She makes him loca

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We arrive at the party, and I pull Alex with me out on the dancefloor. Cause when I am out on the dancefloor Tom can't get to me.

But it isn't long before I spot him, he is watching me intently, that wicked tongue darting out wetting his lips and I have to look away, as my mind starts to wander to what naughty things that tongue could do to me.

I am starting to relax, it is quite clear that Ben's wife is keeping him in check, he seems to have a fair amount of respect for her which I am happy for right now.

"Come on baby, let's go to the bar, I am getting thirsty". Alex takes my hand and tries to pull me with him to the bar.

But I don't want to go to the bar, Tom is at the bar. "No Alex, I want to dance, please let's dance some more ?"

"I can step in, if you don't mind and dance with the lady, and you can go with Ben to the bar and grab a drink". Suddenly Tom is there, smiling all friendly.

And there is Ben, putting a friendly hand on Alex shoulder, Sophie nowhere to be seen. "Come Alex, let's go grab a drink and have a talk, Tom can take care of her".

And then I find myself getting pulled into Toms arms, feeling that hard body pressed against me and I try to get free. "Please let me go Tom".

"Oh no darling, you are going to behave and dance with me, you don't want to make a scene do you ?" He spins me as a new song starts it is Ricky Martin's 'Livin la vida loca'.

I have to give it to him, he might be very british, but he has latino hips, and those are moving to the rhythm, grinding against me, as his eyes burned into mine as he sings along to the song.

When the music stops he holds me close to him and I can hear him breathing in my ear, then he whispers. "Josie you make me loca, ser mía para siempre".

Okay, I would like to say that I said something sassy back or that I even understood  what on earth he said in spanish, but I only managed to whimper, hearing Tom whisper in spanish would probably do that to most women.

"Josie we need to talk okay, please give me just five minutes". He looks at me very sincerely.

I know I shouldn't, I glance at Alex, but he is deep in a conversation with Ben, he won't notice. "Okay Tom, five minutes".

He grabs my hand and drags me with him out a door in the back, there is some kind of wardrobe area for when the club was open for the public.

"What is it Tom ? What do you want to talk about ?" I try to keep calm, but being here alone with him is already getting to me, breathing is getting hard.

He steps closer to me and I step back. "Why did you run Josie ? I thought we had something special, but you didn't even said goodbye to me, that really hurt me darling".

"But Tom you almost didn't speak to me for a week, you suddenly acted so strange, I thought you had gotten what you wanted and was done with me". I swallow.

His eyes are burning into mine. "I heard you tell Matt that is was just a fling, that you never wanted anything else, I couldn't bear to get more hurt, so I tried to forget you, but I haven't stopped thinking of you Josie".

"Please Tom, don't do this, I can't, I am going to get married in six weeks, everything is planned". I back up again, feeling the coat rack at my back.

He steps closer a smile I know way to well starts spreading on his face, I should be running. "Oh Josie, I actually just wanted to talk, but I need you so badly".

"No Tom, don't please stop, everyone is just behind that door, Alex is just behind that door". I close my eyes, telling myself not to let him get under my skin again.

I can hear him breath hard, he is stepping closer to me and I try to step away. "Josie listen please".

The sound of Toms voice is so pained it stops me dead in my tracks, I look right at him and see a rawness in his face I've never seen. We stare each other down for one second. Two seconds. Three.

"Honey please". He chokes out. "PLEASE! Listen come here, will you please just come here ? Please ?" He reaches out for me.

I have to catch the foot moving towards him, with a mind of its own, I balk. "NO! No. Tom! No". I breathe hard, the air suddenly too thick.

"Baby". He says, swaying slightly. "Please, listen, I need you, I can't stand it, I NEED you". He is rocking towards me, holding out his hand. "I know you are afraid, I promise you, no one is anywhere near us, no one will hear anything, but, I NEED you". He looks so miserable, I'm already wavering.

"I won't force you, you know I won't, if you can't, if you won't, we'll go back. PLEASE ? Listen to me ? I need you so much, right now". The words pound like a heartbeat.

I hear him, through a dense mental fog, this is the first time Tom has ever begged me, I stare at nothing, competing thoughts swirling and entangling through my head. "I CAN'T do this, can I go back? Knowing...? I CAN'T DO THIS! ...hurt him ? He needs me. NO NO NO! I can't do this."

I glance over at him again, he is staring at me, holding out a hand willing me to him, the look on his face reveals how much he has held in for the past months, how much he has pushed aside.

I take a shaky step to him and back again. "I can't do this." Another look at the waves of heat rising off his body and written on his face, I steel myself with every ounce of reserve I can muster. "I can't do this". A dying whisper bubbles in my mind, as I step up to him, but I will.

And then his lips is on mine, kissing me, consuming me greedily and I moan into his mouth, pulling of his jacket.

He is unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it over his head as soon as possible, my hands running over his sculpted body, while he tries to open my dress. "Josie if you want a dress to put on after, then get this of now".

I can't help but chuckle, when I open my dress, letting it slide to the floor, I am not wearing a bra only small thong panties and Tom gasps, his eyes feverish.

He rips my panties down as I open his pants and pushes them out of the way with his underwear, then his hands lifts me, and I grab the coat rack, hoping it is sturdy enough.

"Oh God yes". I moan as he buries himself balls deep in me, all the coat hangers clanging,  some even falling off the rack.

It feels so good as he thrust into me again and again, I got one hand pulling at his hair, one holding on to the coat rack, he has one hand on my breast, the other holding me up.

"Fuck I missed this so much darling". He suddenly turn, and places me on the counter, he pulls out of me and I whimper, my body already misses him.

He pulls me to the edge, throwing my legs over his shoulders, his mouth on me, kissing, sucking, tasting me and now I have both hands in his hair, holding his face to my pussy.

"Cum for me darling, let me taste you cum". He growls against me, and that is just to much, I come totally undone, clenching my thighs so hard I am afraid I have hurt him.

But he just chuckles when I let him go, grabbing my hips and thrusting into me again while kissing me deeply and I fold my legs around him.

I close my eyes, relishing the feeling, I missed this, I hate to admit it, but Alex can't make me feel nowhere near this, only Tom has ever made me feel like this.

His hands are playing with my nipples, and I throw my head back, I can hear and feel him getting close, and the the waves are crashing down on me, pulling me under. "Oh God Tom, I am cumming".

I shake and whimper as my body contract, pulling him with me, he rests his head on my shoulder, whispering. "Josie I love you".

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now