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I woke up to the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. I stirred awake and buried my face in the pillows once more.. smiling in contentment. I knew I was smiling like an idiot but I feel so happy in my life right now. If you told me 4 months ago that I'd be writing music for a band, dating Lauren- the girl of my dreams and waking up in her house on Christmas day.
I would hit you in the face with whipped cream and give you a wedgie.
It was unbelievably amazing to feel so.. happy. Just happy.
" I'm gonna go wake up Y/N ! " I heard Lauren shout to Taylor.
I quickly cuddled in bed again, laying on my back, pretending to be asleep. I closed my eyes as I heard the door open and Lauren came up to sit on the bed.
" Baby Y/N.. Wake up " She tried shaking me by the shoulder and playing with my hair but I wouldn't budge. Lauren suddenly straddled my abdomen and pressed against me.. she started kissing my collar bones, peppering kisses up my throat along my jawline and then reaching my ear.
" Papi, waake up " Lauren whispered, her voice sounding low & raspy.. so how could I resist ?
" Mmm " I held her body closer, travelling my hands to her backside.
Lauren smirked against my skin and grabbed my hands, pulling them away.
" No no, you have to get up " I fluttered my eyes open finding Lauren's right in front of mine.
Her hair fell down covering the both of us, her eyes seemed slightly lighter and my god she looked so beautiful.. I wanted to kiss every inch of her if that meant showing her how much I care. I loved this girl more than anything.. It scared me so much but my heart feels so warm when I'm with her. Lauren lit up everything around me from the moment she took a step into my life.. I loved her for that.
" Why are you looking at me like that ? " Lauren giggled and hid her face.
Because I love you.
" Nothing.. you're just so beautiful. " I caressed her cheek before sitting up and hugging her.
" Merry Christmas Laur "
My heart was about to burst any second if I looked into her bright green eyes any longer.
" Merry Christmas Y/N " She kissed my cheek before I went into the bathroom to freshen up.

Lauren waited for me before we held hands and got out of the room.
Before I knew it, a hand filled with whipped cream smashed into my face and I heard laughing.
" Welcome to the family Y/NN " Taylor addressed before I started laughing too.
" I hate you " I ran after Taylor before hitting her with some whipped cream too. " Okay okay stop " I went back into the kitchen with Taylor following.
" You look great " Lauren sarcastically pointed out.
" Why thanks, do you want a kiss ? "
" No no no no " I ran after her before she stopped me. " Y/N if you get any of it on me I won't give you your present. " I stopped, not wanting to test her judgment because mad Lauren isn't my favorite.
" Okayy fineee.. At least help me clean up ? "
She shook her head and chuckled, grabbing my hand and headed back to the bathroom.
" Taylor's quite the prankster "
" Haha well, yeah she kinda is "
" By the way.. Are you gonna give me the present here or when we go back to my place ? "
Lauren kinked an eyebrow.
" We're going back to yours tonight ?"
" I- uhh, well I figured because I have a present that's kinda personal "
I look down, avoiding eye contact.
" Okay baby, I have something quite private too " She giggled before flicking her index finger on my nose and licking the whipped cream off.
The way she made eye-contact while she sucked her finger was so hot and I felt my pants get tighter just from that. Lauren mischievously noticed and got closer to my neck.
Licking all the way up to my jaw and she continued the same movement when she heard me moan.
I didn't notice that she opened the faucet and splashed water right into my face.
I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together in annoyance as I heard her chuckle at the top of her lungs.
" I think I hate you more than Taylor"
" No you don't " She got the upper hand, cleaning the whipped cream off my face and I couldn't help but smile again.
Definitely happy.

Lauren and I made it into the kitchen and ate breakfast with her family.. Everyone on the table was eating quietly before I stood up slowly.
" I wanna say something.. If I may "
Lauren looked up smiling at my sudden movement. I saw Mr. & Mrs. Jauregui smile back at me, reassuring me to continue.
" I uh- just wanted to say thank you.. for everything. I felt at home from the moment I came in here and I couldn't be more thankful for your generosity. You've been so well disposed of our relationship and I truly cherish it.
Thank you for giving me a family.. "
I glanced over Lauren's parents, their eyes reflecting admiration and care.. I met my girlfriend's eyes as I saw her tear up a little, Lauren stood up and hugged me. I felt so warm in her embrace, we were joined with more bodies as they got up from their chairs and we were huddled in a big hug. " You're always welcome Y/N " Mrs.Jauregui stated as all of us pulled apart and filled the environment with delightful cheers of joy.

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