Love Does That

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Our first show was in LA. So all of us had to wake up pretty early to get to the airport. Y/BF and I went to meet with the audio/sound effects team to make sure everything was ready and set up to go.
We met the band, all of them were amazingly talented and I loved the fact that all of them were women. We need more representation in these fields, especially with instrumental bands.

After Y/BF and I dealed with everything with the management team, we had to meet the girls in the airport.
" Did you bring your guitar ?"
Y/BF asked from the passenger seat, while I drove.
" Well yeah, Lauren asked me to and I didn't mind. Plus, it gets my head off things when I'm angry.. you know that I need it "
" Yeah man, but just take it easy. " He looked at me and have me a supportive smile.
" Camila is learning guitar, you guys should jam sometime " I saw him smile forward, obviously thinking about his new girlfriend.
Seeing him this happy was all I ever wanted, this guy deserves it.
" Yeah haha, I definitely need to teach her how to strum though "
We fell into a fit of laughs.
" But she's cute like that "
" Fine fine lover boy " I gave him a light shove.
" Look who's talking. You're head over heels for Lauren ! " He reciprocated the action and I simply surrendered with a shrug.
" Love does that "

We made it through the security checks and entered the cafeteria. Lauren told me they were in front of starbucks and it wasn't long before her confident figure caught my eye.
Honestly, the way she carries herself is so admirable, not to mention a turn on but I love that she's so confident.. it's heartwarming to know that the person you love also has pride in who they are.

Lauren noticed me from afar and cutely waved. The girls were gathered around on a table with body guards, just waiting for us to get to on the plane.
" Hey babe " I gave Lauren a quick kiss on the cheek before I hugged her.
" Hi " Lauren tightly pulled me closer.
I let go to greet everyone else, giving everyone a hug and a special handshake when I got to Dinah.
I slowly made my way back to Lauren and wrapped my arms around her.
" We have to go, but I got you a Chai Latte "
I was about to open my mouth to speak but she interrupted
" and the double shot of vanilla; don't worry " She tapped my nose and I shook my head, my god she's so cute.
" I was going to say thank you, but okay " We chuckled and I gave her a quick peck.
" Oh and there's whipped cream "
" How generous of you.. orrr you just wanna make me fat " I wiggled my eyebrows, teasing my girlfriend.
" It'll make your ass bigger so why not" Lauren winked and slapped my butt before getting her bag from Normani, making me blush and shake my head.
She came back smirking and snuggled into my neck, leaving a gentle kiss.
I kissed her head before we started walking. We held hands as we reached the gate, scanned our tickets and headed onto the plane.

I hummed in delight while drinking my latte, the gesture leaving Lauren giggling.
" What ? "
"You've got a moustache, Santa Claus" Lauren shook her head and got closer, I pulled the cup away from our bodies as she held my chin and licked the whipping cream off my upper lip.
I closed my eyes, letting Lauren make me feel better than that latte ever will.
Making me sigh and relax under her touch. She kissed me after, letting her tongue poke the inside of my mouth and then finally, bringing my bottom lip between her teeth.
Suddenly pulling away, I huffed in frustration while Lauren chuckled.
" Tease " I opened my eyes, meeting Lauren's evergreen orbs with a smirk on her face.
" Come on, we gotta find our seats "
She rubbed her thumb across my hand and pulled me towards the plane entrance.

This was my first time in a first class flight; Lauren was obviously used to it but she told me that the flight wasn't long enough, so there wouldn't be that much of a luxurious service.. But I was more than I satisfied, it was amazing. There was enough space to lay down in your seat, you had a mini-tv in front of you, and they served proper meals. I felt like a little kid going into an amusement park.
Lauren and I found our seats, we were right in front of eachother and I decided to plop right on top of her before we took off.
" You're squishing me ! " Lauren laughed as I held her sides to stop her from squirming.
" Babe come on, LOVE ME " I kissed Lauren's cheeks repeatedly as she started to push me off.
" Nooo " I heard Lauren whine.
" Yo dawg, stop with the sappy shit "
I heard Dinah walk by and poke my waist, which made me flinch.
" Hey! Dinah you know I'm ticklish "
I heard her laugh as I looked back at Lauren, her silence and that grin made me kink an eyebrow in suspicion. " Wha- " I couldn't finish before I felt Lauren start tickling me to death. I fell on the floor, trying to get her hands off of me as I died from laughing so hard. " Lauren! Sto-ha "
" C-come on! I- can't b-breathe ! "
" Sorry to interrupt ladies, but this is a first class service. Please remain quiet and do not disturb the other passengers. We will be taking off soon. "
Lauren stopped with her actions as I quickly sat up, looking upwards at the flight attendant. I fixed my shirt as Lauren and I got up.
" Sorry ma'am, didn't mean to bother anyone "
I went back to my seat as I saw Lauren glare at her.
Once she passed us, we both fell into a fit of laughter.
" That was your fault " Lauren pointed as we buckled our seat-belts.
" How was it my fault ? You were tickling me " Lauren started shaking her head in disapproval.
" Nope " She giggled.
I threw a pillow at her, hitting her face as I laughed loudly.
She tried throwing it back but I blocked it.
The flight attendant came back, glared at us and that was our cue to stop laughing.
I held my hands up in defeat " Won't happen again "
She passed Lauren this time, getting out of my sight before Lauren flicked her her hair-tie at me.
" Aye ! " Lauren chuckled before we heard the captain announce that we're gonna take off soon.

