Exercise Sucks

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The US tour has been pretty amazing, the girls released the album and everything has been been going great. We were heading to Mexico then we had a few days off before flying to the UK.
Lauren and I were snuggled on her bed on the bus, she was reading a book while I played with her hair and read with her. I didn't speak much when she read, I just loved hearing her breathe and huff when something that she didn't approve of happened, it was funny most of the time so I always end up giggling. Then again,, the way the words had every bit of her attention but would divert her eyes to me when I needed her.. It set a spark of reassurance.

I pulled my phone out, checking tumblr, mostly filled with photos of last night's concert. I reblogged some quotes and came upon a video from yesterday. Lauren looked so hot in Big Bad Wolf.. The first time she preformed it, I was sure my jaw was left open through the whole song.
I opened the video and put on headphones since I didn't wanna disturb Lauren. It was the chorus and then her part in the bridge. The way she danced and, the song itself was very sexual.. I couldn't handle but start to heave, feeling a rush of blood shoot downwards.
" Don't hold back baby, give me that baby.. I'll do anything you want la la la"
The throbbing in my crotch didn't settle and I knew Lauren heard my breaths get deeper. I looked over, she was still focused on her book.
I closed my eyes trying to get rid of my boner when suddenly I felt a weight straddle me.
Lauren took the phone from my hands and started to rock her hips against me. I let out a low moan, placing my hands on her sides.
She let her chest reach mine as she started kissing my neck, putting even more pressure on my crotch and thrusted a bit more giving her friction as well. Inducing a moan from Lauren's lips, I let my hands travel to her ass, giving it a slight squeeze as she kept grinding on me.
" Mhmm.. baby " Lauren whispered into my ear.
" I missed this " She clutched my hard on as I groaned into her neck.
I flipped us over, letting my weight push Lauren further into the bed.. making her moan in pleausre.
I kissed her lips, sucking on her tongue roughly as she started to undo my pants.
Girls ! We'll be there in 10 minutes, get ready please !
I huffed out in frustration.. more like sexual frustration.
" Sorry babe, we'll have time in the hotel " Lauren looked at me, smiling as I felt myself calm down.
" Don't apologize babygirl, you shouldn't have to at all "
I kissed her cheek, as we got out of our bunk and got ready.

Once we reached the hotel, there was a whole crowd outside. I couldn't understand how fans would know where the girls stayed but it was impressive, scary even. I got out, shielded Lauren behind my own body, not that she couldn't handle it on her own; but too many people don't know boundaries.
The fans have gotten to know me along the way; Lauren didn't want to keep it a secret. We've been publicly known as the badass couple, which made Lauren proud since she knew how sappy we were.. I didn't mind though.
Lauren paused for a couple of pictures and autographs. I stood there smiling as a fan started calling me too. She spoke in Spanish, Lauren nodded in agreement while smiling. " Babe they want a picture with you " I was surprised, struggling to get it around my head.. I felt someone slightly push me and it was Dinah; " A picutre won't kill you Y/NN". I held Lauren's waist and got into frame. The fan suddenly pulled my into a hug and said something in Spanish that made Lauren chuckle.
" She said you smell really good "
" Gracias " I said the only word that came in mind when I thought of Español. My girlfriend giggled, hearing me use her native tongue.
All the girls entered the building as Lauren and I quickly followed, waving the fans goodbye.

" You should speak Spanish more often, I love your accent " I kissed her cheek. Slowly closing in to capture her sweet lips.
Lauren! Come get your room key.
" Let's go. I'm so tired " Lauren let out a breath, fatigue filling her body.
" You'll sleep once we get to the room"
I held her bags, and lead up her upstairs.
" Normani told me I had to work out with her later today if I slept.. looks like I lost the bet "
" Babe, you have to stop being so competitive. It's alright to lose sometimes " I saw her plop on the bed, taking off her shoes and undo her bra.
I got on top of her, straddling her petite body on the bed.
" I mean.. take a look at us. I always " I kissed her jawline.
" win "
Her throat.
" so fucking much "
I bit her earlobe and heard that sexy raspy moan that struck lightning through my body.
" Baby.. I would love to but I'm too tired "
I looked at her with a suspicious facial expression, acting like I was confused. " What are you talking about ? I just wanna make my girlfriend feel so much better " I kissed her neck again, tracing my tongue to her pulse point.
Indulging those warm, heavy breaths from the girl underneath me.. My girl.
" Turn around, I'm gonna give you a massage "
After a bit Lauren fell asleep, her body not handling the fatigue.
I slipped off the bed and covered her, smiling contently before kissing her forehead.

