Who did he fuck in the wardrobe ?

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"Josie please stop". I call out for her as I run back into the party room. Fuck I got carried away, I told her that I love her, and she did what she does best, she ran of.

She had put on her dress in max speed, not even caring to put on her panties, they were in my pocket. Then mumbled that she was sorry and that she couldn't, and then she was of before I could grab her.

"Tom no, don't, stop". Sophie grabs my arm, and stops me in my track. I try to rip free. "Tom listen, if you go over there looking like this there will be no doubt in Alex or anyone else's mind what the two of you were doing out back".

"But I need to get to her Sophie. I fucked up and she is running again". But I know she is right. I look exactly what I am, a man who just had mind blowing hot forbidden sex with a beautiful woman.

She looks at me with that look that can get Ben to do almost anything, and well it kind of works on me to. "What did you do Tom, well beside screwing her ?"

"I told her that I love her, and I do, but I shouldn't have blurted it out like that". I sigh and she sends me a sympathetic look.

Sophie helps me buttoning my shirt right, tucking it in, getting my tie back on and lastly she tries to get my hair to look, well less like fuck hair.

We walk over to were Ben, Alex and Josie stands and I try to get eye contact, but she won't look at me, and she is trying to get Alex to leave.

"Did you have a fun night ?" Alex looks at me as we sits in the car on our way home, after I managed to avoid as much as looking at Tom after that epic fail of self-control.

Oh God, he said that he loved me, but he can't, it must have been a slip of tongue in the throes of passion, he can't love me. I can't love him. I am supposed to marry Alex.

My head is spinning and I feel like screaming. "I had a fine night, what about you ?"

"It was cool, Ben was really nice actually, to bad I didn't get to talk to Tom much, he seemed cool too". He smile and I feel even more like screaming.

Should I tell him ? Wouldn't it just be so I could feel better about myself, clean my evil wicked soul of my depraved behaviour.

Why did it feel more okay if Tom had no feelings involved ? If it was just sex, just a fling, something we could put behind us and forget, move on with our lives.

Maybe because then I didn't have to make a choice, I didn't have to look into my heart and find out what I really truly want.

But it doesn't matter now, I ran out on Tom once again and he is going back to London tomorrow, so that is over and done with.

When they get back home I excuse myself and hurries out to shower, washing myself thoroughly, I don't want Alex to smell Tom on me, to smell sex on me.

Luckily he doesn't initiate sex tonight, I don't think I could, it would feel so wrong after what I did earlier.

  Next morning:
"So Hiddles I hear you were fucking my wife last night". Ben says walking into my room and I spit out my tea after almost choking on it.

I look at him and Sophie, who has entered behind him. I am probably looking pretty confused. "Uh what ?"

"Sorry Tom, someone apparently snapped pictures while I tried to make you look presentable again, and well the tabloids are reading something quite different into it.

I shake my head and sends Ben a very apologetic look. "Oh I am so sorry Ben, I didn't know there were any cameras".

"No need to apologise Tom. I was there. I know what really happened, and this rumour is probably better than the truth getting out". Ben says shrugging.

I shake my head. "But this will give you a lot of trouble, and you will get so many stupid questions because of me".

"Don't worry Tom, we can handle stupid questions, but how are you doing ?" Sophie says looking at me.

I sigh. "To be honest I don't know and I don't know what to do. Fuck I love her, what do I do ?"

"I don't think you can do anything Tom, you can't force her to make a choice and you have made it quite clear what you want, you just have to wait sweetie". Sophie says.

I close my eyes, pretty sure that I have lost her, she is going to go and merry Alex and get a bunch of kids and be happy.

"So do you think he did it ? Did he fuck her ?" Alex walk into the living room and hands me his ipad, the pictures show Sophie, getting Tom back together after coming back from fucking me.

I read the text, fuck it seems people think he had been fucking Sophie. I hope Ben know this is a lie. "No, he wouldn't, he would never do that to Ben".

"Well he most definitely has been fucking someone, look at his hair, and he is only half dressed, and she is the one with him". Alex points to the picture.

I bite my lip, I don't know why I feel a need to defend him,well them. "Maybe, but look at her, not a hair out of place, she most definitely haven't just been fucked in the wardrobe". I blurt out, then I catch my breath, realising what I just said.

Alex breathes in deeply. "Yeah you are right, but please do tell me sweetheart, who then ? Who did he fuck in the wardrobe ?"

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