Midnight Delight

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I woke up the next day, went to the gym since I have a night shift. Y/BN starts in the morning so I'm gonna meet up with him a little bit earlier to keep him company.

" Heyyy bro, did you have a good shift ? " I headed to the cashier where Y/BN was working.
" Yeah man, a lot of orders but it wasn't too hectic " I nodded at his answer while getting two cokes to drink.
I opened them and handed one to him.
" So, are you going to tell me about that address ? "
I chuckled and took a sip of my drink. I can trust Y/BN so I didn't even think twice about telling him.
" Well, you wouldn't believe me but it's Lauren Jauregui's address. " He looked at me with confusion written all over his face.
" Dude, Fifth Harmony "
His demeanor didn't falter.
" THE Lauren I was obsessing over in high school ! "
He finally got it.
" Ohhh, yeah yeah I remember.
Shit man, you're gettin' pulllled " He chucked as we heard the door bell ring.

And speak of the devil, Camila Cabello and Sofi were dancing their way into the shop, obviously excited for pizza. I don't even know why they pick our pizzas, there are so many top-of-the-chain pizza parlors and ours isn't one of them. I guess they like the simplicity.

I mean, I'd usually feel my heart reach the floor but I'm trying to not that unstable; I don't like making celebrities feel like they're not normal. Especially when it comes to people with a heart like Camila's.
I glanced over at Y/BN, ending my mischief by giving Camila heart eyes.. but who wouldn't ?
I chuckled at the sight and welcomed the two girls into the shop.
" Why isn't it Camila and Sofi, the two princesses.. how may I keep a smile on your face today ? "
I know it's clumsy but both of them made my heart melt and feel like a little kid again. Plus, I've always had a soft spot for Sofi.. she's just so darn cute !
" Hey, you were the girl from the other day. How are you ? " Camila casually extended her hand and we traded the gesture.
" Yeah haha, I'm great, thank you. " I smiled at the Cuban while the miny version of herself was tugging on her shirt, asking to order.
I kneeled down to face the little girl and smiled at her shy expressions as she hid behind Camila.
" Hey, I'm the magician that turns dough into those pizzas you love so much. " I gently tickled her stomach and saw her peek out a giggle.
" And I'm sure I'll make yours the most magical one ever !
What do you say Butterfly Queen 1 " ?
Sofi looked so shocked when I said that, she nudged her older sister whispering a "how does she know that ? " Camila let out a laugh and glanced at me raising her eyebrows waiting for an answer.
I giggled and replied: " I'm a magician, remember ? " I gave her a wink and smiled back at the two girls before going in preparing the pizzas.

After a few minutes, I put the pizzas in the oven and waited for them to bake. While I played football with Sofia, Camila and Y/BN were having a conversation which I deeply appreciated.
He probably likes her.. damn he should've listened to me when I started talking about Fifth Harmony, I didn't know he'd turn into heart eyes as soon as he saw Camila.
Either way I'm happy.. Lately things have been so surreal.

We gave them their pizza, Sofi gave me a warm hug, telling Camila to come here more often so she can see her "magician". I watched both of them head out.
After a few seconds, Camila came rushing back in, telling me that Lauren is gonna order some today because they have a sleep over party and I should be prepared.
I noticed that Y/BN let out a breath of relief as she walked out. He's so into her.. " I hope you had enough time to ask for her number" I gave him a smirk as he returned it happily.
" I should've gone to their concerts with you. How was I so dumb ?"
I shrugged and chuchkled at his sudden interest.
After a while, Y/BN went home.. leaving me alone for my shift to start.
I can't seem to shake the feeling that Lauren wants me to go back every night.. and why would I complain ?

Matt, the other chef came by after I came in a bit, so he took kitchen duty as I took deliveries.
Today was really slow, a lot of people came in and there were many deliveries but I guess when you're waiting for a certain phone call.. things can't seem to move swiftly.

Well, here I am closing the parlor at 12:15, reaching for the keys to lock up but my phone rang.. it was Y/BN.
" Hey man, I was just locking up. Did you forget anything ? "
" No dude but Camila called me, they want some pizzas. Hope you didn't clean up already ? "
" Eh I already did but it's okay.. did they call the parlor's number ? " I made my way back in, turning on the lights.
" Yeah, they just called, I guess you were already closing. Do you want me to come help ? "
" Nah man it's all good, did they tell you want they want ? "
" Yeah, 2 pepperoni and 2 Hawaiian "
" Okay man. Thanks for calling, I thought Lauren changed her mind. "
" Well, I'm happy as well.. Camila is so cute man "
" Haha yeah I know.
Now shut up, I've got work to do.
Bye dude "
" Bye "
I headed into the kitchen, preparing everything I needed all over again.
The things I do for you, Lauren Jauregui.

I followed the same path to the same front porch, to face the same green eyes I admired so much.
" Hey " I let out softly, staring was never an intention of mine but God.. Lauren was perfect. She was wearing a top from their merch, I don't know what went through her mind to cut a hoodie into a crop top but hell.. it was definitely something.
I was really physically attracted to her. Typically, she knew she was hot and she wasn't afraid to show that off. That sense of confidence is such a turn on.
So when I basically turned into a teenage boy gazing through her eyes down to her toes, she let out a laugh.
" Hey Y/N "
She shifted her weight and crossed her arms with suspicion, making fun of my staring and it definitely creeped a shade of red to my face.
Nonetheless, her outfit infusing with my thoughts did nothing but send a rush of blood to my abdomen.
I'm basically praying right now.
" Uhh, here's the pizza. That'll be 60 bucks please "
I moved my change wallet to my front rather than my side, making it seem like a pouch but in reality I needed a cover up.
" Okay just a sec, cutie "
I held my breath.. I keep making a fool out of myself. I tried calming down, looking around the neighborhood.
Lauren came back and I focused my attention on her.
" So.. Camila told me your shift ended before you came " Lauren handed me the money and I respectfully took it.
" Yeah, but it's no biggie. My best friend, Y/BN, has her number so he just called when I was locking the doors.. I just went back in, it's not like I was at home or anything " I gave her a simple smile and tucked the money into my wallet.
" Well.. We didn't mean to bother. Thank you by the way, you were my only hope.. Dinah and Camz were about to eat the furniture "
I chuckled at the duo, it was nothing new in my eyes.
Lauren laughed along and I swear that giggle of hers makes my heart do jumping jacks.
" I'm happy your furniture is safe and sound, then.
You should go eat, I bet you're hungry. "
I took a glance inside the house, pointing towards it so Lauren would go back to her sleepover.
" Yeahh.. But Y/N, can I have your number? Just so that doesn't happen again ? "
" what, yeah of course. That's not even a question "
We traded phones, I typed in Delivery Girl 🍕🔥.
While she typed in Midnight Pizza Lover 🍕☺ .
" Thank you again Y/N, really " She smiled shyly.. always flattering my heart.
" You're always an exception, Laur " I smiled building a confident sentence.
" You're cute " Lauren let out with a giggle and came dangerously close to my face.. She kissed my cheek.
And oh boy if my face was red before, I'm a volcano now.
A tooth-full grin creeped on my face from the gesture. I wished her a good night as she slipped through the door.
Made my way back to my bike, smiling to myself like an idiot.

Once I got home, took a shower and slipped into bed.. I recieved a text.
[ 2:00 am ]
Midnight Pizza Lover 🍕☺:
Good night Delivery girl 💚

I basically hurt myself from smiling so much.
[2:01 am]
Good night, lovely green eyes 💚

A/N: not proof read ..
too sleepy, peeps.

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