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The photo is of Ezra!

Ezra woke up late, he rolled over in the king size bed and glanced at his clock. He was already late for his community service that was across town.

"Shit!" He sat upright and the small brunette who had been laying half on him rolled onto the mattress.

"Ow!" She cried.

"Sorry, I gotta go I'm late," He replied diving for his pants and pulling them on.

"It's okay."

She stretched like a large cat as he pulled on a shirt and finger combed his long blonde hair. She sat up pulling the blankets to her chest and he tried to remember her name, Brandy, Brittany, Brooke, maybe? He wasn't sure. Since getting out of prison from doing hard time he'd had a different woman every night, sometimes two.

"Go ahead and get shower and get cleaned up, just lock the door on your way out." He said.

"Will you call me later?"She asked.

"Probably not..."He admitted.

"Oh, okay."

She crawled from the bed, pulling on her pink party dress. He didn't want to date, not now. As selfish as it was he wasn't ready to be tied down again, not yet. He wanted time to be free after spending so long in prison.

"I'm sorry if you misunderstood," He said shrugging on his jacket.

"No, don't be."

She tugged on her shoes and he once again shoved a hand through his tousled hair, he hadn't had a hair cut since he went to prison and his dark blonde hair hung lower than his shoulders. He turned and exited the bedroom leaving the girl behind.

The reason Ezra was in jail in the first place was for doing work for the MC that he was a part of, his cousin Ivan was the president and made sure that Ezra was heavily compensated for every week he was in prison.

Part of his release was community hours at a catholic church on the bad side of town, they had a small school and orphanage and were low on funds. As part of a release program Ezra would do maintenance there every weekday for three months. He managed to buy a small one bedroom shack of a house and planned to spend his weekends cleaning it up, he was no longer an official part of the club but was an honorary member hoping to get his life back on track. His plan didn't include being late for his first day.

He walked out of the house and swung onto his black motorcycle, pulling onto the street and cutting off a car as he did so. He had at least a ten minute ride before he reached the large church, situated on a corner of a rough neighborhood that was known drug dealer and gang territory. It had a tall brick fence surrounding the church and both of the other buildings, a wrought iron gate was situated off to one side and he pushed it open stepping into the small garden.

To his right fresh vegetables grew in straight little lines, to his left a clothesline with small clothes and sheets hanging merrily from it. The church loomed over the other two brick buildings, one no doubt the orphanage and school, the other housing for the three nuns that lived there on the premises, the priest lived in a back room at the church.

He headed towards the church just as a petite nun came around the corner, she was carrying a laundry basket over loaded with clothes and when Ezra walked into her they spilled all over the ground. She let out a shriek of surprise and instantly jumped away from him.

"I'm sorry," He cried.

She did a sign of the cross before dropping to her knees to begin gathering the now soiled clothes. He knelt down to help her, placing the tiny items in the basket.

"I'm truly sorry, I'm looking for Father David."

"Idiot stupide, je me suis lave' juste ces!" She cried.

" that um...Spanish?" He guessed.

She shook her head with a heavy sigh and lifted the basket hurrying passed him without another word. He watched her go before shaking his head and continuing into the church.

"Hello?" He called out into the empty church.

"Hello," A priest hurried from one of the back rooms.

He was an older gentleman but seemed friendly and Ezra had met him once and liked him instantly.

"Father David, I'm sorry I'm late my damned alarm didn't go off."

"Now now, no harm done."

Father David smiled brightly at him as he shook Ezras hand with a firm grip.

"I thought maybe today we would start simple, cleaning the gutters."

"That would be fine," Ezra agreed easily.

"We own about two city blocks here, there are currently seven children on the premises. Though you won't see them much and one is still in his infancy. There are also three sisters here,"Father David explained as they walked towards the door.

"Yes, I bumped into one of the nuns on my way in. I'm afraid I gave her a good scare. I don't think she speaks any English."

"That would be Sister Eve, she's just arrived here from France. She's been here three months now, she's an odd girl but in the eyes of God all creatures are equal."

Ezra fell silent as he followed the older man out of the church into the yard, this time the yard was empty.

"Sister Mary and Sister Ruth also live on the property. Together the three tend the childrens needs and schooling."

"Do you have a ladder?" Ezra asked.

"Anything you should need you can find in the tool shed, help yourself to anything you need. Come find me when you're finished."

"Yes, sir."

Father David gave him a pat on the shoulder then went back inside leaving Ezra alone in the small yard. He took a deep breath and shrugged off his jacket, hanging it on a nearby chair. Only three months of this and his service to the community was paid and he was a free man.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now