Chapter Six.

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The photo if it works is of Laurel.

It was finally Friday, Ezra's last day of service, for the week anyway. He'd have off the next two days and then Monday morning be back bright and early to continue his community service.

He rounded the corner to find all three of the sisters in the yard with the children, to the left Sister Ruth was blowing bubbles and the younger kids happily chased them, to the right Sister Mary and the older kids were all working together to churn butter the old fashioned way while Sister Eve quietly observed.

"Morning ladies," Ezra said as he approached.

The children all turned to rush towards him, they'd gotten used to his presence and were all enamored with his large size.

"Hey kids," He said with a laugh as two attached themselves to his legs.

"Toss me!" One of the little girls begged.

Obliging Ezra bent to lift the small girl and playfully toss her in the air above his head, she squealed happily as he caught her and settled her on the ground.

Eve winced but Ruth and Mary didn't give an outward reaction. The little girl rushed to join Ruth and catch more bubbles as Ezra reached the trio.

"Good Morning Mr. Allen," Sister Mary greeted.

"Call me Ezra," He insisted.

"Good morning," Sister Ruth called from where she stood.

"A bit late today, aren't you?" Sister Eve asked.

"Maybe a little, I didn't want to...interrupt anyone with their morning prayers."

She gave him a small smile and a nod or thanks.

"I'm going to go get to work," He said.

"See you later," Ruth said as he walked passed.

He was working on a particularly bad piece of fence near the garden, Sister Eve just a few feet away was weeding.

"So you've never once ridden on a motorcycle?" He asked.


"Not even as a kid?"

"They're not very popular in France."

"I can't believe that, Motorcycles are popular everywhere."

He turned and knelt beside her pulling out a few stray weeds that were within his reach. She continued to happily weed, completely comfortable with him being next to her. They'd came a long way in the week he'd been here.

"So, you don't eat sweet indulgences, you don't ride motorcycles, what do you do for fun?"


"You weed for fun?"

"Working with my hands and caring for the makes me feel at peace, useful even."

"Eve.....may I call you Eve? I'm not used to the sister....thing." He said.

"Of course."

"Eve....have you ever been out of these walls other than grocery shopping?"


She shook her head and began digging in the soil for a deep rooted weed. He watched her for a second, she was biting her lower lip as she concentrated on the weed.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now