My freakness

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Biting my tounge was something i never did, i never had to. But biting it out of boiling rage and pure anger wasnt something new especially the past two months. When j and i had that little moment in the bathroom i shouldve know something was up because he never went that far, but since then hes been keeping me in the dark. After our heist he'd run off, some days he'd dissapear for hours and he was alot more grumpy.

Something had changed in our relationship...things were not how they use to be with our typical banter, occasional flirting, half empty threats and our teasing friendship. I missed it and can admit it but joker was still a man and all men are the same. Get what they want from a girl and slowly fade away. He was fading and everyone in the house noticed it, we didnt even sleep in the same bed anymore it would be weird considering thats where his new prized jewel, Harley Quinn, spend most of her time...and theyre doing alot more then sleeping.

I wanted to kill her, honestly i tried when i first saw her but joker stopped me saying she was one of us now. They were both dripping wet im assuming he took her to ace chemicals he shouldve let the bitch drown, i personally wouldve if i known she'd be this damn annoying. When i walked in all the henchmen moved out of my way immidiately, i guess you can say ive became a bit more vicious and may have stabbed a few of them. Stomping up to my room i feel my anger boiling when i see my door cracked open, i always shut it and locked it when i left. Opening it up i see none other then harley in my mirror, my makeup looking as if a toddler ran through it and a few clothes on the floor.

"What the fuck do you think youre doing?" I yell and she immidiately drops the tube of lipstick her reaction mirroring a kid who got caught stealing cookies from the jar. "Howd you get in my room? Why did you come in here?! Why are my precious clothes on the floor? What did you do to my makeup?!" I seethe but she shruggs.

"We're both girls here why not share, isnt that what youre all about?" She asks rhetorically and im ready to rip every strand of hair out of her head clump by clump, i even feel my eye twitch as i shove her forcefully to the floor.

"No you idiot! I stand for feminism in a way, not just women being equal to men but women using everything they have men dont to bring men to their knees, using every weekness and desire to decapitate them. To never be hurt by a man but to hurt them in any and every way they hurt women. I stand for showing men its them who's weak and incapable that women are the superior. I dont like to share" i yell at her organizing all my stuff properly on my makeup stand. Turning back around to her i see her once again raiding my closet and i throw a ring dagger at her hand stopping her as she cries out. I pick up all my clothes from the floor noticing some of them are torn god knows why because me and her are the same size.

"If i find you in my room or touching any of my stuff ill be sure the knife goes through your neck you single brain celled twat" i threaten grabbing the back of her neck forcefully which she winces to and throw her on the floor infront of my door before slamming it in her face. I inhale deeply trying to relax so i dont open the door and execute my threat when i hear knocking. I was becomming vicious, and extremely deadly these threats and using brutal force was unlike me, it was very much like joker. He was a psychotic freak and i was turning into a freak just like him.

"Harley if its you im going to-" i roll my eyes once i open the door seeing its joker. "What?" I hiss and he smirks.

"What did you do to-" before he can finish harleys behind him and complaining about her hand. "Its alright doll, let me handle it" he says pecking her lips. Did he he..i MUST be dreaming. He called her MY name. Im going to murder them both.

"Fuck off, J" i sneer ready to close my door but i stop myself. "Tell your bitch stay out my stuff, if she cant handle a little poke in the hand from me, when the big guys come she's going to crumble like dust" i inform with a smirk of my own internally praying i have front row seats , and with that i slam the door in his face.

"Let me get this straight?" Ivy says putting down her watering container scrunching up her eyebrows. "you want to break in to arkham, the horrible asylum that beat abused and locked you down and you want to go back?" She ask and i nod. "Sounds jealous to me" Ivy says watering her plants. There must be dozens all over her living room and covering damn near every window.

"Somethings off about her you dont just go from a doctor trying to cure him to chasing him around to be with him and then being exactly like him besides, She cant even put on lipstick right whats there to be jealous of?" I snort from her pale green couch running my hands in my hair.

"I mean she took your mistah j away from you, even got him calling her doll, everybody knows that he calls you that" she says and i nod but quickly shake my head. "Ash you might as well tell me the truth on how you really feel about all this instead of lying to yourself and i" she says and i sit up sighing but she runs over to me sitting cross leg on the couch obviously to excited i was about to open up.

"Im not a emotional person especially when it comes to guys but...he was like my bestfriend we did everything together ivy! He got me to kill a guy that hurt me instead of being scared, taught me i was good at knives and got me connections i never wouldve had without him-" i start only to get cut off.

"Sounds like a perfet friendship" she rolls her eyes and i throw a decorative pillow at her making her laugh.

"No ivy it wasnt perfect at all but all the bad things he fixed he didnt judge, not like he had room to but he actually made me feel normal he knows everything i been through never pushed my limits never made me uncomfortable. When he had meetings he let me go and if i wanted i got to be in charge anything i wanted i got" i tell her unaware of the cheshire grin i was sporting she had a smirk of her own.

"Gosh you sound like some lovestruck teenager, its cute and all, im also glad he never hurt you but its the joker we're talking about here...he uses people to get what he wants and throws them away when hes done. Harleys just his fix for now and then he'll do it again when hes tired of her. Honestly, what were you expecting out of this?" She says and i think this is her way of comforting me in a weird twisted way.

"It just makes me so mad because all men are the same and even though hes a monster hes just like every other man, they use women to get their fix and when they're full they just throw them away until they need a new fix" i growl shooting up out my seat. "Im going to do something about it ivy, i cant just sit around im going to take everything back i did for him and helped him with and use it for myself im going to make my own little kingdom and make him regret the day he fucked me over" i hiss pacing back and forth and ivy giggles.

"Sorry ive just never seen you get so worked up. I mean im all for you doing this but make sure youre doing this for you and not just revenge" she says loosening her hair from its ponytail.

"Oh its definately for me..." I say but she tilts her head disbelievingly and i exhale. "...and maybe a bit of revenge but its nothing wrong with that" i argue and she laughs nodding.

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