XXI / Final Chapter

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I woke up to the sound of waves, crashing against the shore, indulging my ears with a sound I love. Filling my body with warmth and contentment... and then, there's another warmth beside me, the body I've grown to admire and love passionately. I smiled, brushing Lauren's bangs from her face as she slept safe and sound. I checked the time, 8:00. We had to go at 9:30, that means Lauren needs to wake up. And what's better than waking up on the beach, on her birthday,,, with my head between her legs.
I made my way under the covers, Lauren slept naked so finding her on her back was a bonus for me. I slowly opened her legs as I settled in front of her centre, chuckling in the process knowing she doesn't have a clue about what I'm going to do. I kissed her thighs before using my fingers to open her lips, slowly stroking her slit with my tongue as I heard her heave.
My actions got deeper and thorough, the second I sucked on her bud.. Lauren jolted forward, clutching my hair rather aggressively.. " Fuck, babe " I smirked hearing that deep, raspy voice; knowing she woke up pleasured as she started grinding into my face, making me moan. Someone's eager I thought, I continued with entering my tongue into her wet heat as my finger rubbed her clit. I switched my movements, pushing two fingers into her as Lauren moaned even louder. " B-baby.. god.. fuck " Ah, music to my ears.
I felt Lauren get closer so I put more pressure on her clit with my tongue, making her shake and jolt forwards, clutching the blanket over my back. Her back hit the mattress again as she settled down after her orgasm.
I crawled upwards, meeting her hooded eyes and heaving chest. I enclosed my lips onto her nipple and made her moan again, flicking it before heading upwards and sucking on her pulse point.
" Mmm, good morning babe " I pecked her lips. She sighed, still recovering from her orgasm. I left a trail of kisses from her chin down to her throat saying "happy birthday" with every kiss. Until she pulled me to meet her lips with a peck, " thank you " I smiled as she did the same.
After cuddling a bit, we put on our clothes and met the girls outside to go get breakfast.
" Someone got an early birthday present " Dinah winked as she pointed to Lauren. I hid my face in the crook her neck as she chuckled. " Yes, and it was amazing "
Lauren made me blush even more as she held tightly on my hand, confident as ever with her words.

We made our way to a little cafe beside a gas station, getting everything to-go so we can return to the bus and head to the venue. I bought Lauren a little cupcake and put a candle on it, lighting it up and hiding it behind my back. I grinned as she stood in front of me, acting surprised when I revealed the sweet dessert.
" Aww " Lauren blew out the candle before she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek.
She took a small bite, nodding and giving me a thumbs up as she chewed.. I swear she's so cute sometimes,, maybe always.

We settled into the venue, I kissed Lauren before heading to work and helping the management team. I met Y/BF in the middle of the stage, he shot me a smile as we did our special handshake before assembling everything.
" I need you to turn off all the light before their last song, and turn them back on once I start singing "
I told him the instructions about the lighting and plugging my acoustic guitar, I wanted it to be perfect.
Y/BF nodded and informed the audio team about the plan.

