Hormone induced tourettes

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I see her come out a limo a few minutes after us, she looks absolutely stunning and I can't get my eyes of her.

"I guess that is Josie ?" I hear Sophie say right next to me and I nod, swallowing hard, feeling all those feelings I have tried to repress boiling up.

My eyes are running over her body, she is wearing a simple dress in green silk, hugging her body like a lovers embrace. "Oh God, I could drag her back into that limo and fuck her brains out right now".

"Tom !" Sophie looks at me with utter shock and I realise I just said that out loud, clasping a hand over my mouth blushing.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out. I don't know why that happens every time she is close to me". I look as Sophie, embarrassed to have said something like that in her presence.

  Ben chuckles amused and says. "I think Tom might suffer from some kind of hormone induced tourettes".

"I don't think that is possible Ben. It is okay Tom, don't worry, I am used to hearing much worse things. I just never heard you say anything like that". Sophie says patting my arm.

Ben puts his arm around her. "And who might be the scoundrel that is whispering naughty thing to my wife ?"

"Wouldn't you like to know Mr. Cumberbatch ?" She says giggling and he nozzles her neck, whispering something in her ear that makes her blush, and slap him on the chest.

See that is what I long for, that kind of relationship. I truly envy Ben having not only found that, but with someone who loves him back true and honest.

"Well you have to get a hold of yourself Tom, because she is coming this way and she is with her fiance". Sophie says, sending me a concerned look.

Bens eye widen and he says. "Fuck have you seen her fiance ? You better behave Tom, he looks like he could tie you into a pretzel".

I look at the man beside her for the first time. Well Ben is right, if that man knew what I have been doing to his fiancee he might rip my own arms of and beat me with them.

He got at least a couple of inches on me and he would make Chris Hemsworth look small.

Even though I had prepared myself, it feels like a punch in the guts when Tom suddenly is almost right in front of me, and I stutters. "Oh hi Tom".

"Well hello Josie darling". He flashes me a big smile and pulls me into a hug that take my breath away.

And when he whispers in my ear, well I don't exactly get my ability to breathe back. "I can't wait to catch you alone".

"Josie this is Ben and his wife Sophie, and you must be Alex the fiance. I have heard so much about you". He says as if I just imagined him whispering in my ear and he shakes Alex hand.

I extend my hand to Ben and he grabs it with a smile. "Such a pleasure to meet you Josie. Tom has told so much about you".

"Nice to meet you to Ben". I manage to say. Oh God, that smirk and the twinkle in his eyes tells me that he knows everything.

I hurriedly turn to his wife, while Tom introduces Alex to Ben, and Sophie's eyes tells me that she knows a lot too, and that she blames me somehow. "Nice to meet you Sophie".

"Likewise, we heard so much about you from Tom, so when is the wedding ?" She ask, sending me a knowing smile.

I swallow, feeling really bad about this, hating all these people knowing my dirty secret, afraid someone will tell Alex. "Six weeks from now".

"Oh only six weeks, well congratulations, lets hope no one gets cold feet". Tom says grinning, but the way he looks at me makes me want to run away.

I grab Alex big hand, and smile at the others. "Well we better get inside now before the movie starts".

"I guess we see you two later at the after party, maybe you and me can catch up". Tom sends me a smirk and a glance that leaves nothing unsaid, luckily Alex is still talking to Ben and doesn't see it.

But Sophie did and she grab Tom by the neck, showing him down the red carpet. "Come on Ben, Tom need something cold to drink".

"Why the hurry love ?" I look at my wife, wondering why she is suddenly acting like Luke's double, ushering Tom down the red carpet and inside.

She glares at Tom, who looks like a small child expecting trouble. "Because someone was getting close to making a ass of himself".

"Oh !" I glance at Tom, I hadn't noticed, but the way he looks now is telling me that Sophie did the right thing.

I get it that Tom finds her attractive, she is very pretty, and she has an air of sexiness around her, not the in your face porn like kind of sexy, but the more old fashioned understated kind.

Well of course he is wrong to go for an engaged woman, but to be honest I don't think that it would have held me back, if Sophie had had a boyfriend or fiance when I met her, I would still have gone for her.

When Sophie is busy saying hi to someone she knows, I lean into Toms ear and whispers. "Don't tell Sophie, but I talked Alex into them coming to the after party".

"Thank you". Tom whisperes back and he smiles, his eyes watching Josie as she disappears into the movie theatre.

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