I need

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Waking up in a california king size bed when i knew i was just on a metal table getting my brain electrified by the demented clown himself was incongruous. Listening to my surroundings i could hear people talking and laughing but it sounded far away, maybe downstairs. I could feel another presence in the room and really close. Opening my eyes i see a dark figure with a black and white mask on making me scream and grab the first thing i can grab, unfortunately a plump pillow, before throwing it at him. He lets out a muffled sound which sounds like a evil laugh while reaching his hands out but under the pillow i had hit him with was a gold gun with rubys and jewels incrusted into it, i quickly picked it up getting a tiny flash back of me shooting a fat man in the neck with it and i shooting the masked man i run out of the room.

"Ashton?" I hear jokers calm voice and feel his hand on my arm but i clumsily crash into his chest throwing my arms around him, momentarily forgetting what he did to me. 

"J! I-i shot...i didnt-but he was hovering over me in my sleep and i got scared-" i ramble but he just smirks picking me up wraping my thighs around his waist and carrying me downstairs. The laughter dies down and with one look from joker they run out the living room thats attatched to a rather large and familiar kitchen.

"Ash its ok, im just mad i couldnt see you do it! You used my gun again? Doesnt it shoot perfectly?!" He smiles sitting us on the couch.what did he mean by again? That daydream i had...was it real? Was he there? Could it have been a memory instead of a daydream? No of course not.

"This is all your fault!" I yell shooting up off his lap and he snorts. "It is! You did something to me...messed up my head and i killed a man!i dont even feel bad!" I shouted at him but he smirked evily which ignited a fire in me. I begin swinging at him which he only found more amusing.

"This is all youre fucking fault" i say angrily which makes him grab at my hands but im somehow quicker and end up punching him roughly in his jaw which feels good to me obviously not him and i do it again before his hand finds its way to my throat and i fall to my knees. I most definately was not submissive but its like my body had a mind of its own. He lets out a approving purring sounds that sounds extremely similar to a jungle cat and my eyes meet his.

"Tsk tsk tsk you know for a little person you have so much fire power" he teases leaning in which makes me reciprocate until snickering breaks us apart.

"That was the most bipolar thing i have ever seen" a girls voice says and i hold the gun aimed at her head which makes her eyes widen. Her skin was pale and clear of blemishes with bright green eyes and strawberry blonde hair but i had no idea who she was so she was a threat. Easing closer to joker since i was more comfortable with him her jaw drops. "What the hell did you do to her?" She yells at him and he shrugs.

"I told you what i was doing and it got you out of arkham so shut up flower pot, go water some plants or something" he snarks rudely and i punch his shoulder earning a curt nod from the girl before she left slamming the door. Pushing jokers hand off my neck he pulls the gun out my hand but i pull it back.

"I like this...can i have it?" I ask softly and he smiles before shaking his head. "Please j i really reaaaally like it" i ask biting my lip which catches his attention.

"And what do i get in return?" He ask his eyes still on my lips flicking to my eyes at the last second and i scoff heading to the fridge. Im sure a man like this had plenty of guns letting me hold onto a pretty one while i was in his madhouse of henchmen wouldnt hurt, he did kidnap me after all. As i go to open the fridge his gun is pulled out of my hand and im forced to turn to him.

"Whyd you kidnap me?" I ask irritably my thoughts all over the place and hard to focus on one for to long. Probably a side effect of the electrotherapy. He took a step towards me and i took one back unable to keep eye contact, unable to breath properly.

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