chapter eight.

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His alarm went off and at first Ezra debated ignoring it, the Brunette next to him moaned her complaint. He sat up rubbing his eyes and glancing back at the naked girl, he'd picked her up at a 7/11 late last night and he was tired but something made him climb from bed.

"Where are you going?" She asked.


"Yeah....sure, you?"

"I'm serious."

He pulled out his best shirt and jeans before combing his hair and pulling it back, the girl in his bed watched but didn't comment as he pulled on his shoes.

"So.....I should leave?" she asked.

"If you don't mind."

He regretted that he had to ride his bike so close to the church on Sunday and made a promise to himself he'd buy a car but for now he had no choice.

He parked on the street out front and stared up at the church, he couldn't remember when he'd been to an actual service last but he assumed it had been well over twenty years. The gates were open for the first time in the week he'd been there and families were slowly walking inside.

Some stopped to give him nervous glances, pulling their children closer and others didn't seem to even notice him as he swung off the black bike. He took a deep breath and walked up the stairs into the large Church.

Eve stood off to one side, holding the small baby and politely smiling at people who walked in but not interacting.

"Eve...."He walked towards her.

"Ezra....I didn't expect to see you here."

"Yeah I didn't either, how's little man?" he asked, needing to get off the subject of his being in Church.

"Oh, a little bit of a cold I'm afraid but doing well....would you.....would you like to hold him?"She asked.

"I...I don't know if I should, all these people."

"Nonsense," She said handing the baby into his reluctant arms.

He winced as she released the small blue bundle and he cradled the precious cargo against his muscular chest.

"See? You're a natural."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Sister Eve, good morning." A small brunette with a little boy squeezed between them to embrace the nun.

"Marlena, Christopher, how are you?" Eve asked.

"We're getting by," Marlena said with a sad smile.

"I'm glad."

Marlena smiled softly at Ezra before steering the small boy to a pew to sit in.

"That's my best friend Marlena and her five year old Christopher."

"I see," Ezra said, trying to focus on not dropping the baby.

"Her husband Kyle was....murdered.....four months ago."

"Wait murdered?" Ezra questioned.

"He was caught up in a drive by from our local gang, he was coming here to get Christopher."

"I'm sorry."

"They're dangerous men," She said with a heavy sigh.

"So am I...."He pointed out.

"You don't look dangerous to me," She said, glancing at the baby.

"I should go try and find a seat," He said, motioning with his head at the baby.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now