Let me go

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"You suck!" I giggle throwing a fry at officer james only for him to catch it in his mouth sending me a wink. We had been playing uno on our break in the cafe since it was raining and horribly windy outside. Sighing as i pull my shirt down to cover the scar, i had accidentaly put it in the dryer after my fight with joker and it shrunk, i reach over stealing one of the shrimps from his container earning a playful glare before.

"Whered you learn to be so good at card games?" He ask but i smirked throwing my last card down.

"I dont remember, maybe its just natural talent" i wink playful with a hair flip which he laughs at revealing his pearly white teeth.

"You mustve made joker mad ash, he's stairing at you like you broke his favorite gun, he keeps sending me glares but if looks could kill you'd be 12 feet under" he says softly so only i can here but i shrug taking a bite of my fries.

"Hes just jealous because im sitting with you and not him, but we had a argument yesterday so we arent talking" i shrug angrily eating my fries.

"Sounds more like a couple then patient and doctor, hes been on edge today...he isnt talking as much but hes been giving everybody these deadly glares. Actually he broke someones arm. Hes really upset you canceled your session with him" he adds and i shrug once again.

"Im punishing him, he doesnt get punished when he does bad this place is just a free bed and breakfast to him honestly, me ignoring him because of his bad behavior is angering him because im the only authority he cant break" i admit and he chuckles before it turns into full on laughter. "What the hell is so funny?" I ask irritably.

"I dont mean to laugh but dont tell me you really dont see what we all see?" He ask but i just give him a strange look, what the hell did everyone see? "You have him wrapped around your little finger, hes never gotten angry over missing therapy session, the dude willingly let you put cuffs on him and bring him back after he ran away from here to find you. He kills or hurts anybody who disrespects you and dont think i didnt notice how he called you his girl the other day" he rambles quietly so only i can hear and i begin to think about what hes saying. It didnt make sense how he did all that or even why but in a strange way it was all for me, everything has lead to me what was so special about me?

"If youre saying he has a crush on me maybe you should watch a few of his sessions with his other psychiatrist, you dont do as much ruthless stuff as him and have things like crushes" i snark getting up knowing our break was over. He followed with a smirk throwing his arm over my shoulder only for seconds later a loud bang to be heard. Jokers gone from his seat and i see a flash of green hair dissapear out the cafeteria and notice a security guard laying on the ground in a puddle of blood.

"And theres your answer and my cue, ill see you in about a hour when they call you down to calm him and see why he did that" he tells me before heading out. I groan throwing away my trash knowing he was right, about everything. How the joker was close with me and how i was the only one to basically tame him. But that was only cause he found me fun and trusted me. He knew i wouldnt hurt him for no reason only if he provoked me and he enjoyed when i did. He knows i dont judge him or try to fix him he cant be fixed if he doesnt want to be, i let joker be joker and play along because if that keeps him from tearing up the streets of gotham killing innocent people. And id never admit it out loud but i liked the attention, i liked how he kept up with my intellectual par and challenge it unlike anybody else, i liked his jokes, sometimes, because his sense of humor was different and even though it was morbid almost all the time it was his laugh that made me smile. I loved when he growled at me because i outwitted him or made him mad with my authority but he never stayed mad for long because his scowl would turn into a smirk sometimes even a grin which would show his shiny silver teeth.

Walking down the empty hall i scrunch up my brows in confusion because it was empty, there had been no guard on duty no nurses, psychiatrist, doctors or patients and this was usually the most busy hall. I noticed a puddle of blood as i walked closer to the elevator and before i could analyze where it was comming from an alarm went off followed by horriffied screams. Red and green lights began flashing which ment joker escaped. Before i could run something is slammed into my legs making me fall but before i could hit the ground im grabbed by 3 burly men. Two tall but one not as muscular as the other and one short maybe my height.

"He said she would be alot harder... It seemed pretty easy to me" one of the masked men say while walking towards stairs. I scream in anger ,not for help because who the hell would actually try to help me, wiggling the tallest one tries to stop me but i kick him twice in the face and once in the throat knocking him unconcious maybe even dead. Before i could rejoice the shortest one slaps me hard and i taste blood so i spit it in his face. He goes to attack me again but the other guy stops him saying i was to be untouched.

Im shoved into a room and roughly slamed down and strapped to a metal table but not without kicking the short guy in the head once more.

"You little bitch" he growls raising his hand but before it hits me he releases a painful scream and i look up to see a bullet in his hand followed by one going through his head making me gasp.

"Well well well if it isnt my doctor. How sweet of you to join us" joker laughs waving the gun around and i look up seeing him shirtless with just black sweats and purple gloves on.

"You sick bastard!" I growl angrily but he laughs. I wanted to say i was shocked but with his history joker only does things that will benefit him, making me believe he trusted me and would behave only for me...exactly like harley this was sick, demented! I was furious but not with him, for myself i allowed him to play the same game with me i was stupid.

"Sweet talking me will get you know where toots, sneezy how many men did she take down?" He ask the big guy that carried me and strapped me down. He mustve been the one joker trusted the most and i could see why he followed every order to the tee.

"She took dopey down and bashful took a few hits" he tells him adjusting his gun on his back. He names his men after the 7 dwarfs?!

"I shouldve let them kill you" i yell at joker angry at myself. I became just like harley i thought something was there, allowed him to take advantage and now im strapped to the table.

"Kill me?" He chuckles flipping switches on the machine that began whiring and wizing. "now who would kill me?" He asked amused.

"Let me go and ill tell you" i try to compromise feeling the straps tighten around my body so i cant slip out.

"But where would the fun be in that?" He asked giggling adjusting his gloves.

"Fine! They were going to fill you up with every drug so your body gets weak...just like last time then they were going to try drowning the crazy out, and if that didnt work electrotherapy while you were in the bath which wouldve ultimately killed you and nobody wouldve cared because you would be gone. Nobody but me" i whisper the last part.

"Kill me...KILL ME?! They think they can kill me?" He laughs mockingly. "Oh but its sweet that you cared toots but the old you wouldve been smarter but its alright...we'll fix you right up doctooooor" he grins before placing a belt in my mouth.

"Cant break those peaaaarly whites of yours now, can we?" He chides charging up the rods before quickly pushing them up against my temples and i let out a gut renching scream against the leather material wedged in between my lips.

Hey guys! Im so sickened with myself on how i ended this chapter it was rushed and not my best because all i want to write is them being back how they were before and i have a few fluffy scenes written in the drafts so its hard😭😭😭

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