Chapter Eighteen.

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Author note: Included is the new trailer for my brand new book "Stolen Hearts" I think it's pretty awesome and I hope you'll give the trailer and the book a chance.

It took almost two hours to drive back to the Church, what would normally be a forty minute drive lengthened due to the damage from the storm. Tree branches were down, signs and garbage cans littering the still somewhat flooded roads. When the Church came into view it was instantly obvious something was wrong.

The iron gates lay in the yard, water pooling in the space where the children once played happily, the fruit trees lay scattered around the yard tore out by root. Ezra was barely parked when Eve rocketed from the car, once again back in her traditional clothes.

"Eve, wait!" He called.

She was already rushing forward through the knee deep water and around the debris, while the storm had passed it was still lightly raining and already she was nearly soaked.

"Eve!" He called climbing from the car and running after her.

"Children! Father!" She called out but no answer came.

The water was deep enough that it bogged down his steps and his jeans clung to his legs. He pushed forward catching her arm before she could hurt herself.

The Church was in the valley part of the city which meant any refuse, debris and water in town went directly to he Church.

"Eve, wait." He caught her arm as she slipped nearly falling.

"Where are they!?" She cried.

"I don't know but we'll find them, we'll find all of them." He promised.

"I don't understand, I don't know where the children are!"

She was growing more hysterical by the second and it was in that moment he realized that he wasn't enough. The Church was her life, it meant more than anything to her. Those kids and that place were her family, he couldn't take that form her.

"Calm down," He said pulling her closer.

She allowed him to pull her into his arms and buried her face against his chest as she sobbed into his shirt.

"Is this my fault?" She asked.

"No,'s from the storm."

"Is this God punishing me for what we did?"

"No," He said.

"But you don't understand, all I ever wanted was to be a nun and serve God. It was my life, my home, my everything. I didn't want anything.....until you."

"'re not being punished."

"Then....I saw you and I wanted you, I didn't care what I had to do but....I had to have you. punishing me because....I'm in love with you," She admitted softly, looking up at him.


"Sister Eve, Ezra!" A voice called from the church steps and the pair jumped.

Ezra instantly released her as they both turned to see Father David waving at them from the steps.

"Father, we've been looking for you!" Ezra called.

"We all had to move to the Church, to the loft actually...the children's building the roof collapsed and the sister quarters I'm afraid is flooded."

"The children! What about the children!?" Eve called already wading towards the Church.

"They're inside sleeping, they're all fine."

She reached the steps and Father David pulled her out of the water and helped her inside, leaving Ezra standing in the rain alone with the cold water washing dirt and garbage around him.

He hesitated a minute then followed Eve's steps. He entered the church to see her lifting the baby from Sister Ruth, she was so happy to see them all that she barely noticed that Ezra had came inside.

"Look, you can't all stay here with it in this condition." Ezra said to Father David.

"We have nowhere to go."

"Let me make a call," Ezra said.

Three hours later Ezra parked on of the vans in front of the safe house that Ivan and the crew had generously donated to the church and the children. The club owned several large, safe houses and after explaining the situation agree to loan it the Nuns, Father David and the kids as a gesture of good faith.

They also loaned two vans to transport the visitors to the safe house, Ezra climbed from the van and opened the doors to being lifting the children out just as Ivan and the second van arrived accompanied by several of the members.

"It was good of your cousin to do this," Eve said still rocking the baby as Ezra sat a small girl on her feet.

"Well, we try to be good."

He released the last child who like the other children was taking advantage of the sunshine and large open yard. The safe house was located outside the bustling city with twelve acres to seclude it. The sisters were watching the kids play while Father David spoke to Ivan.

"Is something wrong?" Eve asked.

"No," Ezra replied, realizing that he was being cross with her.

" not seem like yourself, Ezra."

"I guess I'm just disappointed in myself for letting both of us believe......that there was a chance this could work."

"I don't understand," She said with a frown.

"You belong here Eve, I'm not blind I can see how happy you are. I can't make you that happy......but....I love you," He admitted.


"I'm in love with you, and I let that blind my judgement. You're a nun, you're who you're supposed to be and what am I? A biker fresh out of jail, a murdered, a thief and sometimes...not the kind of guy you want to know let alone be with."

"I do want to be with you," She said softly.

"I know but, I think we both know it's better if you're not."

She bit her lip and he saw the tears in her eyes before she focused her attention on the sleeping baby.

"I can't chain you to a life with me Eve, I can't ask you to walk away from all of the things that make you the woman I'm in love with and I can't keep working there and sneaking around. I can however give you back your life before I go and I can make sure you'll be safe."

She didn't reply and after glancing around he took a deep breath, reaching out he lay his hand on top of hers where it rested on the small baby's chest.

"I do love you," He said.

"And I love you."

"I'll be back okay? I need to talk to Ivan."

"Yes, and I need to get the children inside."

He gave a small nod, he wanted to kiss her and hold her against him. He wanted to tell her that it could work, that they could make it work but deep down he knew better. He needed to get rid of the gang that terrorized the Church and then he needed to let it all go.

He turned and went in search of Ivan hoping together they could form a plan and knowing that if they couldn't do this together he would do it alone, because of her. Failing wasn't an option, walking away while she was in danger wasn't an option. If he was going to do the right thing, he was going to do it with or without help.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now