I dont want

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"They may have hurt another but they never let anybody hurt another"

Waking up in my cell i groan putting my palm against my head shutting my eyes until i see bright flashes and vague images. My head is pounding trying to remember what happened after getting my first electric shock therapy.

"Hey!" I hear someone call and i look up seeing a girl with green tinted skin and bright eyes stairing at me.

"Are you going to keep stairing or are you going to talk?" I snap and she pulls a face as if she tasted something gross.

"Youre really her...the jokers girlfriend" she says shocked with a tiny smirk on her face and i grimace.

"Im not his girlfriend-" i say with a eyeroll that makes my head pound. Half the time we werent even friends.

"Please! Everybody in the asylum knows how crazy he went after finding out about your uh...therapy! Killed everyone in his path they have him in the underground padded cell in handcuffs and a nic white padded suit. Dozens of guards. The only one even allowed down there is quinn and its only for a half hour" she informs me and i feel the smile growing on my face. "The joker is a selfish egotistical narcissist, the only way he'd do anything like that for anyone is if hes dating them" she theorizes and i laugh.

"Ive been friends with him for a while and if he could put his ego and jokes to the side long enough to focus on anyone else for a second-" i begin earning a laugh from her.

"I like you, the names ivy" she says and wouldve offered to shake her hand if it wasbt for the 3 burly guards between us...and our cells being across from one another.

As the weeks go by my friendship with ivy increases and the amount of security decreases. The only thing i hear about joker is that he has daily sessions with quinzel and last weak he broke a guards hand for interuppting his session with her. Strange.

When ivy and i got to the cafateria the vibe was strange. Everyone seemed on edge and looking in the corner i found my reason. There sat the joker glairing at everyone including me. From all the way over here i could hear him growling and i frowned in confusion. "I wouldnt get to close ash, hes on some serious meds" ivy points out and i huff. I use to see him every day even sometimes sleep in the same bed which changed to not seeing him for nearly two months and i have to stay away. Who knows when im next going to see him?

I begin walking over to him only to hear ivy whisper-yelling at me what a bad idea it is. Joker was an ass and mean but he would show me his vulnerable sides i turned a murderer into a killer i think i could handle- and his hand was now tightly gripping my throat. "What are you doing?" I cough but he just growls pulling me closer.

"Stay away from me" he growls and i freeze. His voice sounded dry and more dangerous then usual, his eyes were blood shot hair a stringy mess and he smelled like medicine.

"Mistah j" i mumble out confused with my eyes piercing his and its like something snaps and he remembers who i am. His grip instantly loosens and he takes a step back.

"Sorry its the meds" he says flashing his silver teeth i missed oh so much. He stares at his food infront of him and softly pushes it away. He was so dull and unjoker like. His blonde roots was showing in certain parts and his lips werent as red, hell he wasnt even smiling. They were doping him up on depresants! Sitting further away i really look at him as he takes a spoonful of mash potatoes. He hates them he thinks they are bland and dull.

"Oh hi ms.lawton" i hear a bubbly voice say and look up seeing harleen and nearly vomit.

"What is that repulsive smell?" I ask and she sniffs the air. "Is that your perfume? Gosh it smells like unicorns and optimism had a baby! What are you 5 still wearing kidy girly perfume like that?" I cough for extra rffect and watch her happy demeanor come crashing down.

"I think...it smells nice" joker smiles up at her and she blushes. What the actual fuck.

"Im curing him" she says and i realize i actually blurted that out instead of thinking it. I watch how his hand twitches around the spoon when she says curing. What was that about. "I thought some space inbetween you two would help and cure both of you and its working...both of you look good" she says and i notice his tight grip on the spoon before he tosses it down.

Before i could reply or attack her ivy grabs me by the shoulder and sends harleen a smile. "Im going to kill her...look at him he looks miserable" i growl and she looks over from our table to the other side of the cafateria seeing them two laughing at something she said. I looked at her seeing her give me a torn look. "She just took my partner in crime" i pout softly stairing at them. Joker mustve felt it and he gives me a look i cant read so i glare at him. Hes so weak, men are so damn weak. All it takes is a long leg pretty eyed girl and they are done for. I hate his guts and everything attatched. He was so...serious now. I shake my head and push ivys hands off heading back to my cell. Sitting here watching the 3 dingy walls was a hell of alot better then watching that. It was like she dug her way into his brain and rewired it. Maybe quinzel wasnt as innocent as i thought...or maybe she was and maybe thats what i needed to be. Feeling a smirk grown on my face as i begin plotting i look over to where ivy has just returned to see her already looking at me.

"Oh boy, whats that look on your face?" She ask tilting her head suspiciouly making the guards also look at me.


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