Then all the others do

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"Getting people to act against their nature is what i do" amanda smirks at the commisioner who takes a long drink of his wine, he was going to need alot more if he planned to continue this conversation.

"How do you control someone who has no weakness?" He ask.

"Everyone has a weakness even if its fear itself" she says the smirk never leaving her lips.

Climbing back into the window of the room i stayed in at the jokers house i noticed it was eerily quiet. No henchmen, loud talking, no loud television playing, there wasnt any music screaming or gunshots blaring something was wrong.

Taking a ring dagger out of my boot leg that i stole from the training room i creep into the halls and notice all the other doors were closed, the only sound was the wind whistling through the trees outside. Creeping down the steps only to see everything clean, spotless even, not even j's cup of the bottle of whatever he was drinking left on the coffee table or his goons beer bottles. Looking around i notice his office door was open, he never left it open. Before i could go in to inspect i noticed a flickering light in the room across from his office.

Holding my dagger higher as i walk towards the room i quickly swing open the door ready for whatevers going to pop out when my arms are grabbed from behind. Using the support of the door i run up and flip myself over onto his back grabbing both sides of his head twisting the chin towards his forehead jumping off before he falls kicking the oncomming guy in his throat he freezes choking so i slam my fist into his temple watching him fall unconcious before clapping stops me.

"Well hello doll" i hear and flip around seeing joker a few henchmen some foreign guys and 3 guys sitting in chairs looking extremely uncomfortable. The room had hahaha written in what i hope is red paint over the dingy walls and a few knives pushed into them.

"What an entrance" a brownskin guy says and i look over at him noticing he was nicely built and i mean very nice with lots of tattoos.

"I know" i smirk spinning the ring dagger on my finger when my hands grabbed forcefully and im spun to be face to face with the joker.

"Did you steal this from me?" He grumbles so only i can hear but i give him a blank stare.

"This isnt yours its mine" i say confidently and his eyebrows raise.

"It was in MY training room" he grumbles.

"Yeah, i found it. you shouldnt leave your toys around someone else might get them j" i tease pulling away noticing we had everyones attention.

"So whats going on?" I ask now semi curious only to notice something ive never seen before. He was thinking. The joker was thinking!

"Go back upstairs" he simply says and i scoff until i notice something else ive never seen before..a serious look on his face.

"Alright but i dont want to hear ANY noise im going to bed" i tell them pointedly and he chuckles.

"Oh yeah you must be drained from being out all night" he smirks and my facade slips for a nano second. "Oh and no promises on the noises" he turns around showing his muscular back and i take that as my que to leave.

Running upstairs i notice jokers room door cracked. Dont go in because you wouldnt want him in yours i try to tell myself but the curiosity gets the better of me. Since its still dark and i cant find a light switch i use the light from the hall. I can make out a bed 2 dressers a door and his nightstand. His first dresser is covered with nothing but papers and the other one has guns. Typical joker, opening the dresser i notice a bunch of dress wonder the deranged man is always so WRINKLED! Closing that drawer i open the next to be met with the strong smell of cologne and t-shirts. God, these smell amazing. Well i need more sleeping clothes and since he's forcing me to stay plus he did say make myself at home. Sliding one out i close the drawer and before i could open another i here a loud yell followed by a laugh and a "good night boys" i quickly slip out of his room and to mine.

Its been about 3 hours since i been in jokers room and i havent had an ounce of sleep, it was entirely too hot. I stripped down into my new tshirt and underwear my curly hair in a bun and all makeup scrubbed off. The only light was comming from under my door because i needed absolute darkness absolute quietness to sleep. Where the hell was that light comming from and what were jokers stupid goons doing making all that noise! Seeing something flicker in the corner of my eye i quickly sit up. Theres something huge on my wooden floor i dont remember being there before. that 2,4,6...8. A loud shrill scream leaves my mouth and i dont know what i yelled i just know it was something. I hear alot of foot steps followed by my door being swung open and the light flickering on.

"Doll its 3am some of us actually like to sleep" j says with a gun in his hand rubbing his eyes tiredly. He was shirtless once again but he had a pair of grey nike sweats on that still had the tag on meaning he more then likely stole them.

"Apparently 3am isnt to early for shooting & sarcasm for you, huh?" I snap back and he rolls his eyes turning around.

"No wait!" I chirp standing on my bed and he turns around sighing.

"What?" He ask rudely and looks down noticing why i screamed in the first place and huffs.

"This is what you called me for?" He asked about to leave again.

"J! Dont just leave me" i scoff and he groans.

"You want me to kill it?" He ask pointing the gun at it but it scurries across the floor and i scream.

"Stop it, stop this right now!" I yell and he smirks.

"What are you scared?" He teases but i glare angrily. "Well if youre not scared ill be going" he says turning off the light and semi closing the door.

"STOP!" I yell feeling my heart racing like it was trying to jump out my throat. I couldnt see the spider but im pretty sure it could see me and attack me if it wanted.

"Admit it" he pressures opening the door but leaving the light off.

"You ass this isnt funny-"

"Admit it!"

"Fine im scared of spiders" i mumble but thats enough for him and he walks over to my bed and with speed and swiftness i jump off the bed and onto him wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist tightly.

"Geez, why so serious?" He smirks carrying me out the room alerting 2 of the henchman the spider was in my room. Going into his dark room i hear him put the gun on his dresser as he walks by it before im plopped on the bed.  "Listen im not a cuddler so dont try it, dont wake me up cause you hear strange noises or you think you see something" he grumbles and i crawl to the other side of the huge california king size bed.

"As long as you sleep over there we wont have a wont wake up with any missing fingers" i threaten but he just scoffs.

This would be the perfect time to kill him, while hes vulnerable- he wont even see it comming.

"Hey dollface if you think about pulling any funny shit while im sleeping youre going to wake up in a closet filled with spiders, the biggest furriest most vicious and poisonous spiders" he speaks into his pillow and my plan goes right out the window.

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