Chapter Twenty.

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If the photo works it's your last look at Ezra.

He was shocked back to consciousness by the screaming, so much screaming. Forcing his eyes open his blurry vision barely able to focus he saw Ivan and a few of his man.

"Damn it! Damn it! Why?! Why?! Would you do this?! Why didn't you let me come with you!?" Ivan yelled.

His vision seemed to come and go as well as his hearing, it was patchy and hard for him to understand what was going on when he couldn't hear full sentences.

"You're so fucking stubborn!" Ivan yelled.

Despite the situation Ezra smiled and laughed just a little before choking and coughing up more blood, his vision tunneling.

"We gotta move him!" One of the other men was yelling.

"He'll bleed out if we lift him," Another said.

"He's gonna die if we don't!" the first one replied.

Four men that he couldn't remember the names of swarmed near him, two taking his legs and two grabbing his upper body. They lifted him out of the mood and his head fell back, his hearing fading out, head throbbing, he just wanted it to stop.

"Hey!" He was jolted awake again by Ivan's voice right next to his ear.

"Don't you do this to me! Don't you dare leave me alone!" Ivan threatened.

Ezra tried to take a deep breath, could feel his lungs being slowly robbed of the air they need but every time he took a breath all he managed was a weak, wheezing noise and the taste of blood in his mouth.

They approached a van and gently laid him inside the crew climbing in with him, normally Ivan would be driving but Ezra was surprised when he climbed in the back with him.

"Stay with me, please," Ivan begged, growing less angry and more distraught.

Ezra tried to focus on Ivan, on his voice and his presence next to him, but he was tired of fighting and he wasn't even sure how long he'd been fighting, clinging to life. Struggling he managed to life his head and took a deep breath, hearing the tell-tale gurgle of lungs filling with blood.

"What? What is it?" Ivan asked, leaning closer.

"Tell........tell......Eve.....I'm sorry."

"You'll tell her yourself, you're going to be fine."

"N....n....not....this time," Ezra managed with a weak smile.

"You can't, you can't leave me all alone."

"You're not.......A...."Ezra lost consciousness before he could finish what he wanted to say.

They arrived at the hospital and the guys once again carried Ezra into the emergency room, Ivan following behind them. Laurel met them at the door and when her eyes fell on Ezra she began to sob.

They laid him on a bed and Laurel rushed to his side, gripping his hand in hers and trying to get him to wake up.

"Ezra! Ezra come on, breathe....Ezra!"

A doctor and some nurses swarmed the bed and began yelling medical turns as they pushed the bed down the hall Laurel was forced to let go of his hand.

She turned towards Ivan and fell against his chest, without hesitation he pulled her against him letting her bury her face in his neck as she sobbed, her knees giving out until the only thing holding her upright was him.

Ezra and Eve *Animals MC book 4*Where stories live. Discover now