Chapter Eleven.

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For the next three days as he worked at the Church Ezra managed to avoid Eve, he threw himself into every task and never went near the gardens or where the children were kept. He bumped into sister Ruth a few times and Sister Mary often waved from the windows but he made it a point to stay away from Eve.

Today his luck ran out, it was hot that day and the sun beat down relentlessly. He was forced to shed his shirt somewhere around noon. He was pulling the large thorn bushes away from the sides of the church and sweating like crazy when he heard her voice.


He paused, took a deep breath and went back to pulling weeds, with renewed strength as he kept his back to her.


"Did...did I do something wrong?" She asked timidly.

He felt like a heel, not once had it occurred to him that she would find fault in herself for what had happened and his running off. He paused and dropped the bush he currently held to the side, forcing himself to face her as he stripped off the heavy work gloves.

"No, sweetheart you didn't do anything wrong." He said softly.

She didn't reply and when he finally was able to force his gaze from her feet he realized she was staring at his broad, naked chest. She seemed uncomfortable so he snatched his shirt from where it hung off a shovel handle and tugged it on. As he settled the shirt in place she flushed a deep red color and looked away.

"You've been avoiding me," She pointed out.

"No, it's not that...."

"I'm sorry if I upset you," She said, finally looking at him.

He saw the hurt in her eyes, the damaged he'd caused just by being near her.

"Eve...."he took a few tentative steps closer and reached out to tip up her chin.

"Nothing you could do would upset me," He promised.

"Then why......why haven't you been around?"

"I've been busy, I'm sorry. That's no way to treat a friend and it won't happen again."

"I thought maybe....I upset you."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because of what happened last time we were alone," She said, looking directly at him.

"That...that was my fault not yours, I shouldn't have..."

He moved away from her, needing some space, some distance, some imaginary form of control.

"I.....I've never....I..."She stumbled over her words.

"You what?"

"I.....didn't to....."She trailed off with a heavy sigh of frustration.

"Eve, no...that's not why I've been avoiding you."

"I know it's wrong, it's against my vows but.....I just....don't know how," She said with a sad, solemn shrug.

"I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have put either of us in that position. It won't happen again I promise as for you never being kissed, I can assure you......I wasn't disappointed."

She bit her lip and then gave a small nod of agreement.

"I am so sorry Eve," He said honestly.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, you did me no real harm and my vows and virtue are still intact. I'm sure God will forgive you."

"Will you?" He asked.

"Do I need too?"

"I think....I think that would mean more than God forgiving me."

"Then you're forgiven." She said with a soft smile.

"Good, I'm glad. Now, I have to get back to work."

"Why don't you come in for some lemonade?" She offered.

"Well.....I guess just for a minute."

She smiled and turned heading towards the building and he sighed heavily before following her. They stepped into the small kitchen and she motioned for him to take a seat before hurrying to the fridge. She returned with a large pitcher of lemonade and two clear glasses.

She poured the drinks and slid one to him, he saw the bandage on her finger. Without permission the feeling of her body pressed against his returned to him and he shifted in his seat, hoping the tightness in his pants would subside.

"How's your hand?" He asked, needing conversation to keep his mind from straying.

"Sore but I'll manage. Thank you, for helping me."

"Don't mention it," He took a long drink of lemonade.

"Have you stopped to see the Baby?" She asked.

"No, not lately."

The truth was the Baby reminded him too much of her, so he'd stayed away from him and all the other children.

"He's growing like a weed."

"Maybe I can stop by later."

"I think he'd like that," She said with a smile.

"Me too," He admitted.

As much as he put it off, as long as he managed to stay away from her he had to admit it felt good to be back in her presence. Back in a room with her, being friendly and talking. He may have tried to avoid it but in truth he'd also missed it.

"I missed you, Ezra." She admitted, almost awkwardly.

"I missed you too, Eve."

She gave a small nod as if that solved the problems, as if that changed what he'd done.

"Will you come to Church again on Sunday?"

"Probably not," He admitted.

She frowned before taking a drink of lemonade but didn't argue with him, didn't ask him why. He was glad for that, otherwise he'd have to tell her. The angels and sculptures made him feel dirty, like he was being watched, like they knew what he was thinking about her.

"I'll think about it."

"You can bring your cousin."

"Ivan's never really been a Church go-er."

"Neither were you," She pointed out.

"Not until you," He admitted.

She smiled, taking it as a compliment instead of what it was. A bald faced insult to her position, if she knew the reasoning he came on Sundays, she'd be angry. His admitted desire for her went against every belief, law, rule in her position and he insulted those every time he thought about her.

He took a deep breath, he only had to make it a few more months then he was out of there and he never had to see her again. It would be simple, clean and painless but the thought was starting to get under his skin.

He finished his lemonade and stood abruptly, he needed to get back to work.

"If you get thirsty again, you know where it is." She said with a smile.

"Yeah, thank you."

He headed for the door, stepping back out into the scorching sun. He took a breath of fresh summer air. He walked back over to where the bushes were and began pulling them out with renewed vigor, blocking out his treacherous thoughts with some hard work was always his best defense and today for the first time in his life it failed.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now