Chapter Ten.

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This chapter is dedicated to thanatophobia who will be giving us a trailer for my next book in the ANIMALS MC series very soon! It will not be for this book, it will be for the next one. :)

Ezra didn't want to go back on Tuesday, for the first time since he started his community hours he didn't look forward to his day. He pushed open the heavy gate and took a deep breath, hoping he didn't see Eve today, not after what happened yesterday.

"Good Morning," A soft voice said from his left.

He froze, he knew that voice, the one he didn't want to hear but wasn't going to be ever be able to forget.

"Eve," He didn't turn to look at her.

"It's a lovely day," She supplied.


She fell silent and he forced himself to turn and face her, he stared at her feet instead. She was taking down sheets and towels from the clothesline.

"Are you feeling okay today?" She asked.

"Yeah....yeah....I'm fine."

She gave a small shrug and turned to begin struggling to fold a large sheet, he watched her for a minute before shaking his head, he was being ridiculous.

"Let me help," He said moving closer.

She smiled sweetly at him as he approached, looking up happily. He took the edges of the sheet and began to help her fold them, his fingers brushing hers with each fold. He tried to ignore how close she was standing, but his chest tightened to the point breathing became painful.

They were almost done with all the laundry before he realized that she'd been talking to him, rambling on about something the kids did and he'd been blocking it all out, focusing instead on her slender finger, her soft hands, rose petal pink lips.

He swallowed passed the lump in his throat and tried to focus, her nonsense and rambling only seeming to make the situation worse.

"Eve....."he ventured softly.

"So then little Ava took the play doh off of Kyle and..."

"Eve," He'd broken out in a small sweat, he needed to get out of there.

"So, I took her aside and asked her why..."

"Eve!" He snapped.

She froze, closing her mouth and looking up at him.

"I....I...need to go, I have other stuff to do." He stumbled over his words.

"Oh....yeah, okay."

He hesitated a few seconds before slowly releasing the edge of the towel he was holding, allowing his fingertips to slip against hers one more time. He backed away, he needed to get a handle on what was happening.

She smiled and then turned to place the folded towel in the basket, pulling a pillowcase down from the line she turned around to face him and before he knew what was happening he'd closed the gap and was pressing his lips to hers.

The pillowcase fell to the ground and she froze, his hands framed her face and he had to stoop to keep his lips against hers. Her hands flew to his wrist but she didn't struggle of try to fight him off, she stood still and didn't move, didn't even kiss him back and he wondered if she even knew how.

Once his lips were against hers he didn't want to stop, he pulled her lower lip between his gently and took a step closer. She let out a soft whimper and he pulled away, his eyes met hers. She looked up at him wide eyed, obviously confused and frightened.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now