Chapter Nine.

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If the photo works it's my inspiration for the actress playing Eve.

The next day Ezra hurt in places he didn't realize he had, his knees throbbed and his back ached. His shoulders and neck were stiff but at least he knew Christopher would be just fine. He called a cab deciding not to ride his bike in the condition he was in.

He arrived the Church to see the gates were closed like always and he pushed them open as he stepped into the lawn. Even was near the wooden sign that stood next to the door changing some of the clip on letters.

"Good Morning," He greeted walking towards her and trying not to look as sore as he felt.

"Good Morning, how are you feeling?"

"Uh....a little sore to be honest, how's Christopher?"

"He'll make a full recovery, thank God."

"That's good, I'm glad to hear it."

He moved closer, wincing at his protesting muscles and bones, a small part of him wishing he'd stayed home today.

"Where is everyone?" He asked, not seeing any children, Father David or the other nuns.

"Sister Mary and Sister Ruth took the kids to a museum today and Father David went to the bank, it's just me and the baby here."

"Alone? Is that safe?" He asked.

"I assure you it's fine," She said with a laugh.

He glanced at the gate and then around the quiet yard, not quite convinced. In truth he hadn't slept at all the night before, seeing them almost run over a child made him realize how dangerous the gang really was and his thoughts kept returning to what happened to Laurel all those years ago.

"Come inside, have some coffee," She said heading towards the small building.

He gave a small nod and followed her across the yard glancing back one more time to be sure the gate was securely closed and they were safe.

They stepped into the small but familiar kitchen and he took up his seat at the table while she began bustling around near the counter, the baby monitor sitting on the table.

"Here's some coffee,"she said setting the hot cup in front of him.

"Thank you."

"Did you have breakfast?" She asked, over her shoulder.

" don't have to feed me, I don't expect..."

"Did you eat?"She asked again.

"No," He admitted.

She moved to the fridge, pulling out some eggs and assorted vegetables before going back to the counter and pulling out a large knife.

"Really, you don't have too..."He insisted.

"Mushrooms okay in the eggs?" She asked.

"Fine, thank you."

She was cutting the vegetables, the knife making soft scrapes against the cutting board while he sipped his coffee. It was the perfect, quiet kind of morning that he thought he could get used to. He was just taking a sip of coffee when he heard the knife slide sharply against the cutting board before clattering to the floor.

"Oh!" He looked up to see Eve clutching her left hand, blood already dripping to the floor.

"Eve!" He stood, his chair sliding back.

"I'm fine, don't trouble yourself."

"Like hell,"

He hurried around the small wooden table to her side, catching her wrist and pulling her hand free. Her first finger on her left hand had a deep, long cut. Blood ran into her palm and down her wrist before dripping to the tile floor.

"Shit," He cursed.

"It's not that bad," She said with a wince.

He ignored her grabbing a kitchen towel from nearby he wrapped it around her finger, holding it tightly in the palm of his hand as he maneuvered her to the sink. Running cold water he thrust his hands underneath the spigot with her finger, watching the water run pink.

He stood behind her, his arms around her, her back barely brushing against his chest. She seemed to grow light headed and her legs began to bend, Ezra took a step closer, pressing her into the counter with his body snug against her back, a leg on either side of hers.

"Just keep it under there," He instructed, resting his chin on top of her head.

"I'm feeling a bit woozy," She admitted.

"Shhh, it's okay. I got you."

He stood there until the water ran clear and he was satisfied the wound was beginning to clot, turning her in his arms he peeled away the towel. The cut wasn't nearly as deep as he'd thought.

"I don't think it'll need stitches but....."He started to ramble


Her voice cut through his train of thought and it was then he realized how close they were standing, he back pressed against the sink and her body encased with his, his hands cradling her smaller one against his chest. She was looking up at him with wide, innocent, almost frightened eyes. Even through the thick layers of her habit he could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

He swallowed passed the lump in his throat but couldn't seem to move, she was so small, so innocent, so delicate.

He lifted one hand to let the tips of his fingers lightly brush against the softness of her cheek, he wasn't sure he was in control of his body anymore as his fingers slid to the nape of her neck and paused.

She didn't speak, didn't protest, didn't pull away and he briefly wondered if she understood what was going on, what might happen if she didn't stop him.

As if controlled by some unforeseen force he tipped her head up and leaned down, preparing to catch her lips in his. He hesitated just for a minute, scanning her face for any signs of fear or that she didn't want this but saw nothing.

He leaned in even closer, his lips a bare second from claiming hers when the shrill noise came across the baby monitor, she jumped and he let out a chocked sigh.

She backed away, looking half afraid she cast a glance at the monitor and then back at him.

"Go," He said, without looking at her.

She turned and hurried from the room while he braced his arms against the sink, taking a deep breath and trying to reign in his control. He heard her speaking softly in french to the baby across the monitor and her voice sent a shiver of desire down his spine.

He shoved roughly away from the sink and hurried out the door into the yard, needing the air, needing to busy himself with something else, needing to shut down his mind.

"What the hell is happening to me?" He mumbled to himself as he crossed the yard.

Silence answered him but as he passed the statue of the Virgin Mary he could swear he felt her eyes on him, judging him and reprimanding him.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now