"They were dating?"
"No, but it was their favorite joke to play"
Domestic. Sleeping next to joker in his bed dressed in his tshirt was soo DOMESTIC. I was suppouse to hate him...use him get his connections take over his empire and show the world girls run this shit. But no instead here i am, letting him in-opening up and getting along with him. In a way he took care of me when i was hurting taught me crying wouldnt change how i felt or make me feel better but he taught me what would. He taught me what i was really good at and how to throw my hardest punch without hurting myself. He knew of my past family problems and my brother & niece. He basically knew every part of me yet i knew nothing of him, except he did get moody he did get angry and his old name was jack.
"Your stairing" joker husk out his bright blue eyes fluttering open. How long had he been woke?
"Whos jack?" I ask and he rolls over groaning.
"Its too early for this, ashton" he groans with sleep evident in his voice. There it was again, him calling me by my name, id take that over his hand around my throat.
"You know my name its not fair" i pout and he looks over at me.
"Your hair looks horrible" he says making me glare. This way his was of diverting the conversation from him, by being an ass...He woke up on the wrong side of the bed clearly. Swinging my legs over him and climbing over him i head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then downstairs to make me breakfast.
Taking my plate of bacon eggs and strawberry waffles into the jokers office i notice him roll his eyes. "Its not going to work" he says not even looking up and i scrunch up my nose.
"Fine dont tell me anything about yourself or jack, itll probably just be a lie like you've told everyone else. I just thought since you knew things about me i should know something. But its clear you dont trust me so why should i trust you. Dont ask me to be apart-"
"Will you shut up already" he growled turning his chair away from me and i glared at him. I hate him i hate him i hate hate HATE him. Storming out of his office i stormed down the hall and right into frost.
"Whats the matter? Lover boy not giving you anymore kisses?" Frost teases and i gasp.
"Howd you know about that?" I ask and his face pales before he starts laughing the tablet from last night still in his hands.
"I-i didnt until you just told me" he laughs earning a glare.
"Well dont repeat it again, i wish i could punch him in the face every time he kissed me" i tell him angrily clenching and unclenching my fist.
"He kissed you? I didnt think he'd have the balls too" frost says adjusting his tie and we both laugh knowing how joker was with anything related to feelings. The door opened and in walked donovan making me smile.
"Donny!" I yell running over to him and he groans at the impacts slowly hugging me back his dark hair tickling my face.
"Stop calling me that..." he huffs slowly pulling away. "-Is that strawberry waffles?" He ask and i give him the plate in my hand, why let it go to waste?
"You can have it, i lost my appetite" i say as we sit at the table and i look straight at his eyes.
"Are you going to stare at my eyes every time im around?" He ask irritably with syrup on the corner of his lip and i nod happily. One was blue and one was green and sometimes it looked greyish.

Fanfiction"She's the only person brave enough to punch the joker in the face...and live to tell it. Ashton lawton"