Loosing control

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We have finished the last scene, and I am now walking towards Josie's trailer. I want to talk to her, try to be nice to her, and I keep telling myself not to just blurt out my dirty mind.

I have the script in my hand, I have just talked to the director about the scenes we are shooting tomorrow, and there is one I would like to go through with her.

As I knock on the door I hear her answer for me to wait a moment, and I feel my cock stir as I imagine her naked just behind the door. "Come in".

"Hi Josie, before you get angry, I just wants to talk about the scenes for tomorrow okay ?" I peek through the door, afraid she might throw something at me, she actually has done that before.

She rolls her eyes at me, my eyes gliding over her, she is only wearing a short silk kimono. "Come in then Tom, but behave or I am kicking you out".

"I can try my best". I say honestly, knowing that I am probably going to fail, as we are alone and she is near irresistible to me like this.

Josie looks at me, there is something in her eyes, what was she doing in here before I came ? I sit down on her couch.

She grabs her script and walks over to stand in front of me, behind her is a little table fan, it is running, blowing her scent at me, and I know what she was doing.

Oh fuck, how am I to do this ? I know she is naked underneath that skimpy kimono and I can really smell her, not just faintly but like I had my nose buried in her pussy.

"Tom ? Hallo are you even present ?" She is staring at me and I snap out of my naughty fantasies.

I shake my head and try to focus. "Sorry, my mind kind of slipped away, what were you saying darling ?"

"I asked if there is any scene in particular you wanted to look at". She is watching me with those big blue eyes, her pupils is dilated, she is clearly turned om.

I breathe in, forget it Tom, she is engaged, she doesn't want you no matter how needy she is, even though her fiance is far away in the other end of the country. "The fight scene".

"Oh we are doing that tomorrow, that is quite a difficult one, very emotional". She says, I can see how her breathing is a little shallow and she is pressing her thighs together.

I nod, I don't know how to get through that scene in my current state, without doing things I should not do. "I thought we might go over it once or twice ?"

"I guess we can do that". She clearly wants me out of here, she wants to finish what she had started, oh how I want to help her take care of those urges.

Oh fuck why did Tom have to show up right then ? I had been so fucking turned on after the last scene that I had to do something about it, not to go crazy.

I can feel his eyes on me, I know, that he suspects that I am naked underneath my robe, and the way he is watching me just doesn't help me cool down.

I just want him out of here, but I can't really tell him to fuck of so I can take care of my sexual frustration.

We start reading the scene, it is actually going quite well. I use my frustration to fuel my anger.

I stare at Tom, we are getting near the climax of the scene and I am yelling at him. "You don't want me, you just want to stay with her".

"Believe me, I want you more than anything Josie". I am about to correct him, he got the name wrong, when he pulls me down on his lap, kissing me hard.

Okay the kiss is in the script, but I thought we were just doing a read through, so I wasn't prepared.

I hate to admit it, but he is such a great kisser. My head goes spinning every time and as I am already horny beyond reason. I forget everything for a moment, finding myself kissing him back.

Suddenly he pulls at the cord of my rope, and it falls open, revealing my naked body, I jump up wanting to pull it around me. "Fuck Tom".

But apparently he had a hold on my rope and as I jump up it slides of me and I stand in front of him naked, his jaw is tensing and his eye turning almost black.

"Tom please hand me my rope". I say pleading, the only sound from Tom a low growling sound in his chest as he looks at me.

I am actually contemplating running out of there naked, the way he looks at me scares me, but before I can react, he pulls me down into his lap and he is kissing me again.

This time I can feel there is no acting, this is raw, this is real and his kiss not only sends my head spinning, it is shutting it down entirely and I forget everything and kisses him back.

One hand is finding my breast, kneading it and I moan, his other hand is sliding down on my ass, caressing it firmly, the suddenly he slaps me hard and I gasp.

I need to stop him, what the hell am I doing ? But his fingers find my nipple, squeezing it hard, pulling it and instead of saying stop and no as I wanted to, I moan. "Oh Good".

His mouth is on my neck, kissing, sucking a bit and then biting me hard. I whimper, oh fuck I am not into rough sex, or I didn't think I was because right now I am so turned on I can't think straight.

My hands are in his hair, and I almost screams as his mouth finds my nipple, he is sucking on it, moaning deeply, his hand squeezing my ass, then slapping me again. I can hear that he isn't holding back and I don't understand that it doesn't hurt at all, it just feels good.

When he bites down on my nipple pulling with his teeth I feel like I am going to go into some kind of trance, it is to much.

He just keep torturing my nipples, massaging and slapping my ass. I have my head on his shoulder, moaning and gasping a lot.

Then he lifts my face, kissing me so hard my lips hurt, his hand is travelling down between my legs, stroking me and I buck my hips against his hand.

"Oh Josie darling, so wet for me". He moans as his fingers slides into me and I gasp, my hands pulling at his hair.

His fingers are fucking me hard, hitting all the right spots, I have my head thrown back panting desperately.

I can feel him pressing in a third finger, and I am writhing in his lap, I know I am about to come undone.

His other hand finds my already sore nipple, pinching it and pulling at it, his fingers are relentlessly hitting everything in me again and again, and then he bites down on my pulse point, making my eyes roll bag in my head.

"Cum for me darling". His voice is hoarse and moaning against my skin before he bites me again.

And I do, my body starts to shake and I can feel myself contract around his fingers, feeling my own juices run from me. I can't take it, it is to much, the pleasure to intense and I am literally screaming, sobbing and giggling at the same time unable to contain my emotions.

Tom is just holding me whispering sweet words in my ear as I come down from another level of existence.

Suddenly I realise what I have done and I jump up grabbing my rope, pulling it around me, yelling at Tom. "Fuck Tom, how dare you ? Get out know".

"Josie relax darling, you had no problem with it a few minutes ago". He gets up and reaches for me.

I slap him hard, actually more angry with myself. "Leave right now Tom, fuck off".

He looks angry, his jaw set and his eyes blazing, but then he just shakes his head and leave, slamming the door hard behind him.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now