To always forgive me

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"Fear controlls people?" The colonel ask earning a nod

"Fear and anger"

Waking up to see bright green was not the first thing i all. Observing his state i notice he was no longer talking in his sleep like last night but instead cuddling a pillow. His eyelashes were thick and long but youd only notice them if you were up close because they were blonde same with his perfectly crafted eyebrows. Lowering my eyes his arms were tightly squeezing the pillow meaning his muscles were flexed from his arms to his back and his lightly defined v line that disappeared under the cover.

Looking back up i noticed his eyes were now open and he was glaring at me. If this was a cartoon he'd have flames in his eyes.

"Good mornin' sunshine i see you woke up on the wrong side of the bed" i smile and he grumbles rubbing his eyes before reaching under the covers pushing my legs off his.

"No you woke up on my side of the bed and its not a good morning its too early" he grumbles and pulls the covers higher on him closing his eyes.

"Who wakes up angry?" I scoff but his eyes flash back open.

"You were stairing at me, who does that! You took all the covers, you cuddle and you hold on tight" he growled iritably. Ive never really seen him irritated or this early...whatever time it was. Before i could respond he gets out of bed and picks me up to carry me to the kitchen downstairs. Placing me onto the island in the middle of the kitchen he rubs his eyes again before stairing at me.

"Breakfast" he grumbles and i make a face.

"Sounds lovely, you should make some" i smirk earning an eyeroll. He was definately NOT a morning person.

"You owe me for the unwelcomed cuddling the unpleasent death grip and taking over my damn- is that my shirt?" He ask scrunching up his brows and i hop off the counter going to the fridge.

"Why would i be wearing your shirt? Its obviously mine" i lie giving him the carton of orange juice and a glass even though i knew he was going to drink off the container. I scold him every time like a child but he either laughs or mocks me. Walking over to the stove and turning it on before placing a few strips of bacon in it i turn around seeing him holding the glass cup in his hand and glare on his face.

"Well its mine now j, besides you arent the most pleasent either you twitch in your sleep you kept pushing me and you talk in your sleep" i tell him as i flip the bacon.

"Its MY bed ok i can do what i want" he grumbles before drinking the last of the orange juice.

"Yeah like yell about punching something and jack...whoever that is" i mutter the last part before i hear glass shatter and feel a tight grip on my throat.

"Dont ever repeat that name you hear me?" He growls angrily and the tips of his ears are red his voice laced with a deadly tone. I guess i take to long because his grip becomes tighter and i begin feeling lightheaded. My chest and eyes start to burn from the smoke from the pan being the only tiny amount of air im getting and The smoke alarm goes off. Nodding finally making him release his deadly grip i hunch over trying to catch my breath when i accidentaly put my hand on the hot stove. I hiss flinging it back which only makes my forearm press into the burning pan. Taking a step away to attemp to stop hurting myself was a huge mistake because i only ended up stepping in a pile of glass.

Feeling the anger bubbling inside of me i run upstairs to my room before slamming my door. I shouldve killed him last night! Who did he think i was? Some doll he could just throw around? I was loosing my focus i was getting to comfortable to domestic with him. For godsakes we had little morning routines i was sleeping in his shirt in his bed. I had put not killing him behind me when he didnt hesitate to hurt me. He done it so quick and easily something i thought he'd never do. Thats where im messing up! Hes a criminal a nutjob a psychopath. He doesnt have feelings he doesnt get comfortable or attatched he does without thinking no remorse and walks away undamaged. Hes heartless but it works for him and its going to have to work for me.

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