From the ceiling

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A/n inlove with kehlanis new album can i get some votes and comment so i know you guys are still alive and not dead😩😭

"Sooo you just fainted? Like completely blacked out?" Raven ask and i internally roll my eyes. This was the 4th time she asked and my answer was definately not going to change.

"Are you trying to dampem the mood, why do you keep asking that question its clear its making her uncomfortable!" Nina snapped as we walked into another store that i realized was more on the pricey side. Maybe they were lost.

"Uhh you guys why are we in here...this stuff looks pretty expensive" i say but its pointless because nina holds up bruce's black card and i snatch it from her. How did she even get it, i know i left it in my apartment. He begged that i used it but i politely declined over and over much to nina and ravens dismay.

"How did you get this?!" I asked somewhat angry. I never depended on a man for anything and today wouldnt be the day i started. I didnt need his money no matter how much or often he shoved it at me. Him taking care of me and helping me through therapy was more then enough.

"Come on ashton! We're taking you out for your first night in gotham to celebrate you graduating and getting the job at arkham, this is bruce's congrats. Now just pick out a outfit use his card and stop being such a wus" nina demanded and i gasp. For such a tiny person she held so much sass and attitude.

Groaning i walk off and begin looking at all the dresses but nothing seems to be catching my eye, it all looks boring and basic until silk dresses catch my eye. All different colors lengths and styles. I end up picking up a black silk knee length dress with a deep v-cut and a pair of knee length boots. I think i might enjoy spending bruces money i smile to myself as i come across a few similar dresses.

"I still think you look totally hot!" Raven squeals as we finally get to the front of the line. I smirk giving a playfull twirl but trip over my feet causing snickers from nina and raven. But instead of hitting the ground  i fall into muscular arms instead. The man has on a goat face masking with a bluetooth in his ear and a crisp black and white suit. What the hell kind of club was this.

"Where have you been lady? J's been looking for you!" He says lifting up the purple and green striped velour belt and ushering me and my friends into the club.

"Whos j?"

"Whys he looking for you?"

"Is that your boyfriend?"

"Does he own this club?"

"I wish you guys slow down! I dont know the answer to any of those questions, maybe he mistook me for someone else? Ok. Right now i dont want to worry about my past you guys brought me here to have fun and get drunk so can we please do that and stop pretending im some cool new experiment or patient you can keep questioning!" I finally snap annoyed with them trying to pick apart my life like a science project and thats when things started to set in. That was the only reason they hung out with me was to get to know the 'mysterious new girl' . They werent generally interested in being my friend, but more of who i was. Turning around my breath got stuck in my throat seeing the club.

It was so cool looking! And unlike any other club ive ever seen. But somehow i had a weird sense of deja ive been here before but i just couldnt remember.

"Memory loss"

Ignoring the music that began playing even louder i adjusted the purse on my shoulder and made a bee-line for the bar but came to a halt when the guy at the bar smiled at me. He looked familiar, and honestly a little to young to work here. Maybe i seen him at the mall earlier or something perhaps even the street. I shrug and sit down but before i can order he puts 5 shot glasses infront of me and fills them all up with hennessy. I tilt my head in confusion to ask how did he know but he just sends me a small wink before attending to a couples whos extremely into pda. Gross. Pouring the shots into one big glass i slide off my seat and to the more populated area of the club.

I see nina and raven dancing on guys. Bitches. They completely forgot about me, or more then likely didnt care where i was and i bet 500$ tomorrow when they see me at work they will use the excuse 'we tried looking for you but couldnt find you' and then ask more questions about my life, did my boyfriend show up, how did i get home?!was it a one night stand? Did someone pick me up? Was it bruce? Was it j? I could imagine it now. I see a overly dressed guy in a suit with a panda head mask on his head walking through the middle of the crowd with a gun in his hand and what im hoping isnt blood on the other. He reaches a barely noticeable door before another guy nods at him allowing him in but i get a small peak at the flight of stairs.

"Memories may surface but they wont be clear"

And thats when it happens again i see myself walking towards the bathroom near the hidden door with a pale girl following behind me rambling on about catching up. I can smell her perfume that she sprayed entirely to much on, i could feel her scarf  on my skin that rubbed against the me on the other side of the room. They or we disappeared into the bathroom but i was still frozen in place but my hands started to feel like they were wet. And when i see myself walk out of the bathroom theres a smirk on my face and something red drenched on my hands, and the girl never came back out.

"Memories might come back at a strange times..."

Gasping as the day dream me..or flashback at this point im not even sure what these are..but she walks right through me and sits at the bar with 2 guys and a girl when another guy walks up. But things arent as clear as the first day dream i had like this. I cant see their faces or hair color and their clothes are also blurred. I could feel the anger she felt, the red liquid that was on her hands still felt like it was on mine and the burn of the alcohol in my throat as she drunk some dark alcohol. The 3rd guy who walks up puts his hand on her thigh and i automatically get chills. The good kind, the roughness of his fingertips but his smooth palms that run up and down my legs give my body a whole new feeling.

"Which leads to sensory overload-"

I try to reach for the pills in my purse when my head starts to pound and the room feels like its shaking but nobody seems to notice. I fumble with the orange pill bottle with my name on it and try to grab it but it keeps sliding through my fingers. I notice the room spinning faster and faster until black dots began clouding my vision but a hand on my upper arm and a growl in my ear makes everything freeze. My cup dropped from my hand onto the carpeted floor followed by my purse which turned upside down spilling everything out. As i tried to bend and reach for it all i could see was the black dots becomming bigger until they are all i see, and then i feel nothing.

"-which leads to blackouts"

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