porcelain skin only covered with black lingerie.. I'm sure my jaw hit the floor as other stuff reached for the ceiling. "Fuck" I let out a breath, taking in every inch of her body and reaching her eyes, so induced with lust.. I couldn't help myself right now.
" Come over here " I motioned with my index finger.
Lauren's green eyes flickered as her grin grew wider, knowing she definitely got what she was looking for. She got on the bed and straddled me again, I held onto her backside squeezing it a bit before whispering in her ear " Babygirl, you're killing me" I felt her smirk before she started moving her hips again. Rotating them perfectly against me, surely making my pants feel too tight for my liking.
" I think you should take these off " Lauren reached for my belt and took off my pants. I took off my shirt too, knowing where this was headed. We propped ourselves futher into the bed and I ended up back to back with the headboard.

" Laur.. Are you ready?.. I just don't want to hurt you " I stopped my touching, she looked into my eyes before smiling so whole-heartedly.. I loved that.
" Yes. I want this " I nodded before continuing with our actions.
It started to get even more heated as I flipped us over, sucking her neck as she gasped when I licked the spot under her ear. " You like that babe ? " my voice sounded raspier than usual, making Lauren breathe out severly.. I smirked before going back to her lips, adding pressure and passionately sucking on her tongue as we both moaned in pleasure.
I pulled her bra slightly asking for permission, she gave me a look of approval before I led my hands behind her back. Caressing the skin as I unclasped her bra, Lauren sat up slightly, making eye contact with me before her chest was fully bare.
I was in awe. She look so beautiful, my god. Her eyes with a darker shade of green, her hair beautifully cascading along her shoulders, her lips slightly swollen.. " My God I love you " I held her face between my hands, gently caressing her cheeks and pouring my heart our while looking into her eyes.
" I love you so much Lauren.. I can't help it, my heart is completely and inevitably yours " I chuckled slightly, feeling attached to this moment.
" I'm so lucky.. I don't deserve you " My head dropped as my eyes started to blur..
" Babe.. " Lauren held my chin and met my eyes once more.
" I love you too " Her lips formed a smile as mine did too.
Those four words were all I needed. I closed the gap and kissed her passionately, slowly moving our lips, matching the tempo of our heartbeats.. I swear this kiss felt like heaven. Lauren started heating things up again, as she started stroking me over my boxers before taking them off. I made the move to head south, leaving a trail of wet kisses on her neck to her chest.
I took her nipple into my mouth, slowly tracing circles with my tongue around it before sucking down. " Fuck baby " Lauren started panting.. I switched to her other nipple giving it the same amount of attention. I went upwards again, licking Lauren's lips before kissing her again. " You sure ? " I pulled away for a second, breathing heavily. Her dark green eyes met mine as she nodded.. my God seeing Lauren's pupils dilated was a sight I wouldn't ever want to forget. I kissed her gently before heading downwards, kissing Lauren's stomach as she panted.. I slowly started taking off her underwear, kissing her hip bones as I traced my fingers in circles against her thigh.. Lauren kicked off her panties, leaving her exposed completely as I took in the sight.
I traced a finger along her folds as she moaned at the contact. " Fuck.. You're so wet " I put Lauren thighs over my shoulders as my mouth started doing it's work. Lauren whimpered as my tongue licked up and down, slowly entering her before going back to her clit. " Mhmmm " Lauren arched her back in pleasure as I started flicking my tongue along her clit and sucking down.. She grasped tightly on my hair, making me moan as she did.
I kept my actions steady before I entered my finger in her, following a loud gasp from her.
" Fuck Y/N "
I felt her getting closer from her eager movements and pants, I quickened my actions with my tongue before adding another finger. Lauren arched her back as I suddenly sucked the sensitive bud, a high pitched moan followed as she clutched my hair, reaching her climax.
I cleaned her up, trying to avoid her clit since she was still sensitive. She breathed heavily as I made my way up. I kissed her neck before she opened her eyes. " My god Y/N.. "
I giggled slightly seeing her state.
" Can I kiss you ? " I shyly whispered, loving how she looked right now.
Lauren pulled my neck and connected our lips in a slow, passionate kiss.
" Your turn " Lauren smirked as I chuckled, she flipped us over.. now her being on top and dominating me. She looked so amazing from her I wish my eyes took pictures of every moment..
Lauren hesitated once we started leading to penetration.. " Umm Laur, my uh.. sperm isn't effective.. if you're wondering.. " I looked at her, making sure she understood before we made the next step. " Okay.. so no condom " She asked shyly.. I nodded smiling since she was so understanding.
Lauren started kissing my neck, knowing I love it when she nibbled and bit me softly.
She sucked a particular spot under my ear that made me lose it, not to mention her hand traveling to clutch my hard on. " Fuck "
I felt my dick twitch as she moaned against my ear. She travelled south, kissing my chest until reaching my member. Lauren made eye contact with me before taking me all in. "Shittttt " My head pulled backwards in ecstasy. Lauren pumped the remaining of my shaft as her mouth teased my tip.. fuck that feels so good.
She starting deepthroating me, moaning in the process as it sent vibrations through my body. She started slowing down, sucking my tip before releasing it with a pop.
" uhhh fuck Laur "
" I think you're ready " Lauren came back and kissed me.. I flipped us over again, redoing the foreplay until she was wet again.

I aligned myself before Lauren, " You ready ? " Lauren was waiting in anticipation, nodding with a mixture of lust and love.
" If I hurt you just tell me to stop. " I gave her a peck before pushing slightly.
I settled my head into Lauren, feeling her hot, tight entrance.. I pushed a bit further before I saw her pinch her eyebrows, I stopped.. " Hey, you okay ? "
I saw her nod.. before I pushed slowly again, kissing her neck and cheeks as I reached my end, connecting our bodies. " All good ? " I asked Lauren before I started moving. " Y-yeah I didn't think you'd be so big "
" Princess.. Please just tell me if you want to stop, okay mi amor ? " I whispered as Lauren hugged me, bringing our bodies closer.
" I love you " She gave me a kiss before I started moving in and out slowly. After a while Lauren started panting against my ear " Faster " and I happily obliged.
I started pulling out all the way and thrusting in again, leaving Lauren moaning louder. Our bodies pressed so close, while our sounds filled the room. Lauren suddenly motioned to flip us over, she started riding me, going up and down as I held onto her backside. " You're so hot " I couldn't keep it in, seeing her like that with her back pulled back and her fingers scratching my abs. She shifted her position and it seemed I hit her g-spot, she ducked her head, feeling a shock wave of pleasure from that spot.. I started thrusting upwards to meet her halfway as I kept hitting the spot that made her go crazy. " Fuck daddy, keep going " That's all I needed to go faster, I flipped us over again, working on my thrusts to be even faster and meet her needs. " I'm so close papi " I grunted, I loved when she called me that.. Her fucking Spanish accent.
I felt her walls clenching, so I went even harder making her reach her climax.. and just seeing her collapse like that, it was enough for me to release too. I shot my thick ropes of cum into the Cuban beauty as I felt her own surround my member.
We were a panting mess as I let go.. I travelled upwards, kissing her cheek and falling beside her.
Both of us cuddled closer.. I looked over at her hooded eyes, she's tired.. I smiled at the sight. I put a strand of her hair behind her ear, as I came closer to kiss her forehead.
" I love you.. so much " I caressed her cheek. As she cuddled into my neck and mumbled " I love you too Y/N ". After a few minutes I heard her little cute snores and it was enough to put me to sleep.

A/N: Not good at smut but I think I did it justice ? Anyway.. it was cute and I liked writing it.

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