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Storming into officer james office i smile when i see stephen instead of his brother who im usually with. His smile turns into a smirk and he eyes my outfit taking his bottom lip between his teeth. He was such a flirt. He was the type of guy who was hot as hell and knew it. He charmed his way into several girls pants and i wouldnt be one of them, although that didnt stop him from flirting.

"Wipe the smirk off your face before i punch all your teeth out, stephen." i snap putting my hands on the desk and he clears his throat awkwardly fixing papers infront of him.

"He's ready for you" stephen says changing the subject sensing i wasnt in a playfull mood. Standing up he guides me toward the cells and i can feel the anger from last night bubbling under my skin the closer we get. "45 minutes lawton and if it becomes to much like last time you know what to do" he says protectively giving me a warm look unlocking the door and i walk towards him watching as his face lights up. He opens his mouth to talk but his words are swallowed when the palm of my hand meets his face.

"Ow! And i thought you would be so eager to see me after last night!" He chuckles smugly. I know the hit didnt hurt as much as he made it seem by the teasing smirk on his red painted lips. His eyes are predatorial and he looks ready to pull one of his tricks any minute.

"What the hell were you doing in my apartment last night?" I scowl and he grins.

"I was taking a stroll in the neighborhood and just happened to uh...stumble across your home. Is it so wrong to stop and say hi to a friend?" He asked and i felt my eye twitch.

"You were locked up in here you shouldnt be taking a stroll in any neighborhood" i yell angrily at him but he begins clicking his tounge.

"Tut tut tut if i was locked up how would i be on the streets?" He teased playing with my words a sinister smirk on his face. I was begining to see why he went through psychiatrist like underwear. He was a smart ass, a pain and never took anything serious. Nobody wanted to play his stupid childish games 24/7.

"No, you werent locked up. So how did you get out?" I ask and he groans rolling his eyes. Childish!

"Come on doc, youre usually more fun than this you play my games you usually dont ask these stupid ass question" he huffs rolling his eyes and i slump in my seat pushing my head in my hands rocking back and forth slightly. If this conversation continued like this id be in the cell next to him.

"You look exhaused...you been sleeping?" He asked amused and i snapped. Did he-did he seriously just ask me that? Did he really just call my questions stupid?!

"No i fucking havent you...you ass! And its your fault! Since you broke in 2 nights ago ive been having these weird day dreams that dont make sense and nightmares i have to scream myself awake from and make sure no other psychopathic egotistical nutjob can get in my house!" I snapped pulling at my hair frustratedly before closing my eyes. I hear him lean forward and feel his thumb under my eye wiping something away and i realize its tears. I push his hand away and quickly wipe them away and look at the wall behind him. How had he gotten me to this point? Just a few weeks ago durring his first session it was good now here i am looking over my shoulder constantly, having serious mood swings and crying infront of a psychopath.

Maybe this is all my fault, i knew he was crazy when he first came. All i did was play his games and sparked interest in his deranged little mind he probably took a strong liking to me and is going to become obsessed which is extremely unhealthy so i need to be normal like the rest and hopefully i dont get stabbed by a pencil and just move on to my old patients. Glancing back at the clown i notice his tounge glide over his red lips as he was stairing at me.

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