Chapter twelve.

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Included in this chapter is the AMAZING trailer for the next book in this series. So, now you all know whose story is next. :)

On Saturday the Animals MC had a cook out, both Ivan and Laurels MC's were invited and Ezra decided to go. The Animals had been allies with the Trojans for years and the recent war had involved all three clubs so the Animals had helped keep Laurel and Ivan safe.

He parked his motorcycle on the street before walking into the parking lot, they had dragged out several picnic tables, there was a large buffet table with food and Wolf stood off to the left near the grill. Ivan, Sky, Demon and Zeke were with him, over by the buffet tales Laurel, Jenny, Morgan, Lacy and Becky were sitting out drinks and more food.

He wouldn't lie, there was a time when he first got out of prison that he would have liked to have a piece of Becky but it was pretty obvious she was off limits.

"Ezra you made it," Ivan said with a smile.

"I thought I would stop for a while."

"Should you even be here? When you're on probation?" Zeke asked.

"Probably not," Ezra admitted.

Wolf laughed as he reached into a nearby cooler and handed Ezra a beer. Ezra took it gladly and took a long drink feeling a little bit of his week long tension leave his shoulders.

"So, any eligible women around?" He asked, turning to scan the crowd.

"Well, I think Jenny is still available." Zeke said with a shrug.

"I think you better shut the hell up," Sky said.

"ain't looking for one to date," Ezra said taking a long drink.

"What about your new friend Eve?" Ivan asked.

Ezra turned and gave Ivan a pointed look, wishing he hadn't brought her up. He wasn't ready for the questions, didn't want to explain anything he didn't understand.

"Who's Eve?" Demon asked.

"Some chick that Ezra has the hots for," Ivan said with a shrug.

"I don''s....she's just a friend." Ezra said.

"Becky and I started out as just friends, so did Lacy and Demon," Ezra pointed out.

"This is different," Ezra insisted.

"Just screw her and get it out of your system," Ivan said, rolling his eyes.

"I can't," Ezra said through clenched teeth.

"Why? Is she interested?" Ivan questioned.

"I don't know."

"I say go for it," Zeke chimed in.

"I said I can't."

"You never know until you try," Sky pointed out.

"She's a nun damn it!" Ezra snapped.

There was a long paused and the other men watched him for a second, Demon walked away obviously uncomfortable and Zeke made it a point to pretend he was on his phone. Wolf turned to the grill and began flipping burgers, Ivan slowly cleared his throat.

"A what now?"

"She's a nun," Ezra said with a sigh.

"You mean black outfit, lives in church kind nun?"

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now