When you just want to slap him

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I was so happy when I got offered the part. It was my first big movie. My shot at a real breakthrough. At getting my dreams fulfilled.

  And when I had learned, that I would be playing opposite Tom Hiddleston. I had been elated. I kind of had a crush on him and now I got to kiss him and not even feel bad about it. On top of it he is so talented and I felt he could teach me a lot.

I love my fiance Alex, and I wasn't at all interested in doing anything that would hurt him. Luckily he is very laid back and has no problem with me kissing in a movie. So he wished me luck and send me of.

But I soon regretted it, Tom wasn't at all what I had expected. He had come on to me pretty strong from the first day, which was quite a surprise. I mean I am just me, not someone famous, not yet anyway.

I told him I was very flattered by his interest, and I really was, but that I am engaged and have no interest in cheating. I thought he would stop, but no it had only gotten worse and he wouldn't leave me alone.

I don't want to make a scene or make trouble. I am afraid no one would believe me anyway, so I ignore his remarks and suggestions. But the touching me is getting to much.

At least he would only touch me on set, when he is supposed to touch me. He was just kind of stepping a little further over the line each time and I am dreading when we get to shooting the actual sex scenes.

Worst of all I can't deny he has a physical effect on me. His voice is just so damn sexy and his touches sends little sparks through me, and I hate him all the more for it.

When I go back on set, I am happy that there is no touching in this scene.

"Missed me darling". Tom walks up next to me, an annoying smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes, then lifts one eyebrow. "Oh yeah ever so much, who doesn't enjoy being groped by a brit who thinks he is God's gift to women".

"Well you certainly seems to like it a lot". He says running his tongue over his bottom lip.

I turn my back to him, going through the scene in my head, suddenly I can feel him right behind me, that voice in my ear. "You shouldn't have happened to play with yourself during the break ? Maybe thinking about a certain someone ?"

"Why would you even ask something like that Tom ? That is just appalling". I hiss, trying not to react to his voice and his warm breath on my neck.

He chuckles. "Because I know you were turned on, and I can smell your wet pussy from here. It is quite distracting you know".

"Tom please stop. I don't know what you think you are doing, but just stop okay ?" I breathe out deeply.

He is so close that I can literally feel him even though we aren't touching. "But why darling ? Because you like it and won't admit it ? Maybe you are afraid you can't control your urges".

I turn so fast he actually takes a step back, my finger in his face. "Believe me Tom, the only urge I have toward you is to smack that pretty smile of your face".

"Oh so you do think I have a pretty smile, at least that is a great start". He says grinning.

I throw my hands in the air and walks as far away from him as I can, wondering what on earth to do about him.

I could have kicked myself. Why do I keep saying such stupid things ? Do I really think it will work ? Actually I am kind of surprised she hadn't slapped me yet.

Okay, I am finding her incredibly attractive and I had turned on the charm from the start, but she had rejected me flatly and I had felt pretty stupid.

She had told that she was engaged and I would normally have accepted this and let it go, but for some reason it was as if my filter have disappeared and all my worst thoughts and feelings blurts out unfiltered.

I am otherwise very good at censuring myself, with all the unsightly things hidden behind a facade of good manners, but now it was as if I have lost that capability completely.

By now I am looking forward to finishing up this movie, to get back to being the old Tom, I don't like people knowing the things I usually hide inside, cause they weren't all that nice.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now