Chapter four.

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the photo if it works is of Ivan

The next day Ezra began his day by repairing the old wooden sign out front, he started by scraping off all the old and chipping pain. He was just about to start the new coat of paint when Sister Eve stepped out the gate.

"Should you be out here?" He asked, glancing around for the gang members.

"I'm just walking to the corner market."

"You shouldn't go alone."

"I'm not alone, God goes with me everywhere."

"Can I walk you?" He asked.

"If you feel you must."

He set aside the can of paint and paint brush and fell instep beside her as they walked down the sidewalk in silence. The corner market was a few blocks away and even though Eve was calm and looking around Ezra was on edge, constantly watching for the gang or any signs of trouble.

They reached the small, shady looking market and he paused to look in the dingy, dirty windows. Eve didn't hesitate and went straight inside, he followed her. The inside wasn't much nicer than the outside the floors were dirty and it didn't look like it was used very often.

Eve grabbed a small cart from near the door and started down an aisle, seeming completely comfortable as she began inspecting some less that healthy looking fruit.

"I can't grow fruit but the children enjoy bananas and apples," She said.

"Do here often?"

"Yes, Murray owns the place and he gives us a discount."

She placed some apples, bananas and pears into the cart before moving down the aisle a little further, she paused to look at the vegetables. She couldn't grow every vegetable in her garden.

She thoroughly examined some cucumbers and put it in her cart before walking down the canned goods aisle with Ezra right behind her.

"So, what made you decide to be a nun?"

"Well, it's a really long. Really boring, really sad...story. What made you a criminal? She asked, tossing some napkins in the cart.

"I asked you first but....basically the same thing."

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," She said turning down an aisle.

"Alright, I grew a shitty part of town. Bad people, bad things, lots of bad choices to make....Dad liked to hit, mom liked to drink."

"Did he hit you?" She asked.

"Yeah, hit me, hit mom....anyway. In school I was the kid most kids stayed away from, always dirty, no lunch, clothes that were obviously hand me downs and a terrible attitude."

"Did you get picked on?"

"No, nobody was brave enough a boy said something to me once and I broke his arm....I was only eight. I guess....I had my fathers liking for violence. When I was fourteen....I robbed a convenience store with some older boys. Finally, CYS got involved....Dad went to jail and mom....overdosed. So I went to live with my Uncle Martin, Aunt Sissy and my older cousin Ivan."

They turned down another aisle and she began pulling canned foods off of the shelves, vegetables, beans and fruit began filling the cart in a neat little row. He watched her a minute, it was almost adorable how she formed the straight little rows with each product.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now