Chapter Two.

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If this picture works it's of Sister Ruth.

Author Note; I posted this chapter once and it came to my attention that it was blank, this issue has been resolved.

On the third day Ezra walked through the gates with a plan, Sister Eve spoke English and he was going to make sure she spoke to him.

He'd been told by both Sister Mary and Sister Ruth that she was the one who tended the garden and grew the beautiful large vegetable that were there. They both said that garden was her pride and joy and she was happiest working in it.

He walked to the small wooden shed and retrieved the weed cutter and then headed straight for the garden. As if on cue as soon as he started the thing Sister Eve came rushing from behind the church yelling in French, near hysteric. Of course he had no intentions of cutting down the vegetable bushes but she didn't know that.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak french!" He called over the small engine.

She stopped and stared at exasperated as he lifted it towards a tomato plant.

"Stop! Please, please! Stop!" She finally cried.

"Oh, so you do speak English?" He asked.

"Yes! Yes I speak English! Please!"

He lowered the machine and shut it off, turning fully to face her. He instantly felt bad, she had tears in her eyes and a few winding down her cheeks as she hurried passed him to her plants, checking each one.

Her English was good though slightly broken and covered with a thick French accent.

"Hey, look. I'm sorry."

"I work very hard to keep these alive, the vegetables as good for the children."

"Yeah, I guess they would be. I don't think I hurt any," He offered.

She shook her head and angrily wiped at a tear that rested on her flushed cheek, he watched her move delicately from plant to plant and felt even guiltier.

"So, Why fake that you only speak French?"

"Because, it keeps me from speaking to people I don't wish to speak too."

"People like me?" He guessed.

She didn't say anything but bent near a smaller, weaker looking plant.

"I don't think that one's going to make it," He said.

"It's smaller that's all. It will bloom last and it will yield the best vegetables."

"I always was a fan of late bloomers," He teased.

She cringed, shaking her head she stood and moved passed him heading back towards one of the buildings.

"I'll thank you to leave all the gardening to me."

He waited a minute before following her, she hurried into the larger building and he followed her, they stepped into a large room where children were playing everywhere.

Two little girls played with a doll house to his left, three small boys were playing tag and running around the room, a third girl was reading to a doll in the corner. Sister Eve stopped and spoke softly to the child before moving to a crib and lifting a small bundle into her arms.

He hesitated before walking over and looking at the tiny, wailing bundle in her arms. She hushed the baby and rocked it back and forth until it stilled and seemed to calm down.

"What's this one's name?" He asked.

"He does not have one yet."

"Come on, he has to have a name."

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now