Chapter Seventeen.

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If it works the photo is of Eve.

Author note: I've had complaints that some people can't see this chapter I am trying to fix the problem. In the meantime please try exiting and coming back, also try deleting the book from your library and coming back. I also notice a lot of the complaints are coming from mobile devices only. So maybe update your app? In the meantime I'll do my best to fix it.

Ezra rolled over to watch Eve as she slept, she'd collapsed onto the bed beside him completely exhausted and he'd fell asleep soon after. The storm had let up at some point in the night but it was still flooded and the rain still fell down lightly outside.

Deciding they should leave soon and that she would be hungry he left the bed, pulling on a pair of sweatpants he walked into the kitchen. His Aunt used to make him and Ivan waffles from scratch and he was pretty sure he could remember the recipe.

He was mixing the batter and probably doing it all wrong when there was a knock on the door, glancing in at Eve who was still sleeping and wrapped up in his sheets. He closed the bedroom door to allow her some modesty.

He opened the door and his parole officer stood on the other side of the door, Ezra froze but didn't speak.

"I just wanted to check up on you, with the storm."

"I'm doing good, Mr. Wilmington." Ezra said, hoping he'd leave.

"Please, call me James. May I come in?"

"Uh, yeah sure."

Ezra backed up motioning James inside, turning him away would only arouse suspicion.

"Making breakfast?" He asked, motioning to the mess in the kitchen.


"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"You seem a little on edge...."James trailed off.

"Well, I had....a woman stay last night and I just...don't want her to get the wrong idea."

"Does she know you're on parole?"


"Okay, I can take a hint. May I use your bathroom before I go?" James asked.

"Sure," Ezra replied motioning to the correct door.

James ducked into the bathroom and Ezra turned back to whatever he was actually making on the counter. He wasn't paying any attention until James spoke behind him.

"What the fuck did you do?"

"What? Why?" Ezra asked, turning around.

"Please tell me that's not a Nun's habit in your bathroom."

"Okay, I won't tell you."

"Shit, Ezra. What was the one thing I asked you not to do?"

"I'm sorry," Ezra said with a heavy sigh.

"Look, I just....think about her. What you just did...think about what it cost her."

"I know, I know. I....she asked me too and I....couldn't say no."

"You may have just ruined that girls life, you may have cost her everything." James said.

"I know."

"Just....take her home, okay?" James asked.

"Soon as she wakes up, I'll take her back."

"I'm sorry Ezra....but...I'm going to have to have you removed from the church. I just....I can't condone this."

"I understand."

James shook his head with a heavy sigh and then turned to leave the apartment Ezra followed him, the man was right he put Eve's entire life in limbo. She just threw everything away to be with him for one night, her vows, her beliefs her innocence.

"I'm sorry, I screwed up." Ezra said as he opened the door for James.

"It's okay, you're still better off than most of my parolees."

James left and Ezra turned to head back towards the kitchen just as Eve stepped out of the bedroom wrapped in the sheets.

"Hey," She said softly.

"Hey," He replied.

They stood their awkwardly for a moment neither one knowing what to say before he finally spoke.

" uh.....are you feeling?"

"I'm.....okay," She admitted softly.

He took a few steps towards stopping long enough to pull her into his arms, this was Eve. There wasn't a reason to be nervous or awkward.

"Was someone here?" She asked, stepping into his arms.

"Just my parole officer, it's okay."

"Will you be in trouble?" She asked with a small frown.

"No, baby. It's alright." He kissed her forehead gently.

She smiled up at him, her hair was disheveled and she was still wrapped in his sheets. He leaned down to give her a chaste kiss.

"Come sit down, I'll make you breakfast." He motioned to the table.

She moved to take a seat at the two person table. He hurried to grab some toast and pour her some coffee. He placed the toast on the table in front of her and handed her the coffee, pretty sure that was all they were going to have for breakfast since he couldn't seem to remember the recipe after all.

"Will we go back today?" She asked, picking at her toast.

He briefly considered telling her no, asking her to leave the church and stay with him, be his old lady. Images of her in tight ripped jeans, a low cut black tank top and a tattoo up one arm popped into his mind. Then, he pushed them away. He loved Eve for who she was, and what she looked like now, now because she was like him but because she wasn't.

"Eve...." He sat down across from her.

"Yes?" She looked up at him.

"I......I......I'll take you back after breakfast." He said finally.


She smiled happily at him and took a drink off coffee, after breakfast he would take her back. Back to a life that was better than anything he could offer her.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now