I wrapped my bandana tighter around my forehead, took a deep breath before lifting a heavy box and placing it on my right shoulder. Lauren noticed and kinked her eyebrows as I set it down, waving to come over. I jogged towards her, furrowed my eyebrows in question but she only replied with a peck on my lips. " Stay safe "
I chuckled and kissed her again. " You too".
I looked around to see if anything else had to be moved, then my eyes went back to Lauren.. and God, the sight shot electricity through my body.
She was giving me that look. That look when she bit her lips and let her eyes gravitate every part of my skin closer to her, when she took over in bed and made me beg.. God that fucking look when she made me feel like she wanted to rip my clothes off and nonetheless, making me want to do the same.
Lauren kept her eyes filled with want and pulled me back to meet her lips again, in a more needy, selfish kiss.. letting her tongue roam every part of my mouth. I didn't question her actions because this sudden need to make out wasn't foreign to the both of us. So we stopped for a second and headed to her dressing room, igniting more touches because of the privacy.. Moans faltered thoroughly as Lauren sat me down and straddled me, grinding slowly before I started sucking on her neck. In one quick motion, Lauren took off my bandana and forced my hands behind the chair, binding them together as I growled. " Lauren.. " I warned, more likely leaving a grin of her face.
She neared her lips to my ear, making me shiver from the suction of her lips on my earlobe. " It's my birthday... I get to do whatever I want " She rasped, aggressively pushing into me.
I felt myself grow in my crotch as my girlfriend rocked back and forth, giving her that sweet pleasure unraveling in her abdomen. Her breaths were shallow and I felt her heave as I kept pushing into her, meeting her hips with every thrust. I hated that I couldn't use my hands, I wanted to touch her waist and chest, rake my fingers along her back and give her every sensation she deserves. But she was determined to tease me, to take control and leave me wrapped around her finger.
And there was that moment, right before she reached her climax and her muscles gave in; right before she pulled her head back and exposed her alluring neck, savoring every ounce of pleasure... she glanced at me. Her green eyes rather dark from the lust, and it made my heart leap. She met my eyes before her body shook and corrupted into nirvana, lost in a haze and trusting my body to be there with her, to admire and relax her.. I loved every second of it.
She untied the bandana and let me hold her. Rubbing her back and kissing her temple. Someone knocked on the door and told them to get ready, we both got up but Lauren held onto both of my hands. Pulling them upwards, slowly before gently placing kisses right and left.
" Thank you "
I gave her a kiss, knowing the action meant more. We fixed our clothes before heading out, Lauren stopped me at the door. " Y/N what's wrong ?"
She noticed that I started to play with the hem of my t-shirt, I shook my head " Nothing "
She held my hand and got closer to my waist. " You don't do that, unless you're nervous. "
" It's our last show.. plus, it's your birthday" I shrugged.
" What does my birthday have to do with you being nervous? "
" Maybe because I didn't get you anything.. "
She stoked my cheek before kissing both of my cheeks slowly, making my heart thump every time.
" Babe, I don't need a present when you're with me, on tour, every night supporting me.. You, yourself are a blessing. And that's the only present I will ever need. "
My lips curved into a teeth-full smile before I kissed her deliberately, taking my time with the kiss and feeling Lauren's smile interrupt us in the best way. " I love you " I breathed out as my eyes met hers.
" I love you too "

The girls were singing Worth It, the crowd was wild so we were expecting an encore for Work From Home.. My little song would be in-between that.
I held me guitar, breathing and looking up at the ceiling. " Y/N, you're on "
I put on my ear plugs and portable microphone, taking a step closer to the stage. Y/BF gave me an encouraging thumbs-up before I glanced over to the crowd, they were passionate and singing every word with them like their life depended on it.
I heard Camila sing the last line before the lights turned off, the fans went crazy and that was my cue to start singing.

Give me a minute to breathe,
You don't know the hold you've got on me.

A spotlight was directed towards me, making me the only visual presence on stage.

And I know, I know that love does that to people. But believe me when I tell you, I'm so much more than in love with you.

I adore you.

I noticed Lauren, her smile glowing as I got closer to the centre of the stage, the crowd going insane.

Cause baby, that smile of yours;
Makes me fall even more.
And those eyes don't deserve rainy days, they're evergreen.. Should never have to feel pain.

I love you more every single day.

My strumming was light and consisted of down strokes, as my voice was filled with emotion. My eyes locked with Lauren's as her smile grew wider and mine did the same.

You take my breath away, but fill my lungs with love rather than pain. And baby, I need you with me. My body aches without you near me.
So don't doubt my words, they're forever true and you're beautiful, but that's nothing new.

My strumming picked up, making the crowd clap along and Lauren wipe her tears that I playfully pouted at. She shook her head with a smile before I continued.

I'm fond of your heart, that's how I know you're the one...

Give me some time to breathe..
I will love you till our hearts forget to

I stopped strumming and used the strap to slide my guitar to my back, approaching Lauren and holding both of her hands.

You're everything to me.
You utterly complete me.

I sang before kissing her hand,

" My words could never form a perfect definition, you're too efficient for the English language.. but I tried. And I will keep on trying until my very last breath.
Happy Birthday Lauren, I love you to the moon and back. "

I hugged her, I embraced her heaving chest and rapid heartbeat as the crowd screamed and yelled but the only thing that mattered to me was the girl wrapped around my arms, crying because she was so in love with me.. and Jesus, I was so in love with her.

Anddd that's a wrap!
Thank you guys so much for reading, I honestly never expected my story to reach so many views/likes so thank you for every minute of your time, I majorly appreciate it.
The song above is one of mine, I didn't write it for the fic, it was a song I wrote for a previous partner and I thought it would fit the story.
Thank you again and again xx.

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