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"W-what are you doing?" I gasp scared. This was the only time ive ever been scared of him, not when he broke in my house, not when he threatned me nor when he restrained me but his hand relentlesy around my throat squeezing so roughly i have to take tiny breaths so my throat doesnt  expand to much but the little breaths arent enough and i feel myself becomming light headed but a image begins to form in the opposite corner of the elevator.

Its me standing in a white tshirt my purple hair up in a bun as i stand infront of a stove with one of the burners lit. Jokers there a pair of black sweats hanging loosely on his hips and his hair a mess and ran through as if he just woke up but his hand was wraped around my throat-well the me with purple hair. Her eyes are tearing up at the corners and fingers clawing at his hands but she says something making him release his deadly grip but her arm lands on the frying pan and as she goes to grip her arm stepping away from the joker her foot lands in a pile of glass.

The vision fades away but this time i dont black out and i notice his grip is no longer squeezing my windpipe and i take a deep breath, gasping i try to take in as much as possible but begin coughing as my eyes burn. "Y-youre so fucked up" i say my voice cracks and i realize tears are running down my face. I stand as far away from him as i can in the tiny box leaning my head against the wall shutting my eyes to stop the tears. The bell dings and i know we've reached the bottom floor so i quickly wipe my tears and adjust my hair to cover my neck with his eyes burning through me the whole time. The doors open and i notice stephan waiting  for us but he looks at me confused.

"You ok?" He ask me gently pulling me to him and joker roughly pushes past us grumbling and i bite my lip to hold in the tears. Wrapping my arms around stephan and holding him tight inhaling his scent and wincing at my now soar throat.

"Aw baby its ok" he humms kissing the top of my head holding me tightly before he rubs my arms gently. I think nothing of him calling me baby because he calls everyone baby or babe it was in his nature. It was comforting and that was what i needed right now, comfort.

"I dont want to be like harleen" i finally admit into his chest but he just chuckles making me look up at him. This wasnt something to laugh or joke about i was dead serious and he notices and smiles.

"Your nothing like her, could never be" he promises kissing my forehead and i smile knowing it was nothing more then friendly but joker doesnt like that.

"Can you two hurry up with your stupid ass flirting its repulsive, what do you see in him he looks like a bitch" joker snarls and i step closer to him only to be pulled back.

"No ashton, how about i handle this and when im done take you to breakfast and we enjoy a nice talk without your stomach grumbling like a hungry bear" he says and i laugh lightly knowing it was grumbling rather loudly.

Sitting in my office i frown, the blood from his hands was no longer around my throat but a bruise was forming and it hurts slightly to breathe, and then that fucking vision! Today obviously wasnt my day. Someone knocks on my office and i quickly place my hair infront of my neck before they open and a folder is dropped onto my desk. "Its from the lab...all the drugs we've tried on joker what they do and the effect it has on him" the young intern says and i smile greatfully. He nods closing the door and i drop my head in my hands. He was so controlling even without being in the room. Everything still revolved around him. I sigh putting my stuff into my bag when i realize what time it is...time to go home.

When i unlock my apartment door i sigh and slam it shut leaning my head against it. I was so out of it tonight that i honestly have no idea how i drove home because i was in such a haze. Walking over to the kitchen i see the mess from this morning is cleaned up and i smile peeling off my clothes as i head to the bathroom. Both pill bottles are on the counter from this morning since i only took 1. 1 of them actually made me feel better stopped me from throwing up in the morning and headaches while the other one tasted like shit, Asiplyrenol, it didnt do anything really so i had no purpouse to take it.

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