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If the photo works it's your last look at Eve.

The funeral was held four days later, it was a dark, rainy day that only reflected the mood of everyone who stood in the cemetery clothed in black. Eve stood next to Sister Ruth and Sister Mary, Father David prayed over the casket before leading the funeral

Across the casket stood an alarmingly large group of bikers, three different MC's coming out to show respect and in the front row stood Ivan and Laurel, Ivan's father deciding it was too hard for him to attend. Having lost someone who was like a son and being well up in age Ivan agreed not to let him attend.

The children all stood in their own neat little row, Christopher and his mother standing with them. Eve balanced the baby on her hip, she was wearing clothes that Laurel had generously loaned her, no longer comfortable in her nuns habit now that everyone knew about her and Ezra.

Laurel had loaned her a modest black dress and heels and she left her gold curls down for the first time since she was a child.

It wasn't pouring but the soft gentle rain was cold and the wind was even colder, she glanced up once at Ivan and Laurel. Ivan was obviously struggling and at one point Laurel slipped her hand firmly into his, he gave it a gentle squeeze.

She saw Mr. Wilmington, standing off to the side with his head down staring into the grave and not seeming to notice that he was getting soaked.

She swallowed passed the lump in her throat and tried to focus on Father David's words.

"The men who did this to Ezra, will be punished but I know that brings little comfort in this time. I knew Ezra Allen to be a kind, generous, warm, selfless human being. It's okay to be sad, it's okay to cry but take comfort in the fact that Ezra is no doubt in a much better place."

The funeral came to a close but nobody moved, nobody seemed to want to walk away first, Father David came over to the sisters, including Eve.

"We must get the children out of the rain," He said gently.

Eve winced and then carefully handed the baby over to Sister Ruth, while she was still involved with the Church she had moved in with Laurel and was no longer a nun.

She watched the sisters and father David usher the children to the van that was waiting for them. She was waiting for Laurel when Ivan approached.

"Can I talk to you a minute?" He asked.

She gave a small nod as he led her away from the crowd.

"I know this is....hard for everyone but....I wanted to tell you some things about Ezra."


"He did some things right before.......anyway at the time I thought he was just being....ridiculous but now, I know why he did them."


"He took out a contract with me basically, all the money that he has in his bank account.....goes to you....all of it. It's.....a lot of money Eve."

"Wha......why?" She asked.

"Because...he loved you, he wanted you to be taken care of. He left enough money for you to live very comfortable for a very long time and while you weren't a technical old lady....the club voted and we decided that....we are willing to send you an allowance every month, for the rest of your life."

"You would do that for me?" She asked, her eyes filling with tears.

"For you and for Ezra."

"Thank you,"

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now