Thats just what gangstas do-the end?

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So i have some news for you guys that will be posted at the bottom of the chapter i think you may like, also this will be the last chapter sadly)

Waking up tangled in joker i cant help but to grin which grows wider when i see he's actually sleeping. All through the night he kept waking up to make sure i was really here.

Looking over i see the pile of glass, made from two lamps. The first was from when i got up in the middle of the night to get the chips a hoy cookies and he woke up to find me not there thinking it was all a dream he threw it out of rage. That only lead to a argument because he admitted to being attatched and said it was unlike him. He could never get attatched i began yelling back because i was attatched to him even in my state of amnesia, i went through hell for him. So it felt like a slap in the face for him to say that which i gave him a slap in the face for.

I knew he wanted to hit me back so bad i watched as his hand twitched but instead pushed the first thing he could find and stormed off. The lamp. Within a half hour he had crawled back into bed because "this is my fucking bed you can leave" he said to which i rolled my eyes at. His bed was comfortable and there was no way i was leaving. So i banned him to the far side away from me which he ignored because its his bed. He hated the silent treatment more then anything which i quickly learned when he pulled my underwear to the side and plunged in without a warning. Im not sure if it was hate sex or makeup sex or even i miss you sex but all 3 were welcomed.

"You know i use to hate cuddling" he yawns and i look up his eyes a pale blue  and already boring into mine.

"what changed?" I asked tracing his tattoos lightly which i know he enjoyed by the way he purred.

"Nothing now get off" he grunts and i smile up at him before smirking.

"Joker you dont have to be an ass, i get that you missed me and you hate it you hate missing me and being attatched you hate feelings and having them for me you hate anything related but that doesnt change the fact that its there" i tell him before getting up and going to my room. And there goes the smashing sound of another lamp.

Turning off the stove after i take the last of the bacon out the pan and dropping the pan in the sink i smirk. "Stairing isnt going to change anything, j" i say placing the plates infront of us but he keeps stairing. I roll my eyes and begin digging in and he slowly follows. One of his henchmen come to the table giving him a file whispering a few words and walking off. Joker quickly pushes his plate away and begins looking through it until i send him a glare.

"What?" He basically growls and i feel the nerve in my jaw twitch. I know ive had amnesia for 3 maybe 4 months but im back now and just cause he walked all over innocent me doesnt mean it will still happen, im back now.

"Going to assume when i lost my memory you lost your mind-" i begin but he gives me his typical joker laugh-the one he uses to intimidate people aka the one he NEVER used with me.

"Been lost my mind before you toots dont feel special" he reminds after laughing, i feel all the anger come back in full force and im suddenly leaning across the table with my hand wrapped around my neck pulling him toward me.

"listen J, i dont care whats going through that brain of yours but i know you remember the rule we had no buisness at the breakfast table or durring breakfast!" I snap in his face and i can see the anger swirling in his eyes along with lust. He breathes heavily before pushing my hand off.

"This isnt some domestic husband and wife thing where you make up rules like that and i follow, im not domestic and i aint changing ashton so fuck off" he growls in my face before grabbing his stupid file and storming off but not without me taking the knife off my plate and aiming it at him but he ducks and it goes flying into the wall.

Gangsta//JokerWhere stories live. Discover now