"The only thing worse then their anger is both of them combined..."
Stepping into the warehouse i hear grunts and yelling. "let me out of this...right now" i hear a man yell. His voice. Taking one last sip from the bottle joker gave me i put my phone on the dock and play the same song from several years ago.
"Let you out? Why would i have them do that? You didnt let me go" i spit out getting tiny flash backs twirling my knives around.
"You dont scare me! Youre still that same frightened little girl from 13 years ago, what do you say you let me out baby and i make you feel good again?" He ask and i walk over to him. His bottom lip was busted and his suit was wrinkled probably from fighting against being tied down to the electrical chair. Comming down to his height i tilt my head. "Dont make promises you cant keep" i say and he smiles thinking he was getting out but i stab the knife through his dick making him yell out.
"Sounds like a good show going on in here" i hear a nasally voice and i turn around seeing joker with his suit jacket gone and shirt unbuttoned but i cross my arms glairing. "Geez tough crowd" he snorts licking his lips.
"I said i wanted him untouched joker" i grumble and he just smiles viciously.
"Well he tried to hit me" joker says with fake sadness and i roll my eyes turning away from him.
"Does your mother know your running around with this clown?" He ask taking shallow breaths and i tilt my head. What game was he playing. "How about youre brother? Oh or better yet your niece?" He ask and i feel my blood boiling. Taking the baseball bat off the table i tighten my grip before swinging it directly into his mouth.
"I bet you wont say that again" i spit and he spits blood out of his mouth on me. "Nice. Y'know im curious as to what was going on in that stupid head of yours 13 years ago. Hmm?" I ask dropping the bat and getting the electric rods feeling the buzz. "Lets find out!" I laugh maniacally slamming them onto his head as it electrocutes him causing him to bite down on the remainder of his teeth.
"P-please let me..go i-ill give you any-anything you want" he stutters once he catches his breath but joker and i give eachother bored looks.
"Wheres the fun in that?" I ask fake pouting as i sharpen my knife lightly swaying to the song.
"Besides we dont need you to give us anything we take what we want"
After hours of torturing him enough to break him but not enough to kill him i smile watching him heaving. Tears slipping into his bloodied swollen face. I shot him once in each knee cut the word rapist across his face knocked all of his teeth out smashed his fingers with a hammer used a power drill to drill holes into his legs and used his arms as target practice. The joker was quiet the whole time watching me only talking to give me encouragement durring my target practice. The first 45 minutes troy said horrible things i wouldnt repeat and how he'd do it again which made me use the pliers to pull off two of his fingers, his tounge was to slippery from all the blood.
"Im...i.." He begins and i mock him scrunching my nose up at his smell.
"You smell like the repulsive person you are" i say adjusting my ponytail.
"Sorry" he whispers but i cup my hand over my ear asking what he said. "Im sowwy.." he toothlesly says a bit louder coughing on blood.
"Youre sorry? Ha sorry! I bet you are. You think youre going to get in my mind,again?" I ask jabbing my fingers against my skull. "I was 10 and naiive, you thought it was funny? I felt so useless so used and dirty. Nobody would ever want me. Thats all men want sex and money! So i use them for whatever i want, just a tiny bit of seduction and even the most powerful man comes crashing down. I know...i shouldnt think like that, i couldve been a happy woman happy marriage happy kids and life but no you took it from me!" I seeth and he shuts his eyes.

Fanfiction"She's the only person brave enough to punch the joker in the face...and live to tell it. Ashton lawton"