Hanging part 2

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~Bruce wayne pov~
3 weeks ago

Guilt was all i felt. I knew she was a criminal, i knew she used to run around with the jokers a few months ago but she was still a girl, she didnt deserve what happened to her tonight. The past few months i hadnt heard anything from her, no murders stealing or strife. I only put a tracker on her car to find her and talk, see if she wanted a way out of the criminal shadows. She wasnt ment to be caught in the crossfire.

I groaned, leaning forward into the palms of my hands that were propped on my knees by my elbows. In another ten minutes i'd have been sitting here for 3 hours. Why did i care so much? Because i had one golden rule, to never kill anyone. I wanted to make sure the doctors did everything to help her and keep it like that. The joker had fled, no suprise.

I could here sobs from down the hall, the clicking of the front desk ladys pen and the clanking of the security guards keys. It smelled in here, like strong pills and hand sanitizer. I felt like i was drowning in it. The guilt SUNK in and I could feel a drop of sweat forming on the back of my neck as the anxiety build in my gut. "Mr.wayne?" I hear and i jump up out my seat startling the doctor.

"W-whats going..how is...wai-" i stumbled over the words...the guilt. My jaw was clenching and unclenching nervously along with my fist and the doctor nervously took a step back.

"She's alive...she woke up and was frantic so we sedated her. We stitched up her wounds and pumped as much air as we could into her lungs, gave her a tiny dosage of morphine so she wont feel the pain. We're going to keep her over night to observe and see what shes like in the morning." He says pushing up his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Great, ill be back in the morning" i tell him and quickly leave. I didnt break my rule, some of the guilt lifted of my shoulders and i was able to breathe properly again as a plan began to form.

The next morning:

When i walked in the front doors of the hospital i was bombarded by 3 nurses who grabbed onto my arms and pulled me quickly to her room. I could hear her frantic yells but she sounded terrified. Were they hurting her?! Pushing the nurses off i ran into her room to see tears streaming down her face. Her head instantly snapped to me and her face turned to a slight scowl.

"What the hell are y-you doing here?!" She yelled at me through her sobs pulling the blanket up closer to her. She looked terrified and nervous. Her hair was frizzy and matted, some parts were stickng up. The doctor whispers something to her and she nods after a moment.

"Mr.wayne if i may have a word with you in the hall?" Her doctor says and i nod quickly stepping out. The hospital smelled the same but it was less sufficating this time.

"Amnesia, a pretty severe case of it to. It seems as if her mind fabricated its own reality to make up for the last 2 and 1/2 years" he says adjusting his glasses and chuckles when he notices my confused face. "The brain...the brain is a complex thing. Its the protective shield of the body as crazy as it sounds. When some amnesia patients have amnesia their brain will supress the memories and not make it obvious to the person their memories are lost to protect them from the pain. The brain knows what the host can handle physically and mentally." He tells me as we walk down the hall where its more empty.

"Ok and what about her?" I ask skeptical of where he's going with this.

"I did some research and digging. When she first came to gotham 2 and 1/2 years ago she came to notify her brother and niece she was graduating with her degree in psychiatry she wanted them to go and im assuming they agreed because she was on her way back...headed across gotham bridge when she was attacked and nearly raped. This is where things get complicated mr.wayne... In reality she killed them brutaly thus begining her persona as a criminal, but after the accident yesterday? She thinks they just pushed her off the bridge on her way back to university and she was saved" he tells me and my mouth feels dry.

Maybe she wasnt a bad person. She wasnt a criminal. But like joker says all it takes is one bad day...and that was what she had. She couldve got help and been a good person but instead she found the joker, instead she was taken down a worse path. But this was my chance to help her, this was her chance to get out of her terrible past. "Ill do it!" I blurt only to get a strange look from the doctor.

"What exactly is it you'll be doing?" He ask taking a step back and i realize i was thinking instead of explaining it to him.

"You said it yourself, the brain is the bodies protective shield! What if deep down she didnt want to be a criminal and her brain us protecting her by supressibg the memories and allowing her to carry on with a normal life, the life shes always wanted?" I ask and he looks taken back.

"Uhhh....maybe you should be the doctor because i didnt even think of that possibility" he chuckles adjusting his glasses once more.

"I can create that life for her, help her to get what she wants! Its not like i dont have millions just laying around, and connections to get it done" i say forcefully but breathe once i realize.

"Bruce if your going to do this you need to be calm and gentle, shes still sensitive from the accident. You need to be more then just some watch dog- you need to be a friend" he says fumbling with the clipboard and i nod but he doesnt stop there but he begins slowly walking towards her room.

"Theres going to be some minor side effects. The most obvious is memory loss. Memories may surface, but they wont be clear. Memories might come back at strange times-causing sensory overloads...which leads to black outs"

"She has to take these pills" he says giving me a orange bottle with her name on it "EVERY MORNING, just one. And these pills" he says handing me a pink bottle- "EVERY NIGHT, just one. These are to supress the pain...and memories" he tells me before she walks out of the bathroom with a oversized sweater jeans and ankleboots. Is she even suppouse to wear those?

"Ashton this is bruce...bruce wayne, hes a really close friend of mine and he's going to help you get adjusted to the city" the doctor smiles at her and she glances at me suspiciously before taking menacing steps closer.

"Hello bruce, nice to meet you" she smiles widely holding her hand out waiting for me to shake it and i nearly sigh with relief. She didnt remember who i was.

"Nice to finally meet you to"

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