I hate everyone. I really hate men, they were so..so ugh. Such idiots. They say women shouldnt be in charge because we let our feelings get in the way, we're to sensitive and enotional, that we only think with our hearts. Men only think with one organ and its not the one above their shoulders."Hello gentlemen, greet to see me again. I look stunning if i do say so myself" i smirk pushing my sunglasses up to my straightened hair that was put into a sleek ponytail.
"Agreed" they all admit simultaneously and i smiled at how trained i had them. My little guinea pigs. We were currently on the top floor of my club that had the control panel for all the lights cameras and other electric needs and a remote controle 2 way mirror that i had shut off before the men arrived. We sat at a long wooden table with me at the head of the table.
"Ok somebody better start giving me stats im a very busy woman" i huff and they begin scrambling through files infront of them calling out amounts of money i had in each account to amount of different weapons we had.
"The drug sales are short... By about 5k" scott, the 'manager' in charge of keeping up with the drug cartels. I sigh standing up slipping off my fur coat revealing a burgundy satin mid thigh length dress.
"Why?" I question unamused. I was a girl who liked nice things and even more so enjoyed looking at my bank account and seeing all those commas. Hearing about a shortage was dampening my mood.
"Well someone thinks its just a shortage this month but i know its not. We average about 10k a month so when i counted it the first time thats what it was but when i went to recount before comming here it was short" he says sternly. Scott never made a mistake when it came to money especially when it came to a percent of this money going into his pockets and feeding his children.
"We'll get to the bottom of this, the children have got to eat. Who was guarding the safe?" I ask but he shrugs while someone else pushes the schedule chart infront of me and i smirk at the dark skinned man. He was prepared and i was happy about that.
"It had to have happened between wednesday and this morning thats 36 hours of footage im sure we will find something or someone out of place" he says and i nod liking his quick thinking. There were very few people i allowed in my board room but those who i did were the fastest smartest and always prepared and this was why.
"Great meeting dismissed, when you guys hear or see anything let me know as soon as you do if not ill kill your whole family and frame you. Good night" i smile sinisterly before heading back to the club and making a bee line for the bar.
"The usual?" The bartender ask and i nod watching as he puts down 5 shot glasses on a silver tray filling them all with hennessy. Muttering a thanks as i take them all down back to back before a smoothie looking drink is placed infront of me, and i send the guy a look. "Its something that'll make you feel good and from the look on your face you need a pick me up" he smiles. Stairing at the pink juice and alcohol blend i send him a greatful smile and 500$.
Picking up the glass cup i smell it and it smells like strawberry cake...my favorite. When i look up i notice a pair of bright baby blue eyes stairing right into mine. I blink shaking my head and when i open my eyes my view is obstruct by dancing people. Sighing lightly i rub my temples, i was probably just imagining it anyway.
"Hey! You have a visitor in the private room" a man says with a crisp black and white suit on. The private room was like any typical private room in a club..used for sex and other related activities except my own private room, seperate from my workers, was used to give men their last lap dance before death. Of course they had no idea they were going to die that was the illusion of the lap dance, give them that false sense of security.
Fanfiction"She's the only person brave enough to punch the joker in the face...and live to tell it. Ashton lawton"