Half way through Lauren fell asleep for a bit, so I put a blanket over her and went to see the other girls.
" Y/N ! Come on, we wanna show you the set list " Normani patted a place beside her and I sat down facing Ally and Dinah.
" So, we're gonna start with That's My Girl. What do ya think ? "
Dinah stated, showing me the other songs written down on a napkin.
" Yeah, that's a great idea "
" Did the choreography turn out sassy enough for you Dinah ? " I teased the girl as Ally gave me relatable facial expression.
" Bishhh.. we gonna slay "
" Gurl, you should've seen the choreo for Big Bad Wolf " Normani added as she patted my back. Ally and Dinah grinned as well and I knew I was in for a death wish.
" I might as well give you my will then"
" Oh Y/N, you don't know what you're in for " Ally stated while giggling.
We continued talking about the tour as I Camila came by as well, telling me that Y/BN was asleep.
I went back to my seat, getting closer to Lauren as I heard that we're going to land soon.
" Hey Laur, wake up mi amor " I brushed her cheek with my thumb as I slightly shook her.
She stirred awake while I kissed her cheek.
" We're gonna land soon " I tried getting up but Lauren held me down.
" Stayyy " She used her baby voice, her eyes still closed.
" Babe, I gotta get back to my seat. "
" Fine " She opened her eyes, slightly letting go before she tugged me back and kissed my cheek.
" Thanks for the blanket " She smiled with that cute smile with her tongue poked out. I kissed it away as I felt her breathe out in satisfaction.
" Kay.. I gotta go before that flight attendant comes back "
Lauren giggled before I let go and went back to my seat.


We're at the venue, setting up everything for the girls. Y/BN and I were dressed up in black t-shirts, for the audio team, I had a black bandana on to lift up my hair as I set up the drum set.
" Aye, Y/N ! Where's the guitar amp ?"
" Way back bro, beside the speakers !"
I saw Y/BN give me a thumbs up.
The girls were doing their meet and greet, taking pics with the fans and getting ready for sound-check.
I spoke with the band, making sure everything was in place.

After a while the fans came into the venue and the girls got ready to sing songs before the Q&A.
I took a glance of the girls before preparing the mics.
" Check, 1 2. Ayo, 1 2 3 "
I heard the fans scream before giving the mics to the girls.
Lauren looked at me with a smile before taking the mic.
" Thank you. " I nodded as a you're welcome, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
" That bandana looks amazing on you " She kissed my jawline.
I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled " Thanks"
Okay girls, time to get out there.
" Time to go " Lauren poked my nose with her finger cutely, making it a habit now.
" Okay, good luck " I saw her head out before waving and making sure everything was set up.
They started singing Better Together as Y/BF and I went to the back in order to tune the instruments.

After the soundcheck the venue started getting filled with hundreds of faces, it was dark so Y/BF and I struggled at first but we set up everything for the band and the girls.
I took a glance at the crowd and felt so.... grand.
Having people appreciate you like this was amazing to me.. the girls deserved it.
I went back-stage feeling some kind of passion in my chest. Directly heading to Lauren's dressing room, opening the door and colliding into her body.
I hugged her tightly, breathed heavily against her chest, closed my eyes as I took in her scent.
" My god, I am so proud of you " There was so many ways to say 'I love you' and Lauren knew this was one of them.
She pushed back and held my face delicately, I soothed into her touch, leaning towards her as we kissed slowly. I put all of my emotion into the kiss, giving her a glimpse of how much I love her. Words would never explain and this kiss did it justice.
We parted slowly as our foreheads remained connected.
" Thank you "
She brushed my eyebrow with her thumb as we smiled, taking in the moment.
I took a moment to savor how she looked, they had their new outfits and Lauren looked flawless.
" You look beautiful. You are beautiful"
I caressed her cheek while Lauren shyly switched her gaze to the ground and then back to my eyes.
" I have to get out there " I nodded as I let her out of my reach.
She took my hand and we went back to the stage.
I gave her the mic, before she went out I told her to check for something on the end of the mic.
I taped a little note for her to read.
Lauren was walking onto stage when she saw the note.
" They might scream your name, but I have it engraved in my heart.
Good luck xx "
Lauren suddenly ran back and gave me a passionate kiss.
" I'm so lucky"

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