Tom has more to offer

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Warning for some light anal play in case anyone is offended by this.

I keep telling myself it was another mistake and that of course I won't go to his room, he can't just command me like that. I am not his willing little fuck doll, even though he seems to think so.

But why am I finding myself outside his room then ? Why can't I just resist him ? Why can't I be the good faithful girl I has always been ?

I am still debating whether to leave and stop this here, when my hand raises itself and knocks on the door.

"Oh hi Josie, right on time darling". Tom says opening the door, flashing me a big smile. He is wearing only a pair of black sweat pants hanging dangerously low on his hips.

I walk past him into the room, breathing in deeply and looking at him. "I don't know why I am doing this Tom. I shouldn't both me and you know that".

"Maybe not, I shouldn't either, but I keep hoping that you realise that you should be with me, not just now but for real". He closes the door and pulls me into his arms, kissing me more softly than ever before.

When I look up and into his eyes my stomach do a double backflip, making me catch my breath, those eyes can suck you in and leave you helpless.

"I think that should be your next lesson, show you what you would be getting if you change your mind. You know I am actually more than a hot body and a great fuck". He says with a smirk.

I can't help but laugh. I know he is. I have seen how he act and behave around others, it appears that it is only me who gets this naughty and very bad Tom to poke through the gentlemanly surface.

He suddenly sweeps me up into his arms and carries me to his bed, putting me down by the foot of it. "Please undress and lie down on your stomach".

I do as I am told, as he disappears out into the bathroom, wondering what he is planning to do.

"Just stay still darling and relax". He says, as he crawls up on the bed next to me, and I hear something pop open, then his hands is on my feet, and I can feel he has some kind of oil on them.

Oh God it feels so good as he is massaging my feet and legs with long strokes, I am pretty sure this isn't the first time he is doing this.

As he reaches my ass, I am starting to feel just a bit aroused from his hands on my thighs, kind of just wanting those long fingers to keep travelling upwards.

But he removes his hands picking up something and I gasp as the cool oil is poured over my back, running of me, thinking he is going to need at chance of bedding after this.

His hands starts at my shoulders, rubbing and massaging, gliding over my now slick skin. "So tense darling, relax and enjoy".

And I close my eyes, relishing in the feeling of his hands on my body, he has straddled my thighs, and I can feel his pelvis press against my ass as he is leaning over working on my upper back.

When he reaches my ass again and starts massaging it, I can't contain my moans any longer and I hear him chuckle lightly, upping the pressure a bit.

Then he lifts himself, grabbing my tights, spreadin them as he pushes them up under me. "Keep your head down darling".

I feel exposed as I lie there with my ass in the air and my legs spread wide, knowing he can see all of me from where he is kneeling between my legs.

"Oh I wish you knew how insanely sexy you look like this". He purrs, his hand rubbing my ass, then he grabs the bottle of oil again.

I gasp and then moan, as he pours the oil between my buttocks, and it runs down over my hot wet folds, giving a whole new sensation.

Then his fingers follows the oil, and I pulls a bit away, as they ghost between my buttocks. I am definitely not used to being touched there, Alex have tried convincing me to try, but I have turned him down.

Tom stops when he feels that I shy away from his hand, keeping it right where I want it the least. "What is it darling ? Not used to getting touched here ?"

"Most definitely not used to, could you please stop Tom. I don't like that". I say nervously, hoping he will move his hand further down, to where it is safe.

But he keeps it there, circling his fingers, only just gracing my skin. "But why ? Is it uncomfortable ? Does it hurt ?"

"No, it is just you know, wrong". I try to explain, not really knowing why. It is just some idea I have. That it is something dirty. Something well behaved girls doesn't do, but on the other hand, I am not a well behaved girl anymore.

His fingers just keeps caressing me and I have to admit when I get past the idea of it being wrong, it is not an unpleasant feeling. "No baby, nothing is wrong when it happens between two consenting adults".

I am pretty sure I can come up with things I would find wrong, but I am not going to argue with him right now, especially not with his fingers travelling down where they should be.

Oh God it feels so good when he slides two fingers into me, the oil making them slick and I moan into the pillow, pushing back on his hand.

I am humming with pleasure as he gently eases in a third finger and his other hand stroking my clit.

"Fuck Tom what the hell are you doing ?" I try pulling away as I feel him pressing harder on my entrance, making it a bit painful.

He chuckles and the pressure stops, now only the pleasure of his long fingers exploring me remains. "Sorry, I was just getting curious to see how many fingers I could fit in, could be fun going for the whole hand".

"Oh no it couldn't you perv, and not for you either if you value keeping your balls". I answer harsly, there is no way he is doing that, that is just.. Well absolutely not happening.

But I soon forget his dirty idea, as his fingers is teasing me, hitting all the right spots, and I start to squirm, moaning deeply, knowing I am close now.

"Well then I have to put the rest somewhere else". He whispers, and I feel more oil being held between my buttocks, I want to object, knowing what he wants to do, but I am to close now unable to focus.

I can feel his thumb circling my other entrance, his other fingers still in my pussy and his free hand back to playing with my clit. "You are so damn sexy baby, you make me crazy".

And he is making me crazy, I am so beyond turned on, all thoughts of right and wrong eliminated, and his fingers are feeling so good, that without thinking I am finding myself pressing back on his thumb.

He gasps out as it slides into me, and I moan, pressing harder against his whole hand. "Oh fuck yes".

I can't take it anymore and a earth shaking orgasm pulls me under, shaking and gasping, chanting his name, before I collapse in a sweaty oily heap.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now