New Years

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A/n: Smut warning, begins when Work from home comes up

So here we are, New Years Eve at Normani's house. The girls and I have honestly been together all month, in the studio and outside of it. They're going to release their new album 7/27 in February and then kick off their tour. Let's just say life is pretty good with Lauren and I, we're both happy, healthy and content.
Tour isn't gonna be a problem since Y/BN and I are gonna join them. It solved so many things I was worried about.

Anyway.. Here I am, watching Lauren dance around, laugh and simply being joyful. I swear this woman could make anyone fall in love with her. I loved the way she dances with such passion and she enjoys everything she does. It's like the world told her to love and she obliged with every sense of her being.

My thoughts got interrupted by Camila, as she approached me, asking to dance.. I shook my head and chuckled, putting down my beer as she dragged me to the dance floor.
Closer by The Chainsmokers was on so both of us sang our hearts out as we praised Halsey.
Camila and I were being our goofy selves and swinging around like 5 year olds as we sang the lyrics cheerfully.
Lauren was dancing beside us with Dinah, so I took glances of her every now and then, making sure she was having fun. All of a sudden, a beat that we knew all too well came up.. and here comes Camila's verse.

I ain't worried 'bout nothin', I ain't wearin' na nada
I'm sittin' pretty, impatient, but I know you gotta ~

Camila, being the klutz that she is, starting lip syncing & dancing with Dinah and ended up falling but got back up like a champion, of course. We all enjoyed the new single and listening to it a thousand times wasn't a bother to me.
I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist before I turned around, my body reacting calmly to the familiar touch.
" Hey babe " Lauren spoke but I couldn't wear her quite well, I read her lips when she just asked to dance.

First, I didn't question it but then.. Lauren began with the sweet torment.
We started moving along with the beat, our bodies getting closer by the second.. She started swaying her hips, my hands resting on her waist as she sneaked her hands under my shirt and her nails scraped my abs. A stutter left my lips, trying to speak but she was doing everything possible to turn me on.. and it was working perfectly.
Lauren's part came on again and I knew I was done for.
She swiftly pulled me from my shirt and traced her lips along my collarbones before sucking slightly on my skin, leaving open mouth kisses everywhere. I started panting, feeling how sensual she was acting.. it made me go crazy.
" work, work, work, work " She crept closer to my ear and let her raspy voice indulge my nerve system.
" You ain't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work but you gotta put in work, "
She started sucking on my earlobe before adjusting her leg between mine, pushing upwards meeting my throbbing crotch.
" Let my body do the work, work, "
I let out a ragged whimper, feeling my blood pump in one place in particular.
" Laur.. if you- uhh " She bit down on my pulse, sending shivers down my spine.
" I'm in control, baby.. stop fighting "
She held her grip on my abdomen and lifted her finger up to my lips, tracing my bottom lip so ever gently.
" Be good. " She pulled my lip slighly before heading back to my neck.
" And you'll get to fuck me how you like it, papi " I felt a rush of blood shoot through me and let out a soft groan.
She sucked on my neck again, definitely leaving makrs, " We're gonna go hard and fast...
Mhmmm, duro y rápido, papi  "
I felt my dick twitch, it's so sexy when she starts speaking in Spanish.. my god I could never get enough of her voice.
Lauren went back to my lips, taking me into a hungry kiss as I retaliated the same force. The lust took over, I honestly forgot where we were until Normani started howling at us and nudging Lauren. We pulled apart, both of us in a heavy mess and for the first time I gazed into Lauren's dilated orbs.. turning me on even more.
" It's almost 12, stop eating each other's face off.. we've got 15 minutes."
" And 15 is all we need "
I dragged Lauren to a room upstairs, and pushed her against the door as we started making out.

I held up Lauren from her thighs, aggressively exploring her mouth as she panted and moaned.
" Mhmm, babygirl " I approached the bed, still kissing her and then pushed her down. Letting my dominance take over.
I knew I didn't have much time but both of us needed to get off and let's just say I liked teasing her as much as she does.
I pulled off Lauren's shorts and underwear as I took off my pants and boxers, freeing my hard on.
Lauren kept kissing me as she pumped my member and I rubbed her clit. Leaving moans and heavy breaths echoing in the room.
" Papi, I need you. " She started teasing my tip, using my pre-cum to lubricate my shaft.. " Fuck me " She let out a raspy plead,  I could've came right then and there.
I wasted no time in pushing into Lauren, feeling her hot walls clench around me as I pounded harder and quicker with each trust.
" Yes, papi.. fuck "
Lauren and I were always adventurous in the bedroom and trust me, it's a wild ride with this one.. so dirty talk wasn't foreign at all and I knew that she liked it.
" You like it when I'm rough, huh ? "
I saw her nod as I picked up my pace, leaving her with ragged breaths as I kissed her neck and sucked down, indulging a low, raspy moan.
" You're so hot, babygirl " I breathed out against her ear as she started clutching my back, digging into my skin with her nails leaving a painful yet pleasurable sensation coursing through my body.
" I'm so- close-uh stay there baby "
I kept my movements in the same spot but pulled out and slammed into Lauren again and again as I felt her start to reach her climax, as I did too.
" ugh, Y/N ! fuck fuck " Lauren held onto me as she started jolting and released all that she had.
" Fuck- Laurr.. shit " I reached my high, shooting my cum into Lauren and felt her own surround my member.
I slowed down, feeling her hot breath on my neck, heaving against my chest. I pulled out gently as both of us moaned at the action.

Lauren pulled me even closer as I started stroking head and playing with her hair.
" We gotta get back out there, you promised me a New Years kiss "
I chuckled at Lauren's comment, since she was the reason we were in here.
" Fine " I kissed her forehead as we dressed up again.
She stood in front of me, straightening out my shirt while we both smiled.
" I love you " I gently kissed her cheek.
" I love you too " She smiled back, those green orbs melting into my eyes.

Lauren and I returned to the crowd, hand in hand. They handed us two champagne glasses as everyone gathered around outside, counting down from 10 to watch the fireworks.
Lauren and I cheered as people started counting down, I caressed Lauren's cheek and took in her beauty.
" I wanna be your last kiss of the year"
4, 3, 2, 1
I pulled in closer and attached my lips onto hers. Passionately, slowly and delicately moving our lips in sync.. taking in every aspect of the night and letting ourselves drown in it.
I adore her. With all of my heart.
We finally broke apart, the fireworks still going off.
" I wanted to be your first " Lauren gave me a sweet smile before hugging me.
Happy New Year

A/N: heyy, not dead but really busy with school, basketball and I've got some family issues.
Also, I changed the release date of 7/27 to fit the timing in the story.
*Not prood read
Sorry for the wait guys, enjoy ;) xx 
Also sorry if it's shitty

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