Chapter Sixteen.

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if it works the photo is of Ezra,

WARNING!!! this chapter will get just a little bit graphic near the end so if you're easily bothered please skip this chapter.

Author Note: if you haven't yet check out my new book, Stolen Hearts.

Eve suffered from a small fracture to her delicate wrist, three cracked ribs and plenty of bruises but nothing else. Ezra wouldn't say it out loud but she got off easy and he knew it, he knew the damage the gang could have really done if they wanted too.

Five days later he found Father David praying in the garden beneath the statue of the virgin Mary. He waited for the older man to finish before he spoke.

"Father, may I speak frankly with you?"

"Of course my child."

"Is there any chance you'll.....let the gang have the land?" Ezra ventured.

"No, that is not an option."

"It's getting dangerous, I think the attack on Sister Eve only proves that. Just....can you take the children and the sisters and leave? For your safety?"

"We have nowhere to go, the children don't at least. I'm sure the sisters and I could split up among other parishes but the children, there are just too many children and not enough churches that can take them."

"They won't go away, the gang won't give up until they get this land."

"It's just land, nothing special."

"They want control of this section of town, driving you out....that's just part of the game. Father, trust me. I know how these things work, they won't stop.

"We appreciate your concern Ezra but....we don't have any where to go."

The wind was starting to pick up and the skies were growing dark so Father David hurried inside the childrens building, Ezra followed. The kids were already growing restless and scared about the impending storm.

"There's a bad storm coming, Sister Eve is supposed to go see a doctor I just don't see how we can get her there," Father David fussed.

"I can take her," Ezra said automatically.

"No, we can reschedule, they're calling for a tornado. We don't want you two out in the city."

"I'll take her," Ezra repeated.

"Thank you, the keys for the car are in it." Father David said.

"Honestly, you people trust way too easy." Ezra said with a heavy sigh.

He turned and exited the childrens building, hearing the kids begin to cry behind him as he closed the door. It was even dark and windy outside as he hurried across to the Nuns quarters when he stepped inside sister Eve was sitting alone at the table.

"Hey, I'm going to take you to the doctors, okay?" He asked.

"I don't want to put you out."

"You're not, we'll just go and come right back."

She gave a small nod and stood easily enough, her right wrist was in a splint but her face was healing nicely. When they stepped outside she winced at the weather.

"The weather looks bad."

"It'll be okay, I promise." He said.

He helped her into the car which was a beat up buick that was probably older than he was but it ran and that was enough for now. The doctors was on the other side of the city and they got their safely enough.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now