What Tom really wants from her

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"She is driving me insane Ben. I don't know what to do. I have no filter around her every dirty thought just fly right out my mouth". I sigh in frustration.

I can hear Ben chuckle. "Well I can only imagine what kind of depraved things you would spew out. Actually you make me wish I was there".

I had called Ben, hoping he, as one of my very best friends, could give me some advice on my predicament.

"Ha ha Ben, so funny but not really helpful is it ? What do I do ?" I know what I want to do, but I actually don't know the rules of society regarding persuading an engaged woman.

I can hear Ben make that little sound he is always making when thinking deeply about something, it's kind of an buzzing sound, like an insect and it can be quite annoying.

Finally he answer. "I think you need to think carefully about this Tom. If you just want a quick fling and the move on, then don't, it is not fair to ruin her engagement just so you can get laid".

"And what if I want more ? If I want to see if there is a possibility for more ?" I ask, not really sure what I want, the lust for her is kind of clouding my thoughts.

Ben sigh. "If you can look yourself in the eyes and say that it will be worth for her to possible break her engagement, then go for it, it might be something real, something it would be stupid to miss out on".

"Thanks Ben and give my love to Sophie, talk to you soon". I say already wondering what I really want from Josie.

"I will, be careful Tom and remember to give me an update, see you". Ben says and hangs up.

I guess Ben is right, it is not fair to go after her if I only want a fling. Casual sex I can easily get with much less trouble and without ruining anyone's relationship.

I am nervous when I get on set the next morning, uncertain of how to handle what happened the day before and not knowing if Tom is angry with me for slapping him.

When I don't run into him in makeup or costumes, I think I am clear, on set he has to at least somewhat behave.

But when I walk out from my trailer to go on set, I literally ran into him as he is outside my door. "Ouch shit".

"Josie I need to talk to you". He doesn't move, but stares into my eyes instead.

I try and push my way past him, which isn't an easy task, he is freakishly strong. "Move Tom, I don't want to talk to you, yesterday was a fucking mistake okay".

"Stop being such a brat Josie and don't take that tone with me. I was going to be nice, but I suddenly changed my mind". Oh damn, he is fast too, before I can even react, he has me turned around and pressed against the side of the trailer.

I try to catch my breath, what the hell what he just said went straight to my libido, maybe it was the way his smooth voice turned into almost a growl.

His body holds me pinned to the trailer, I can feel his hard body against my back and his hot breath on neck. "Tom don't, you can't do this".

"Oh believe me Josie. I can do whatever I want to and now you are going to listen to me darling, is that clear ?" His voice is deep and purring.

Fuck why is this making me so hot and breathless ? I try to get my head together, when I don't answer, he presses me harder against the trailer. "Yes Tom, I am listening".

"Good girl, I want you Josie, more than I ever wanted a woman before, and I ain't going to give in before you are mine, so you better get used to it darling". He breathes the words into my ear and I shuddered.

Oh no no no Josie, don't let him get under your skin, he is just playing you, he only wants you because you ain't throwing yourself at him, but why am I soaking wet by now then ?

"Say hi to that fiancee of yours and tell him that I am sorry, but I am going to fuck his woman like she has never had it before and then steal her away". He says before letting me go, leaving me a quivering mess.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now