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" Are you going on stage " Camila shifted in her place as she let go of her guitar. We were having a little session in the tour bus as Lauren, Normani and Y/BF got coffee, while Dinah and Ally were in their bunks.
I was planning a little surprise for Lauren since her birthday was coming up, I want to do something special. I wrote this song throughout the tour, taking glances of her and writing it all down. Trying to form a sentence to describe her beauty but my God, she was too perfect for the English language.. my words would never do her justice.
" Yeah, I'm gonna tell Y/BF to set up the lighting and stuff. "
" Are you gonna sing that song you showed me ? "
I simply nodded as Camila returned a smile. " So.. are you writing anything lately ? "
I asked as I tuned my guitar, " Yeah, I've been writing more. " and I knew exactly what she meant. Because the moment you're infatuated with love, with a person.. every word in your mind is about them. Every emotion, every lingering touch you feel on your skin.. You're done for. And I don't mind it at all.
An idea sparked into my head.
" Do you know ' I Wouldn't Mind' by He Is We ? " Camila nodded smiling from ear to ear. We started playing the song, I started singing the first verse as Camila joined in when we got to the pre-chorus.

Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.

Suddenly, all the girls stood around us.. Lauren and Y/BF set down the coffee and sat directly in-front of us. Indulging a shy chuckle from Camila and I.

Carefully we're placed for our destiny. You came and you took this heart and set it free. - Camila sang smiling to Y/BF as she let me continue the verse.
Every word you write or sing is so warm to me, so warm to me. - Lauren held my cheek, indulging a blush as she stepped back, letting me continue.
This time we sang together before going into the verse.

I'm torn, I'm torn to be right where you are. I'm not afraid anymore, I'm not afraid.
Forever is a long time but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. Tell me everyday, I get to wake up to that smile.
I wouldn't mind it, at all.
I wouldn't mind it, at all.

Camila and I decided to jam out a little, letting her strum as I did a riff. Closing out the song with steady strums and a round of applause followed.
We stood up and got tumbled back down with hugs. Lauren kissed me deeply, resting her forehead on mine.. clutching my shirt, not wanting to let go. I held her just as tightly; some moments between us seem too golden to be interrupted by reality.. so we fade out for a bit and I know these moments are the ones that mean the most.

We had a day off, the day before Lauren's birthday and the last concert in Brazil.
Camila had some friends to take us to a secluded beach, beautifully residing around coconut trees and the view was just outstanding. We were throwing a BBQ and camping out here, obviously with some body guards because the girls had to stay safe. I thought it was a good idea, spending a whole day here then just sitting by a campfire, enjoying the beauty of Latin America.
Camila's friends tagged along, they knew the place and they were good company.
As Y/BF and I set up the tents, Marcello, Gabriel and Amanda put on a Brazilian song that most of us knew so we started dancing.
Nossa, nossa
Assim você me mata
Ai, se eu te pego
Ai, ai se eu te pego
I held Lauren's hand and twirled her around before they switched into a more up-beat latin song. Making Lauren move her hips like crazy, nonetheless keeping a sultry stare my way. She started motioning with her hands to come dance but I declined, for obvious reasons.. I'll either make a fool of myself because dancing isn't my strong point, or because she'll definitely tease me and I cannot afford that. Y/BF joined Camila as I continued setting up the tent, noticing that Gabriel took my place and started dancing with Lauren. I tore my eyes away, not wanting my anger to take over. It wasn't like I was jealous, the guy wasn't doing anything bad.. she was smiling and that's all I wanted. At the end of the day, she was mine and I was hers.. I had nothing to be afraid of.
It's just the distance between our bodies made me break, in some way.. I never knew I'd be so attached to a human, let alone be so in love. The fact that I needed her every second was so unusual to me.. I felt a certain weakness but it was a virtue when it came to our relationship, and I was willing to go through it blindly.

I finished setting up the tents, took out a Corona from the ice box and made my way to the shore.
I took off my shirt, leaving me in my bikini top and shorts.. laying back down on my forearms as the water covered my legs and waist. Letting my mind rest between the setting sun and the ocean's music.
Has love made me weak ?
But then again, her embrace heals every broken part of me; my past, my mistakes, my vices.. I am better with her, I am happier.. the anger doesn't blind me anymore.
I have lost myself in Lauren.. I hopelessly belong to her. But I have never felt more free, more like myself..
I can hear and feel her say I love you, so willingly and sincerely.. I can feel her heartbeat in her chest as my touches relax and delightfully scare her skin.. As my kisses leave marks she'd remember for a lifetime. As my lips meet hers perfectly, like they were meant to complete each other, like our souls collide without doubt, without a trace of fear.. I love you, she breathes out.. and my God, I love her.
" Where'd you run off to ? " The raspy voice in my head invaded my ears.. soothing my erratic heartbeat.
She sat beside me, facing the ocean as I ripped my stare from the magical view in front of me, to the most beautiful view I have ever laid eyes on.
" I love the beach. I love the waves, how they kiss the shore and say goodbye in less than 5 seconds.. I love how the sun fades slowly, letting darkness take over and giving a chance for the stars to shine. " I stare at her facial features, letting my eyes drown in hers.
" I love how we're so small compared to the night sky; ‪some of us might say its above us to watch the stars, while others take it as a privilege to be under their watch. ‬" I observed how she intently listened to every word I said, with a soft smile, filled with pride.
" I love how I am allowed to love. I have the capacity to love a human being more than myself; to be selfless, to give and make someone blissfully happy. " I held a smile before caressing her cheek, feeling her lean into my touch and closing her eyes, making my heart swell.
" I love that you're my person. You're the human being I'm hopelessly devoted to, I am in love and furthermore, committed until my last breath. "
I looked away before gulping and meeting her green eyes again.
" I can picture a future with you. Waking up to you every morning, being the first person to make you smile, being the warmth in your sleep.. Being a parent for our kids. Lauren, I want it all with you. Just you. "
I knew it was early, we've only been dating for a year and a half. But she had to know, she had to know I'm going to stay. I don't have second thoughts, ever.
She stayed silent so I decided to speak again, " And I know- " Lauren held my face and passionately met my lips, feeling a tear of her own brush my cheek. I caressed her body, my left hand wiping that tear away; knowing it was a happy one but I'd rather see her smile than cry. She started heaving against my chest, I held her tightly, knowing she couldn't speak because if one word came out of her mouth, a river of tears would follow. And I didn't need her to speak, I knew how she felt, I knew what she wanted to say. And because of that, holding her while we simply breathed together, it was enough.

The night was filled with laughter and memories, we all drank Caipirinha, a famous Brazilian alcoholic drink Amanda whipped up. The BBQ was phenomenal, we were stuffed, around a campfire just lost in an afterglow. One minute left until the clock struck 12, and all of us were ready to wish Lauren happy birthday.
Camila and I got our guitars and started singing as everyone clapped along.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Lolooooo
We all chuckled as Dinah took a photo, capturing a beautiful moment where everyone had a smile on their face.

After a bit everyone returned to their tents. We had to get a good night sleep before heading back to the city and concluding our last leg of the tour.
Lauren undressed and hid underneath the covers as I did the same. She was sleepy from our daily endeavors but she was a human form of perfection, even in a tired state she looked so beautiful.
These were the times I wish my eyes could take pictures, capturing every detail of Lauren.. because she was worth every bit of attention, every bit of heed and I was so lucky to witness everything.
" Happy Birthday, my love "

~ When you love someone, they become your strength and weakness all at once ~

Also guys, the next chapter will be the last so just thought I'd give you a heads up. Thanks for reading xx

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