I decided to go on a run since junk food is all we've been eating lately. Mexico was a place where you felt engrossed by nature and all it's beauty. Being out of breath in a sight so divine was worth it.
I made my way back to the hotel, saying hello to the reception before I made my way to the elevator.
I headed back to the room to find Lauren stretching while Normani showed her how to do a plank and then lunges.
I figured they didn't use the gym because they'd get noticed.
" Hey " I took a gulp of water as I closed the fridge.
Lauren had messy hair, red face and looked pissed off.. I couldn't help but crack a smile when she met my eyes.
" Hey Y/N " Normani got up, turning down the music a bit.
" We're about to finish if you wanna rest a bit " I listened as I got clothes from my suitcase.
" No, no by all means, continue. I'm gonna take a shower anyway "
I gave Lauren a quick peck as she hugged me slightly.
" You're doing great " I whispered as I left them alone again.

Once I finished, I slipped into my calvin klein boxers and sports bra. I put on some shorts and didn't bother wearing a shirt since it was hot anyway. I came out of the bathroom, drying my hair with a towel as I saw Lauren doing sit-ups with Normani holding her feet.
" One more " Normani gave Lauren a high five once she finished as my girlfriend sprawled onto the floor in defeat.
I chuckled as they noticed me. Lauren huffed in annoyance while Normani got up and giggled.
" Okay.. she has one set left, I have to go but can I count on you to make her not skip them ? "
I nodded as Lauren glared at me.
" Nu-uh Lauren, you have to " Normani stated and patted my back before she got out of the room.
" Y/N if you make me do them I'm going to kill you "
I chuckled as I knelt down. " I'm not going to pressure you but it's worth it.
I mean look at your girlfriend.. "
I pointed to my abs as she slapped my arm. " Show off " Lauren rolled her eyes.
" Fine. I'll do them "

I went stood infront of the mirror to do my hair as Lauren started to do crutches.
" Y/N.. ugh " I stood in my tracks once I heard Lauren's pleasured tone. Her raspy voice sending a shock through my body.
I turned around to see what she was doing. " I think.. ugh I'm gonna ha-ve an orgasm-mhh " I looked at her still preserving through her sit-ups, the idea of Lauren feeling good from tightening her lower body muscles.. it made me light-headed.
And the fact that she wasn't stopping her actions turned me on even more.. God.. I got closer, settling beside her and started kissing her neck gently.
" Do you want me to finish ? " I heard her moan once I whispered into her ear. Letting her body settle and her hands rushing to grip her centre, not wanting to lose the build up she was having. It made me go insane.
She started rubbing herself in front of me without shame, bending her neck backwards in pleasure.. Not to mention her eyes filled with lust, just daring me to make a move.
My shorts got tighter, watching my girlfriend pleasure herself.. I decided to tease her as well.
I pulled out my member and started the sweet torment Lauren ignited.
Her eyes flared with surprise and arousal as I stroked myself and let out long groans. " Babygirl.. you couldn't help it huh ? " I moaned as I traced my tip with my thumb.
" Feeling so good.. you couldn't wait for daddy ? " I heard Lauren moan at my words, taking off her shorts and speeding towards me. " Shut up and fuck me " She started grinding her wet pussy on my hard on.. making me jolt towards her and grab her backside.
" fuck " I squeezed Lauren's skin, feeling how eager she was.. making her moan in the process. " Y/N.. I want you " Her hands went straight to my dick and aligned herself above it before slowly pushing me in.
The tight heat made me twitch, tracing my lips along her collarbones. Lauren started moving as I took off her shirt and bra, exposing her perfect porcelain skin. It was clear how much we missed this intimacy, her heaving chest against mine as we moved in sync.
She started swaying her hips in figure 8 motion and I couldn't help but moan in pleasure. " God Laur.. " The way she moved left me breathless. I licked her jawline letting her body feel every kind of pleasure before I flipped us over, pulling out entirely before slamming back into her. Making my girl scream in sweet delight. " babe.. I'm s-so close "
I felt Lauren search for my hand and intertwining our fingers before I sped up. Her walls clenching around me as her moans got louder, I used my other hand to rub her clit and make her reach her climax. The gush of wetness around my member and Lauren's moans made me reach mine as well.. letting our bodies come down from our high. I pulled out slowly before laying down beside her, both of us a heaving mess as I gently kissed her neck.
" I'm gonna need another shower "
Lauren and I chuckled as she straddled me and brushed my bangs from my face. " Exercise sucks " She kissed my cheek.
I shook my head before she pulled me up towards the bathroom.
Let's just say we took our time in there.

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