Chapter Five.

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Photo is again of Ezra, because...well look at him.

Ezra walked in the gate, remembering to close it tightly behind him. He had arrived early today with the hopes of leaving early as well. Ivan was taking him to dinner tonight for some much needed male bonding time.

He turned a corner to see Sister Eve on her knees near a statue of what he guessed was the virgin Mary, she was obviously praying and he froze to watch her. She was different now than when he saw her during the day, more relaxed, at peace. Her face softened, her body not so stiff.

She finished and after doing the sign of the cross she stood, turning around she jumped a little when she saw him standing there.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meat to....scare you or....eavesdrop."

"It's no crime, no trespass."

"I just thought I'd come early, I didn't think anyone would be awake."

"I get up with sun, it helps me to think."

"What do you have to think about?"

"Lots of things, I've been praying that God will help me find a proper name for the wee baby."

She started walking back towards the small house she shared with Sister Ruth and Sister Eve and he fell instep beside her.

"Still haven't thought of a name for the little guy?"


"It can't be that hard, there has to be something that fits."

"I want him to have a good, strong name. One that in his darkest times he'll remember who he is and what he's over come."

She walked into the small kitchen and without thinking he took a seat at the wooden table, she moved around preparing coffee. Somehow they'd slipped quietly into an easy friendship.

"Do you take your coffee black?" She asked.


She placed an empty cup in front of him and then turned to bustle around the kitchen a little more. She turned once again and settled a plate of hot cinnamon buns on the table before settling in the chair across from him with her own black coffee.

"Please, help yourself." She said motioning to the plate of sweets.

He selected one and took a bite, the sweetness of the pastry complimenting the coffee.

"They're delicious, did you make these?"

"Yes, this morning when I first arose. Father David and the children enjoy them."

"You don't?"

"I have chosen a life of simplicity, I do not partake of the needless finer things."

"Never?" He asked not quite believing her.


"You've never once done anything naughty?"

"No, I have not."

"But you've thought about it right? About doing something needless?"

"Maybe once," She said with a small smile.

"Come a little..."He said.

He broke off a small piece of the cinnamon bun and offered it out to her she hesitated, stared at him but didn't take it.

"If Sister Mary found out I had lapsed in my promise of simplicity."

"Is it a requirement to live like this?"

"No....but....I made a promise...."

"I won't tell a soul," He said with a wink.

She bit her lip and hesitated, glancing briefly down the hall before taking the small offering from his hands and then putting it in her mouth, she chewed for a long minute, closing her eyes and savoring the taste before swallowing it.

"Was it worth it?" He asked.

"I'll feel guilty later," She admitted.

"So you never do anything just for fun? Just because you want to?"

"No, everything I do is for the children I care for and God."

"It wouldn't hurt to be selfish just once," He pointed out.

"Maybe someday."

He laughed, she took a sip of her coffee just as a loud cry erupted in the small kitchen. He jumped, effectively splashing hot coffee onto his lap.

"Shit!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She rocketed from her chair to grab paper towels.

The wailing continued and when he looked to his right he saw the baby monitor on the counter, Sister Eve glanced at it before rounding the table and quickly placing the paper towel on his lap, her hand covering them. She pressed gently on the paper towels and though it was meant innocently enough his body reacted just the same.

"Shit! Don't...just...go check on the baby." He said, snatching the paper towels from her hand.

He stood and began dabbing at his soaked jeans and she backed away seeming hurt that he didn't want her help and not at all aware of the even bigger problem it was causing.

"I'm sorry..."

"I know...I know, I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled....seriously....go check the baby."

She stared another minute before hurrying out of the building and into the one that housed the children, when she was gone he took a deep breath walking over to the sink and running cold water on the paper towels before pressing it against his crotch.

"Calm down, you're gonna get us both in trouble." he said under his breath.


He spun around to see Eve standing there rocking the small baby who was still fussing.

"I was uh....praying." He said.

"Oh, okay."

The baby began to fuss more and she continued to rock back and forth, patting it's swaddled bum with one hand but it wouldn't be soothed.

"Sometimes, I think he has nightmares." She said.

"Let me see him," He said reaching for the small bundle.

She hesitated a moment before allowing him to take the baby from her arms.

"Hey there little guy, it's alright. I'm here," He said gently.

The baby stilled and stared up at him, obviously confused and slightly wary before it began to settle down.

"You're a natural," She pointed out.

"Yeah, maybe."

"Did you ever plan on having children?" she asked.

"Did you?" He shot back.

"I have many children, they are all my children."

He sighed with a small nod, he should have predicted that would be her answer. He continued to rock the baby back in forth in the light that streamed in from the window with Sister Eve watching attentively.

When Father David came in for his cinnamon bun breakfast he informed her that the children were beginning to wake, she took the baby and hurried away.

Ezra was summoned to mend a broken fence and although he kept a watchful eye he didn't see Sister Eve again.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now