Chapter Seven.

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Ezra slept in on Saturday and as he showered couldn't ignore the nagging in the back of his mind that seemed to insist he go in to work. He stepped from the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and then moving into his bedroom. He pulled on a dark blue, long sleeved shirt and then his boxers and jeans.

He was heating up old Chinese food and nursing a cold beer when there was a knock on his door, he moved to open it finding Ivan on the other side.

"Hey, am I interrupting?"

"No, I was just making breakfast," Ezra said, moving aside to let Ivan step into the kitchen.

"Burning it, most likely."

"Yeah, probably."

Ivan moved to the microwave and opened the door, taking out the Chinese food. He tossed the tiny carton into a nearby trash can.

"Do you have any eggs?" Ivan asked, shrugging off his leather jacket.

"Yeah, I think so."

Ivan opened the fridge, pulling out the eggs and some other items as well as a beer for himself while Ezra took a seat at the small table.

Ivan made himself busy pulling down a large mixing bowl and cracking the eggs inside, he turned to look at Ezra.

"Cheese and peppers?"


Ivan turned back to add the ingredients, mixing them together while heating a skillet on the pan.

"Look at you, playing housewife," Era pointed out.

"Hey, you would have starved years ago if it wasn't for me and Laurel."

"Point taken."

"So, how is the volunteer work coming?"

"Good, they're....nice people."

"Laurel said she might go see you, did she stop by?" Ivan asked, flipping the eggs.

"Yeah she stopped by yesterday, she got to meet Eve."


"Yeah, there too."

"She single?" Ivan asked, sliding the eggs onto two plates.

"I guess you could call it that, she's French. She's twenty three."

"Sounds hot."

Ivan took up a seat across from Ezra setting the plate down in front of the younger man. Through the years they'd ate a lot of breakfast together, usually made by Ivan.

"So, when did you and Laurel become....whatever the hell you two are right now?"

"Look, it's not what you think. You knew we stayed friends after the divorce."

"Friends but seems like a lot went down from when you were friends to now."

"She saved my life. She refused to leave my side when things got rough and took a bullet that was probably meant for me."

"And that's all?" Ezra asked.

"Yes, that's all."

Ezra let the subject drop, not quite believing Ivan. The divorce had been mutual but the circumstances surrounding it kept it from being a typical divorce and Ezra wasn't so sure either of them had really let go.

"Have you seen Dad since you got out?" Ivan asked.

"Yeah, I did. He seems to be doing well."

"He's got himself a girlfriend," Ivan said.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now