So high

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Today was my day off. Another pro to taking joker as a patient was my pay got double and i had 3 days off instead of 1. I intended to do a little decorating, stop by at bruces for lunch with his butler alfred but i ended up never getting out the bed. I realized i only grazed jokers file...s. Most patients had one as to where he had 7. Filled with things he did, said, diagnosis, all of the files ended with the psychiatrist' going crazy..sometimes even dead. The worst part was it took about 3 of them each to write where the last left off. So each folder had 3-4 different handwritings...all of them shitty and hard to read most likely because they were nervous.

But the last one...that was something special. Not just because there wasnt a drop of blood like the others but it was writen in girly purple handwriting which progressed over time. At first her handwriting was normal but her y's were straight and i's dotted with teeny circles, the reports were long and full. Towards the end the y's are curved while the i's and j's are dotted with hearts. Basic psych 101- she was falling for him. Her reports that she wrote at the end of each lesson started becoming shorter and had holes in the story. She was protecting him. The file comes to an abrupt end, with random doodles on a piece of paper and i sigh putting down the folder begining to brainstorm. Joker is manipulative and if he could manipulate a girl into falling in love or whatever they call it with him, seduce her into breaking him out and probably helping make sure he escapes whos to say he wont do it again. Whos to say he wont do it to me...whos to say he isnt trying right now. I need to find out exactly what happened to this harleen chick.

Throwing the covers off my legs i grab my soap and towel to take a shower which i spend making up scenarios of what happened to her when i rub the wash cloth over the scar and hiss. I hated it, it made me feel...bad.I close my eyes taking a deep breath to not cry before slowly moving away from it. After drying off i slip on a button up black silk short sleeve shirt a mid thigh black skirt and nude heels. Straightening a few pieces of hair that curled i touch up my make up before grabbing my purse and leaving.

"I thought you were off today?" Nina says walking up to me and i roll my eyes this is the first time she spoke to me since we left the club...a month ago. Before i could answer she spits out another question. "So whats up with you and the he as bad as everyone says?" She gasp and i nearly growl at her before i storm off annoyed with her and all her fucking questions. She had some nerve! I strongly disliked her she didnt really care about me just the juicy gossip she could sink her teeth into and share with everybody.

"Hey ash what are you doing here?" Officer james ask and i smile sweetly at him.

"I need to speak to the she still here?" I ask looking at him to see him smiling down at me. "What?" I ask lightly smiling.

"Uh nothing you just look good but you just missed her by a good 5 minutes, why is everything ok?" He ask and i nod but frown.

"No i need to know about harleen...she was a psych here..." I trail off seeing the look on his face. He looked nervous with a slight sign of pity. "What do you know?" I ask and he shrugs pulling me towards the elevator pressing the basement floor.

"Nobody knows what happened she was one of the best we had although a little ditsy too innocent for her own good. They got a little close, he broke out probably with her help kidnapped her and apparently dropped her in a vat of acid turning her just like him they commited crimes all over gotham until batman got her and she hasnt been heard from for a while" he says and i nod confused as i began to fill in the holes with information i had.

"What the hell is a batman?" I ask and he burst into laughter as if i told him a joke. Maybe it was time to move out this damn city, there was constantly escaping psychopaths, guys dressing up in costumes with ridiculous alias' and a pointless ass police station since the cops never did anything.

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