Walking towards the room i felt like a celebrity. Not because i was meeting him but because of how everybody stopped and stared as i walked by. Now i know how bruce felt.
"If at any time you feel scared or want out theres a button under the table we can hear it out here but he cant hear it in there." An officer tells me pushing a tazer in my pocket and a tiny bible in the other and i bite my lip to hold in the laugh. After spending nearly 3 hours reading his file he was just an overgrown child who was a over dramatic attention seeker. Nothing more nothing less.
Opening the door i observe the taser before i hear locks clinking on the door. If he was so dangerous why would they lock me in here with him? Shaking my head i look over and see a pale man with neon green hair bright blue eyes and bright red lips. There was black powder smeared around his eyes making his eyes stick out and a crazed smile on his lips as he sat in the metal chair with a straight jacket on.
"Well well what do we have here?" He smirks as i walk over to his table and i smirk back.
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"A psychiatrist but dont be tempted joker, this lab coat comes off and im not scared to hurt you if you try any of your little tricks" i say forcefully and he ooh's.
"Are you always this feisty? Or is it just because youre judging me based off other peoples opinions?" He asked smirking. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to take control as he usualy did with the others.
"I like to make my own decisions, besides if i listened to their judgements id be running away from you screaming bloody murder in tears, not asking to take your case" i tell him and he laughs.
"The kitty has claws!"he howls amused but i just stare at him waiting for him to calm down.
"Its only for you joker-"
"Oh now i feel honored! But you're just sweet talking me, arent you ashton? I bet all your friends call you ash, can i call you that?" He rumbles in his nasaly voice and my mind thinks back to nina and raven, how they ditched me in a club and still have yet to check and see if i was ok.
"No i dont have friends...and no you cant call me that!" I snap the last part making him grin wider. "How do you even know my name?" I ask i knew my name badge was on my desk where i left it. "And my friends USE to call me that" i blurt annoyed with the whole raven and nina situation.
"Ill be your friend" he smiles innocently and i cant help but to smile back. He played my game instead of trying to be in control, he was quick witted and very observative im not sure what everybody was scared of.
"Ok friend, tell me why you stabbed the psychiatrist this morning and killed 4 officers?" I demand and he shakes his head. "Well why not?" I ask and he looks down at his straight jacket. "You want me to take it off?" I ask leaning forward over the desk and he looks up nodding leaning forward slightly. "Tell me first and then ill take it off" i say.