Chapter Fourteen.

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Eve managed to avoid Ezra for several days, she didn't even try to hide the fact she was avoiding him. Anytime he called her name she'd quicken her step or duck behind a door or object, maybe if was for the best, he didn't even know what he'd say to her.

On a Tuesday after noon while Ezra was mowing the grass he finally saw her ducking behind the church and he wasted no time in following her. Behind the small church was a tiny piece of land with spindly apple trees, they were finally baring their first fruit of the year.

He paused at the corner of the church, just taking a minute to watch her. She glanced around but didn't see him, she moved under the trees looking at each one and then slipping off her shoes. She looked tired today, she took a deep breath and then lifting her hand slowly slipped her habit off of her head.

Thick, soft, blonde curls tumbled out, falling just far enough to brush her shoulders. She ran her hands through her hair, shaking the curls loose. Even though she wasn't supposed to this was obviously something she did often when nobody was looking.

It was the first time he saw her as a woman and not a nun and she was beautiful.

He took a minute before steeling his nerve and rounding the corner.


She spun to face him, clearly surprised that he was there. She turned and glanced around, looking for an escape before realizing he effectively blocked in behind the church and they were hidden from view.


"Eve, don't run away...or at least...listen first."

She glanced around then cross her arms over her chest.

"It seems I don't have a choice," She said.

"I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have done that I should have told you it was me the minute you stepped into that confessional."

"Yes, you should have..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too eavesdrop but..I did."

"I forgive you." She said softly.

"I don't deserve it," He said with a sigh.

"I know."

He laughed and she offered him a timid smile, it was too easy to forget she was a nun when she was standing there in front of him with her blonde curls begging to be touched.

Before he could stop himself he reached out and caught one long curl between his fingertips, letting it slip through his fingers. It felt like satin and had a faint smell of peaches and just like that he was lost. Her hair fell from his hand and his thumb went to her cheek tipping her head up slightly so he could bring his lips down to hers.

His lips brushed hers softly, hesitantly, waiting for a reaction. She didn't move and he took a step closer, pressing just a little more, not wanting to push her limits or overstep the boundaries that were still in the way.

Hesitantly, her hands came to rest on his chest, her hands were shaking, her body was trembling and he wondered briefly if it was from fear. Even though the trees and building gave the illusion of privacy they could still be discovered.

He should stop, the thought echoed through his mind a million times but he didn't, couldn't because she was finally letting him kiss her and she was timidly trying to respond and the innocence in the way she pressed her lips softly against his was driving him crazy.

He began to pull away and he let out a soft whimper, one he wasn't even sure that she was aware of. He moved to wrap his arms around her waist, crushing her small frame against his larger one and deepening the kiss, taking full advantage of the height difference.

Finally, he pulled away gently. Still holding her body against his, he wasn't ready to let her go not yet, not completely.

"I......"She started to speak then blushed and looked away.

"I shouldn't have done that," He said with a heavy sigh, not really sorry but needing to say something.

" should not have but I....shouldn't have allowed you."

"I don't want to confuse you."

"I am confused, I find myself....very conflicted," She admitted looking up at him.

"Don't be, don't be confused....God knows I'm confused enough for us both."

She dropped her head, seeming almost ashamed and he couldn't resist reaching out and tipping up her chin and claiming her lips with his again. Now that he'd had a small taste of her he wasn't sure he could ever get enough.

He pulled away gently, taking a deep breath and she bit her bottom lip still allowing him to hold her close.

"I have to stop doing that," He said.

"Yeah," She agreed almost breathlessly.

"I'm sorry Eve, I tried so hard not to screw up your life but....I can't stop thinking about you. You're the first thing I think of everyday and I just can't wait to come here and see you, hear your voice. Nothing matters to me like you do."


"I know, I know, you can't......but...just please don't write me off, don't push me away. Just....give me what you can and I promise I'll be happy with that."

"You know that's a lie," She said with a small laugh.

"No, it's not. I promise," He leaned down to rest his forehead against hers.

"I can't give you anything but....friendship."

"I'll take it," He said quickly.

"I wish....I was ready to walk away, I wish I could give you more..I..."

"No, it's okay."


"Shh....just...we'll figure it out together. I promise."

"I don't want to leave the church, I'm not ready." She admitted.

"You don't have too, not yet. I won't push you to do anything you're not ready for."

She pulled away, stepping reluctantly out of his arms and taking a step back, she pushed a hand through her blonde curls then turned to find her headpiece.

He already missed the feeling of her against him but he let her go and subdued the urge to reach out for her as she slipped the headpiece back on and just like that she was a nun again. He recognized the minute the walls went back up and knew not to push it, no matter how much he wanted too.

"I need to pick some fruit for the children," She said.

"I'll help," He offered.

"No, I think.....I think I want to be alone, just for a bit."


He watched her for a minute or two then slowly backed away, she need space and he promised her he'd give it. Now all he had to do was promise himself he could keep with it.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now